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Old 01-04-2014, 09:38 PM
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Robin Carlton Robin Carlton is offline
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Location: Charlotte, NC
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Default START HERE: Are you ready to Think Outside The Box?

Hey chicklets!

At Sweet Shoppe Designs, we have always been really proud of the scrappy inspiration we've come up with over the years, and one of the things we love most about that inspiration is seeing what all of you are able to do with it!

During the past two years, we've loved the inspiration at Pinterest, and we think the challenges our challenge team came up with from month to month were incredible, but over time we've come to realize that we really missed having the bulk of our challenges right here at home so that we could see and share as a community in all of the scrumptious layouts that everyone was creating!

We also realized that the Pinterest Portfolio system was kinda overwhelming for most scrappers, both to create and to comment on and celebrate, so we are really excited to share our new weekly system with you guys because we think it's the perfect solution for today's busy and on-the-go digital scrapper.

Our Think Outside The Box challenges feature weekly inspiration with never before seen layouts from our team of SugarBabes, and it can be completed in small bite-size morsels of goodness. Best of all, it has a flexible reward system which should work for just about everyone!

Do you only have time to scrap a layout or two a month? Great! You'll have the chance to win your choice of a free kit from whoever our Featured Designer is! Up for a bigger challenge? You can set your sights on completing all of the posted challenges in a month to earn Sweet Rewards which add up to a 20% discount after completing a month, or a larger discount after completing up to 3 months of challenges! Just found Sweet Shoppe Designs and are getting a late start? Did you miss a month of challenges because you had a baby or because life just happened? No problem! As long as you completed a month's worth of challenges in the month they were posted, your participation is tracked and you'll earn rewards each time you complete another month of challenges!

We're really excited about this system and we hope you are too! So whether you're reading about this in January or June, take a few minutes to review the nitty gritty details in our Sweet Rewards in 2014 thread and get scrapping in your very first Think Outside the Box Challenge!

Feel free to ask questions and chatter away in this thread! We can't wait to see what you create!


Last edited by Robin Carlton; 02-11-2014 at 11:40 PM.
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