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Old 04-16-2012, 09:15 PM
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rachaelsscraps rachaelsscraps is offline
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I had an emergency c-section with my first at 31 weeks (I had pre-eclampsia and his heartrate started to drop so they had him delivered. He only weighed 1 pound 15 oz!!!) It was pretty painful for the first night, but I really think it was the hospital (I was in NY and they're very different from my home-state of Vermont). They didn't let me have any pain meds until I was pretty much crying, asking. Not trying to freak you out, sorry. I had a much better experience with my 2nd. It was a normal pregnancy but I had her by c-section, since I had to have one with my first... The hospital kept right on top of my pain and came in every few hours to ask me my level, it never went over a 1 because they were great at managing the pain for me. I literally got up and started walking about 4 hours after my c-section. I even walked down the hall to get my own ice water from the kitchen. I felt so great, the nurses had to remind me to take it easy because I just had surgery, lol. I would just recommend asking them about how they handle the pain management beforehand, because it made such a difference! Had I delivered my first in my hometown hospital, it would have been pain free as well, but since I was in a city (the capital of NY) they were so much more busy and took soooo long to respond to calls when I needed meds as well... GOOD LUCK it's really not that bad!

Creating for Melissa Bennett & Lliella Designs!!

Last edited by rachaelsscraps; 04-16-2012 at 09:18 PM.
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