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Old 12-21-2012, 06:39 PM
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Default 4 more sleeps till the big day

so are we all ready for the big day, I am so excited, this year my son is 6 and half and its the first real year he is into any of it, you see, he is autistic and non verbal, and trying to find out what he likes and not and would like for xmas is ni on impossiable, the only thing he has hummed for is Rocket, you see he hums not one single word just hums.
We have a friend who is dressing up as the big man and coming round ealy xmas morning with a gift for the kiddies and I can not wait to see their little faces when santa walks
My daughter is 3 and well she has asked for anything and everhting, so she will be easily pleased I am sure.

How is everyones xmas preparations coming and are you getting excited...........I am 34 but a big kid at heart and want xmas day to hurry up.
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