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Old 04-10-2024, 12:09 PM
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Robin Carlton Robin Carlton is offline
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Originally Posted by 3BluEyedBabi View Post
Will the site be any different where you can tag someone when responding to their post or anything like that?
Great question!

So this is a straight server move from one hosting provider to another, so when our move is finalized, the site will be the same as it is now, but will be hopefully more reliable (ie. please God no more crashes like we had again this morning!).

Once the move is complete and we're settled in and feeling like things are stable and good, I am definitely considering upgrading our forums and gallery to Xenforo (which OScraps and TLP currently use) but I've been told in the past that we might lose everything in that transition. I am still researching this though as that that may not be the case, so upgrades are definitely on my mind.

I'd be curious to know... Would you, our community members, want that kind of upgrade or is keeping the existing data as-is more important to you? I've asked in the past and people overwhelmingly said that losing the gallery was not worth it for a like button, but maybe feelings are different now.

If we started fresh on a new forum and gallery (ie. couldn't import the existing data to the new platform) but had a locked "read only" version of our current gallery so you could still see the "archive" of all of your old layouts but could only upload to the new gallery, would that be an acceptable compromise to starting fresh? It's something I'd love to hear from all of you on as the community is yours and we want it to be what you want it to be. I truly want being here at SSD to feel like an awesome experience for you.

With the fresh start and a clean server IP, I'm also working on upgrades to our newsletter sending routine so that our newsletter reaches as many of our subscribers as possible, etc. With our new web host's help I am looking into using amazon aws to send our mass mails and making sure our server and business have the correct credentials to improve deliverability. I know "I'm not getting your newsletters anymore" has been a problem for some of you and I am working on it with our new provider (he is awesome btw). I have a feeling our current server is blacklisted on which includes yahoo, prodigy, att, sbcglobal addresses, etc.

In any case, that may be more than you bargained for, but the TLDR is that I love SSD and I am working on making our site the best it can be <3

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