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Old 03-25-2023, 12:19 PM
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lovely1m lovely1m is offline
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Do you schedule "me time" into your day or is it spontaneous, your routine is different every day?
No, I don't schedule it at all.
What is your favorite thing to do on a weekend? I like to wake up early, but lay in bed playing on my phone and relaxing for a bit. Then I get up and get ready and clean up the great room a bit while starting laundry. Then I sit down with my coffee & a book before I move on to some homework (I am in grad school). Then I browse the internet & watch TV. I usually have something family time or time with my kiddo planned during the weekend.
Is your "me time" spent scrapping or do you have other hobbies too? I also enjoy reading a lot.
Do you find it difficult to find "me time", is your schedule very busy? If so, with what? It is very busy, but I try to find some time to do what I want to make myself relax.
What is your nightly routine, after dinner? Do you get to relax a bit? After supper, I usually take my downtime then. I watch TV, chat with my family, and then shower and read in bed before going to sleep. I wake up at 5:30 am so I don't stay up too late.
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