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Old 04-16-2012, 09:25 PM
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Location: Orlando, Florida
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I had my youngest son and had two little ones (they were 5 &3). He was born premature (but did not have alot of complications some premies do.) The day I left the hospital I went grocery shopping. I was there for 3-4 days only because I had high blood pressure still and they wanted to get it controlled first. I did not have a ton of pain at all and did not even get the prescription for pain medication filled. I was breast feeding so I did not want to have to worry about that going to the baby.

With my second c-section I went home and had to go shopping as well. My husband had cleaned and washed the dishes and everything the night before I was released but I did not have much pain afterwards with him either.

Is there anyone who could come help you if you do get overwhelmed?
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