Thread: Friday Five
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Old 03-11-2023, 07:00 PM
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JillW JillW is offline
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Thanks for starting the fun thread Rae!!

1 Fave tv show or movie lately?
I don't have one in particular, but have been streaming some oldies but goodies like Alf and That 70's Show from the 1980's

2 Have any tips to save money at the grocery store?
We've been buying larger cuts (or larger packages) of meats at discounted prices and then separating them into smaller portions to freeze

3 What's a good thing that happened this week?
We had no plans on Thursday when we got six inches of snow so were able to stay inside and enjoy its beauty

4 What's the weather like in your neck of the woods right now?
Cold and snowy! We got dumped on earlier this week and it's snowing again as I type this, supposed to snow through tomorrow AM, I'm ready for SPRING!

5 What is your favorite loungewear?
Stretchy botttoms, a T shirt and a sweatshirt
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