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Old 12-29-2022, 04:24 PM
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Kiana Kiana is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2014
Location: Michigan, USA
Posts: 5,017

I grew up in southwest Michigan. I loved every minute of it. 17 years of Michigan life spoiled me on the seasons.

Senior year of high school I moved to Tennessee. I met my hubby there right after I graduated and we moved in shortly after that. I love the scenery in TN. But I've always hated the extremely hot summers and not having all 4 seasons. Spent another 17 years of my life in TN being in love, getting married, starting our family (picking up the southern accent lol)....finally in 2011, hubby was stalling in his career and we were in MI for a funeral so he decided to put some "feelers" out for jobs.

He interviewed shortly after and April of 2011 we moved to Michigan and have been back here since. Now that I'm older and my kids are almost adults I'm definitely tiring of the cold, heavy snowy winters.

If we follow my pattern, then I guess 6 more years (that will be 17yrs, ) and we'll be moving somewhere else.

lol - I don't know where I'd want to go though......

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