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Old 12-07-2010, 09:42 AM
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mummytothree mummytothree is offline
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Good for you Kim!!! I'm the same way!! I love my parents and I know my hubby loves his but they had their "time" when we were little.....we are the parents now and we have our own children to "think about"!!! After the first couple years of our marriage I just got to thinking how unfair it was to have my kids open their presents and then say "Ok get dresses....get in the van...leave all your brand new fun toys.....and sit here and be good for 3 hours while we drive to grandma's"!!! Ridiculous!!

What we do if when the kids start stiring we let them all gather in one bedroom as we go out and survey the scene. Then we let them come out and at first we make the look and see what pile is their's (I wrap all of one kids presents in one paper), when they know what "paper" is theirs we just let them tear into them!!

Then we open stockings and as they are doing that we put together anything that needs it (anything big gets put together the night before) and then there is always chocolate in their stockign and I let them pig out on that a bit.

Then we have breakfast which is usually monkey bread and some type of casserole that I put in the oven before we ever started unwrapping. After breakfast we just lazy around all day playing with new toys.

Lunch/dinner is usally finger foods that have been prepared that day before. Sometimes we go for a drive and look at the snow (if we have any) or at dusk to look at christmas lights.

We just like to be together that day and celebrate our own little family and how blessed we are to have each other!!


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