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Old 06-08-2013, 03:41 AM
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Originally Posted by MommaTrish View Post
mwuhahahahaha! so many of you would hate to be around me irl.

I cuss - a lot.

I use bad grammar - a lot. Sometimes intentionally, sometimes not.
Me too . . apparently I can be extremely offensive sometimes lol - actually, probably half the time offensive, half the time funny. Depends on who I'm with I guess.

As for what annoys me - pretty much everything at some point. I can be very intolerant, but I really try not to lose it every time someone annoys me hahaha

- Cant stand people showing up at my house without 'prior arrangement'. My home is my haven
- When my kids argue with me after I've said 'no'. After 20 years of this it's kinda getting on my nerves
- When people judge me because I have 4 kids, 3 dads. I didnt plan it that way! And I wouldnt change a thing
- When people judge me on my parenting. having 4 kids with special needs is no joke and I'm doing the best I can
- People who argue on social media about petty crap - I mean, seriously. Get A Life.
- Inequality and injustice

That better do for now, I'm gettin' het up LMAO

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