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Old 10-26-2023, 09:05 PM
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clucaswvu04 clucaswvu04 is offline
Sweet Talker
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There has been so much rain in our area this week (we had almost no rain all summer so this is good news in itself). With the rain comes lots of cancelations for soccer, while I am sorry my kids miss practices and our trip to OK for 2 games is now not happening until May - I am also so very thankful for a weekend without a nonstop schedule.
Also loving that my kids are all still wanting to dress up and trick or treat - 17, 15, 14 and they are going together with a group of friends and have coordinated costumes a tiny bit. So much pressure in the world, so much pressure on kids/teens these days I love that they can still hold on to parts of being a kid a bit longer.
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