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Old 05-29-2019, 04:03 PM
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It's really been interesting reading how everyone feels on this topic!
I do agree, unfortunately, that there isn't much you can control in the situation. I know that's not what you wanted to hear! It's something that really stresses you out (rightfully so, based on their financial circumstances). But, they only person you can control is you. And, I'm sure you don't need the stress in your life.

As some others have said, it can be a blessing that they want to spoil your kids so much. But, maybe you can get them to morph the "things" into experiences with the kids. My kids really only have DH's mom and my mom as grandparents. Neither really has a lot of money to spoil the kids with. I know from listening to my daughter, that what she really wanted was to have grandparents who showed up for things, and spent time with her. Being present was more important to her than anything she was given.

My mom shows love by giving gifts (even though she can't really afford it). And, because we can't control that, we smile & say thank you. Maybe that is your IL's love language?

As a grandparent myself, I would love to spoil my grandbabies with gifts. But, I know that my daughter tries to be more minimalist. If we were in the area, I'd probably get Disney annual passes for all of us, or something like that.
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