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Old 03-26-2023, 02:15 PM
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cherrygutz cherrygutz is offline
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Do you schedule "me time" into your day or is it spontaneous, your routine is different every day?
Most of the time, my "me time" is when my daughter is at school, my husband behind me working and I can scrap. But that's on weekdays.

What is your favorite thing to do on a weekend?
I guess sleeping in. My husband lets me sleep in and I truly appreciate it.

Is your "me time" spent scrapping or do you have other hobbies too?
I also read, crochet, I listen to podcast while doing the treadmil. But I think my "me time" is truly when I'm on the treadmil because I could spend an hour and a half or more on there while I listen to music, podcast or watch on my ipad.

Do you find it difficult to find "me time", is your schedule very busy? If so, with what?
Sometimes days were busy especially when my daughter has math homework and she and her dad is in the dining room doing it, I need to be there because they sometimes "fight" over pie and triangles and MDAS and I am the referee. So I will be like, "it's either Daddy will help you with Math or I will." And she'll be like, "umm no thank you, just Daddy."

Sometimes or most of the time, when life was really busy, I stay up late and relax, those late time is when I can truly relax.

What is your nightly routine, after dinner? Do you get to relax a bit?
After I clean up everything, tuck my daughter to bed, if there's no basketball (because I also watch it), my husband and I will watch a movie (or finish up a movie we started), then we'll pause it in the middle (that is if we're not really too interested on the movie) then we'll talk or use our phone. Sometimes I will go back to scrapping, taking advantage while my computer is not acting up.
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