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Old 04-22-2013, 01:28 PM
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Laura_A Laura_A is offline
Sweet Talker
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Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: Colorado Springs, CO
Posts: 2,268

I got a call Thursday night from DH's nephew who lives in Louisiana. He and his wife were going to be driving through here on their way to Montana and wanted to stop for a visit. Luckily, DH had a 4-day weekend. So, friday I spent some of the day scrapping then did a little cleaning and got the guest room ready. They got here Saturday morning. We took them up to Pike's Peak which was so cute because the nephew's wife has never really been out of Louisiana, so the snow and the mountains had her in awe. We went to dinner after that then came home and chatted for the rest of the day. Sunday DH and I took the girls to see Disney On Ice (we already had tickets) while the house guests slept then we cooked a big dinner and watched a movie. They left this morning and I feel like I could sleep for 3 days straight. lol It was a nice weekend, but I'm ready to have my routine back.
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