Thread: Kindle vs Nook
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Old 08-28-2011, 08:00 PM
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Paula Paula is offline
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1. which one do you have: Kindle
2. which one do you think is better: I only have experience with Kindle
3. why do you think one is better than the other: I love Kindle because it has Whispernet and it isn't backlit, and the price was certainly right
4. I need reading glasses, so which one would be better for that: You can adjust the font size on Kindle. Also, I wear bifocals and have no problems using my Kindle
5. which one can you buy more books for: I believe Kindle has more variety, plus you can put ebooks on pdf on Kindle as well
6. how does the book sharing work {someone told me on the Kindle you can only share a book ONCE}: I have never shared a book with my Kindle, but I know you can
7. is it is to manueveur the menu: I find it very easy to maneuver the Kindle. It's also very easy to organize your books
8. pros vs cons for each one: Again, I don't know about the Nook, but I love the Kindle. I don't really have any cons, and the pros I've listed above.
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