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Old 03-24-2023, 12:34 PM
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bcgal00 bcgal00 is offline
Sweet Talker
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Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Kamloops BC Canada
Posts: 2,434

1. Do you schedule "me time" into your day or is it spontaneous, your routine is different every day?

Generally, I head up to my scrap space in the morning, after watching the news, drinking a coffee or two, getting out to feed the birds and playing with the dogs. Then I have my "me time" on the 3rd floor where I am away from the noise of hubs' tv or videos blaring and I can quietly scrap, watch tv or youtube on my phone or read (although I've not read much). Sometimes I am on a photo walk so I'm not on the computer until I get back in the afternoon, and then I am loading and editing photos but might scrap a page while doing this.

2. What is your favorite thing to do on a weekend?

I've got a photographer friend who I go out with on photo walks some wkends. Otherwise, I'm generally home, saving the errands and shopping for weekdays when it is less busy on the roads and at the stores.

3. Is your "me time" spent scrapping or do you have other hobbies too?

I gave up my other hobbies once I became immersed in scrapping. Reading was the only hobby I continued but this last year I have really slacked off since we moved, I have only read a few books but I think I'll get back into it more again.

4. Do you find it difficult to find "me time", is your schedule very busy? If so, with what?

I don't find it difficult, per se, but I do always seem to have things to do to keep me busy. I make time for myself, I think that is important, and will slip away from the main part of the house to do my own thing. It's funny b/c when I quit working I thought I'd have endless days of nothing to do...not true at all. I seem to fill up my days as much as when I was working but now it is not stressful, it is not a job, a chore, it is just my varied life activities.

5. What is your nightly routine, after dinner? Do you get to relax a bit?

After I clean up, put on coffee for the morning, I head upstairs to get jammies on, I get on the computer for a bit and then come down to watch movies/tv shows with hubs for 2-3 hours. I play with the dogs on the floor while watching and then they eventually lay beside me on the floor and chill until bedtime. I like our quiet night time.
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