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Old 05-03-2012, 09:09 PM
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Default Just finished the Hunger Games (Includes spoilers)

As I had mentioned in a previous post, I finally read the Hunger Games and liked the first book so much I rushed out and got the next two. Did anyone else finish the third book and feel disappointed? It wasn't a bad book per say, but I just didn't care for where she took the characters. The way she warped them all made me mad and sad at the same time. I just felt like she did them all a disservice. And how freaking ironic was it that Prim died anyway? That just made me so mad! And I always thought she loved Gale not Peeta so that ending seemed kind too pat to me.

I am still exicted to go see the movie, in fact I talked it up so much at work and home my boss and his wife went to the movie and even though they never read the book, they both loved the movie and now my son has already finished the first book and is working on the second one. We are going to go to the movie together.

I'm really glad I finally read the series, thanks to all of you for recommending it, but I still feel a bit let down. I would love to hear from anyone who agrees or disagrees.
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