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Old 10-05-2023, 12:34 PM
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Traci Reed Traci Reed is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2007
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Default It's a TRD Team Call! Ends 10/15!

I'm looking for hybrid and digital scrapbookers who will be on the team from now through the end of October 2024!

Do you love to create? Is having access to even more product than you can find in your LSS your jam? Is looking at a product and envisioning all the ways you can incorporate it into your crafting what fills your daydreams? Then you might be a perfect fit for my team!

I'm looking for a few great crafters, who hopefully have an established social media presence, know the ins and outs of promoting a product (or are willing to learn) and who are excited about digital or hybrid scrapbooking!

The TRD team is one of the more unique teams in the crafting world, because not only are we a print and cut and/or digital team, but the product that I make for each collection is like getting a giant new scrapbook line every month!

Everything I make it easy to print and cut so even if you don't have Photoshop skills but you make amazing art, and have access to a printer or an office supply store, there's a place for you on the team!

Visit for more info on how to apply.

Call ends 10/15 at midnight!

Last edited by Robin Carlton; 10-13-2023 at 05:56 PM.
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