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Old 04-22-2012, 10:22 AM
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Originally Posted by Nettio View Post
I tend to be of the mind of what's the point in having the camera if you don't use it for a major trip? But if you're worried about the weight, maybe just narrow it down to one lens, no flash, etc?

I can tell you, shortly after I first got my DSLR, we went to Tokyo Disney and I agreed to just take my P&S for the first day since I was still a bit slow with the DSLR. We both ended up regretting it because the photos from the DSLR are just SO much nicer and the day we went back to that park, it poured the entire day.

Oh and I'll just say that I didn't have a good experience with Photopass on any of my trips - I much preferred the shots they took with my camera sans bright flash, haha - but others love it so maybe I was just unlucky.
We are hopefully going in December and I think I'm going to take my 5DMII but we don't have kids. I honestly think that must makes a big difference because we aren't lugging around all the kid stuff, know what I mean. I will have my camera and that's it.

I do need a smaller bag. I have a giant Kelly Moore and it is not good at all for things like this. Any recommendations?
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