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Old 06-17-2023, 01:03 PM
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KristinCB KristinCB is offline
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Originally Posted by TraceyM View Post
I am very allergic to perfumes and wish the world was not so full of them. At one point I even had to find unfragranced shampoo and conditioner - I would take it with me to hair appointments. After going off dairy for a couple of years my allergies went down significantly. Now perfumes just give me a bad headache & a bit of light headedness - some far more than others. The only perfume I could wear was one that had a soap overtone to it that was made by Clinique but has long since been retired. It kind of smelled like someone who had just been freshly bathed with the slightest of floral in addition.
I've never been sensitive to the point with fragrances with shampoos but definitely with perfume. there are a lot of new companies making cleaner fragrances that don't have the same headache inducing chemicals as the older brands. Aldehydes are a big one. I'm not sure how much is true with these clean brands that don't have the same things in them but I definitely notice that I don't feel the same with the samples i've been trying compared to the more traditional brands. I just want to smell fresh and clean.. not spraying to try and seduce my husband. haha.

I don't get out much at all so I don't notice if overwhelming perfume is still a big problem (although i imagine it is lol) since the places I do go (dentist, dr etc) are all scent free.
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