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Old 04-22-2013, 09:48 AM
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YepBrook YepBrook is offline
Sweet Shoppe Designer
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Join Date: Nov 2011
Location: South Florida, USA
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Saturday started at 6am for me, which is waaay too early in my opinion. Mom and I had a garage sale at her house. It was a hot and stressful morning... we had a thief and several bands of immigrant-type people who were rude, pushy, and yelling/harassing us to get clothes, shoes, and purses for practically free. It made me remember why I haven't had a garage sale in more than 2 years! BUT I did make out $300 richer.

After the yard sale we took what was left to a thrift store and I took out my whole family (mom, dad, brother, hubby & my kids) to lunch. That was fun, we rarely all do lunch together. Then I napped from 3:00-5:45. We ate out for dinner.

Sunday was church, followed by a frantic trip to the grocery store, then home. I had to make a salad and slice up fruit for a dinner that night at a friend's house. It was a nice time with two couples we've recently befriended. The kids were good and the food was awesome. It was a nice way to end a crazy weekend!!!

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