Thread: Fibromyalgia
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Old 04-15-2012, 09:44 PM
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I have been living with it for YEARS. For's major flare ups....some days are great, some weeks are great and then BAM...I am in constant pain for a while. It has mostly affected my elbows, legs/hips and back/neck. I know someone who has it and she lives with constant pain.

Fibromyalgia is normally brought on my some sort of trama to the a car accident. I was in a really bad roller blading accident back in 1998 and have never been the same. Flare ups can be caused by a variety of things like stress, lack of sleep, etc....

I get very painful burning in my back (like someone removed my spine, lit a match and sewed me back together) and in my the point I can't sleep.

If I am having a flare up, I can't put any pressure on my elbows...they hurt so bad.

My neck pretty much always hurts though and I have very frequent headaches.

I also suffer from Restless Leg...pretty much all the time...all day sucks!!!

Good luck!!! I hope you find relief!!! Congrats on joining WW too!!! YAY!!!

Last edited by kim21673; 04-15-2012 at 09:47 PM.
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