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Old 08-21-2013, 09:24 AM
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Originally Posted by Jengerbread88 View Post
The facebook-as-pinterest thing drives me batty as a blogger. Several of my blogger friends (and myself) have been really negatively impacted by the trend of pages posting those things.

On Pinterest, when they pin, it links to our blog post most of the time, and we are able to continue getting views and credit for our creations. On Facebook, pages will post the full text of the recipe, and often share OUR photos-- with watermarks cropped out. Views have dropped, which in turn makes it harder for us to make a living. It really has caused problems and made business a little bit more difficult (especially when so much of our business depends on pageviews)..
Hey, I might would read your blog if you linked to in your siggie or something...

My pet peeve is jeepney drivers. They drive right over the middle of the dotted line between two lanes so that 1) they can get over in the right lane if people want to get on or off but 2) they can avoid actually driving in the right lane because other jeepneys are pulled over in that lane.

So they just TAKE UP TWO LANES, and I swear on my life the first thing I would do if I was the boss of Manila is put jeepney drivers in jail for this behavior & refuse to feed or clothe them. I would establish DROP OFF/PICK UP points for jeepney passengers, and if anyone was caught randomly dropping someone off on the side of the road in a non-approved spot, off to jail with no food or clothes.

I feel pretty certain we could clear up the awful traffic in this town in NO TIME if they'd just let me be the boss.
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