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Old 06-04-2022, 01:12 PM
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DawnMarch DawnMarch is offline
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Just finished watching Stranger Things. I went back and rewatched seasons 2 and 3, and then watched 4 so it's been quite a bingefest on that one.

I want to see Obi Wan (but still haven't seen Mandalorian so need to watch that one too). My daughter said Top Gun was good but (not to start a debate) I can't STAND Tom Cruise for various reasons so I won't see that one.

I also feel like I'm sorta over the whole super hero/comic thing so not feeling excited about Dr. Strange. BUT, I do love me some Chris Hemsworth so Thor is on the agenda.

Jurassic Park is a weird genre for me. Almost every movie has been a huge disappointment. I really loved the Jurassic Park book and thought the movie was a really badly acted, smarmy version of what was actually a pretty chilling book. And almost every movie since then has not met the hype (the first two sequels were downright bad). The Chris Pratt ones are an improvement. That said, they are some of the movies that I'll watch any time they are on. I guess I've accepted them for what they are and can enjoy them now on that level. So, I definitely plan to see the new one and plan for it go be a disappointment the first time around.
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