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Old 03-31-2011, 11:39 AM
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MamaBee MamaBee is offline
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We are on a cycle of every Monday is laundry day... so at least that helps... I really don't mind it, but I hate the putting away, hubby usually does that... and forget about ironing! UGH! All hubby's every day work shirts are now wrinkle free!

I love... LOVE... SA8 laundry detergent (Amway). I know Amway gets a bad wrap because, well it's Amway... but they really do have stellar products. Their stain fighters are just downright awesome! J never had stains on his clothes as a baby/toddler - ALWAYS come out... but we are no longer a distributer for them, so I have to find a new detergant... haven't really found anything that compares. Might have to break down and see if anyone will sell it to us for the IBO price.
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