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Old 10-26-2023, 09:17 PM
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nietis nietis is offline
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I love reading the positive/good things that are happening your lives, ladies. It certainly brings smile and happiness to me, amidst the 'blah' feeling that comes up to me every now and then.

For me, I've got my birthday to look forward to next month, it seems that the boys are whispering some surprises to each other behind my back... so I just have to wait patiently for the time to come to find out what they are planning.

And... Michelle and I are going to Shanghai Disney again ON the Christmas day! This was totally unexpected. It was just a blurb from me and, somewhat, Lan made it to reality. It'll be just us the 2 girls, since the boys have work and school, no Christmas holiday. I am nervous, as this is the first domestic trip I am taking without Lan, language will be a challenge, but... I am just going to be brave and have fun.

Lastly, after a month long of healing, the finger (flesh & nail) that I sliced on the mandolin has finally looked more like a finger again. The wound healed nicely, it's still a bit sensitive as it still needs time for the nail to grow and cover the flesh, but I am glad that I did not end up with a somewhat deformed finger.
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