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Old 11-01-2023, 11:50 PM
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TraceyM TraceyM is offline
Sweet Shoppe Designer
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Join Date: Feb 2019
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I guess I'll start with I'm happy to have gotten our new covid shots today. Hoping side effects won't be too bad.

I am thrilled watching my daughter succeed as an adult. In January she will be one year into being an accountant. The senior staff in the office were having a meeting about upcoming work projects and it seems she is the one person from all the new staff this past year that is in high demand. She was passed on a little inside info from a friend in the company. I was so happy to have her stay over on Sunday night - she took another of the (4) CPA exams on Sunday and then came to use my sewing machine to create her cosplay masterpieces. Because she loves cosplay, she has learned how to sew. So dang proud of this girl.

I'm happy to have my hubby. I always worried about how we would do when he retired and actually, there have been no problems. We each do our own thing so that we have the space to be happy apart and together.

There are many things that do actually keep me stressed on a daily basis, but I am happy to be able to stick them in a little box in my head so that I can spend far more time being happy. Like Jo, I am very upset about the war Israel has had to take on and the antisemitism that has grown from bad to worse because of it.

Finally I am happy to see us chatting more regularly here is our forum!
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