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Old 05-13-2013, 03:53 PM
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Darcy Baldwin Darcy Baldwin is offline
Just a Scrapper
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Join Date: Feb 2007
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Yari - I don't do it by time. I really do have a schedule. Certain things get done on certain days, and the boys now have chores they are responsible for (that really does help, but takes a little time in training).

I just schedule my chores according to my work flow for that week, and adjust if I find I'm spending more time on one day and way less on another to balance it all out. I don't schedule the time so much as I do the actual chore.

Each day I do one load of laundry, hang one load of laundry, every Wednesday I deep clean the bathrooms (and if we've been keeping up on our daily bathroom wipedowns, the deep clean is a breeze), strip and change sheets on Saturday, vacuum on Friday (and touch up if necessary during the week), and so forth. I honestly couldn't tell you how much time per day I spend since I don't do it all in one shot. I fit something in between lessons during the day, get one or two done before everyone is up, try to do some while I'm cooking dinner. But never more than an hour a day unless it's a heavy clean day for a project.
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