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Old 11-29-2013, 06:15 PM
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jacinda jacinda is offline
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Default We're going to see Taylor Swift!

You have to understand, good concerts in New Zealand are few and far between, and usually cost an arm and a leg, however...

...Taylor Swift donated over 600 tickets to military families here in Auckland, so my girls and I get to go see her in concert tomorrow night for free! Woohoo! That's an insane amount of money when you add it all up. Over $90,000.00 I think, seeing as the tickets here are about $150 per person.

My girls are stoked, and it coincides perfectly with Elisa's 7th birthday this week. I videoed their response, and it was SO tame. LOL! They are definitely products of their parents. Haha. They're excited though, and so am I. Mainly to see their reactions really - this will be their first concert.
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