Thread: Fibromyalgia
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Old 04-15-2012, 09:26 PM
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Default Fibromyalgia

So I'm not sure if I've mentioned this to anyone here or not...?
Back in the fall, as soon as the weather started to get cold, I started having issues with my left hand. It would burn, as though someone was holding a flat iron to the top of it. And it would swell up, so much so that I had to stop wearing my rings. The tops of my feet would hurt, feel sore, I can't really describe it. Anyway, at first I thought carpal tunnel in my hand and who knew about the feet. Except that my left hand is not my "mouse" hand and it's not the hand that I do everything with (I'm right-handed). I've also had really sore shoulders and neck, my knees ache and I'm exhausted, like all the time. I'm not sleeping well and even when I medicate myself, I'm still tired. Like wiped. And constant headaches, the kind that I've resorted to codeine to help with and even sometimes that doesn't help. I've also had these weird episodes like my skin is over sensitive. Not rashes or anything, but sensitive to touch.

Now, I'm overweight, not grossly, but still. I'm carrying about 30-40lbs. more than I should. So I kind of attributed all my aches and ailments to that.

However, my family Dr. referred me to a rheumatologist for further testing.
My appointment was this past Tuesday. He thinks it's fibromyalgia. I'm not entirely sure what this means exactly. My Mom said that it's similar to Lupus (she has Lupus), but it affects everything. Kind of like my body is allergic to itself.

I'm going to have to do some research on my own and figure it out, but I am wondering if anyone here has or knows someone that has this? What's it like? Is it constant or are there flare-ups (kind of like my Mom's Lupus)?

In the meantime...guess who joined WW on Wednesday? lol
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