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Old 11-02-2011, 11:22 PM
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I'm not a twin mom, but I had a very good group of mom friends where 2 women had twins and 4 of us had 2-3 kids each who weren't twins. From watching each other's experiences over the first few years, we decided that for the first 2 years, having twins seems to be much harder than having 2 kids born at different times. After that, twins can be a lot easier than siblings a few years apart. When the rest of the moms in our group were having second children and having to contend with opposite napping schedules, planning outings that were safe and fun for kids at different stages, keeping an older siblings toys away from the baby, and so on, the twin moms found their kids entertained each other and were more likely to be at the same stage at the same time. I'll admit that I'm glad I had mine 1 at a time, but if I had to choose twins or none I wouldn't hesitate to choose twins. Good luck with your decision, Chloe, and hang in there, Natalie!
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