Thread: Hey Grandmas!
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Old 04-16-2024, 07:55 PM
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JillW JillW is offline
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Welcome to the grandma club Lorie! Those grandbabies really change our lives!!

We have three grands, ages 10, 8 and 6. You'll see them in the majority of pages I create! I'm blessed in that our son and DIL share photos of the kiddos doing other things (when they aren't hanging out with us), so I'm able to scrap those memories as well. My plan is to create a book (or 2 or 3) for each of them that is filled with layouts I've created over the years (thinking I will give them to them when they graduate HS). I try to journal as much as possible and hope they will enjoy reading and reminiscing when they are older.

When I run out of current photos to scrap, I dig back through my stash (of over 10,000 photos of them ... so far ... ) and scrap older photos (that I've probably already scrapped once or twice - lol).

Here are a few recent pages I've created:

As far as kit ideas, time is a thief and time with them is already getting less and less as they become more involved with school and other activities and friends ... so something based around that maybe? Also, maybe something focused on the unique bond grandparents have with their grandkiddos.

Thanks for starting the thread Lorie, I love reading about others precious grandchildren and can't wait to see your new kits!
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