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Old 08-28-2020, 02:53 PM
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stephc777 stephc777 is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2019
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My college age daughter starts Monday in-person. The school is being very aggressive in their campaign to get the students to stay masked and well. She is really hoping to be able to complete this year (her senior year) in person. She is a leader in one of the choirs at her school and she says that they are masking & social distancing while they sing in practice and if they are having individual sectional rehearsals, they are also required to use face shields - very challenging environment.

My high school sophomore son did not do well in quarantine caused online school in the spring. He needs a lot of structure and in person school is much better for him. He started in person with masks last week (he attends private school). Most schools in our area are either delayed start or online for at least the first 2-4 weeks. He is doing marching band for the first time and there are very specific requirements related to social distancing for band rehearsal time. He is loving seeing his friends, but he says that the school part is hard with all the masking and the teachers with so many more requirements on them (being videotaped every class for kids who miss school because of sickness, cleaning between every class, social distancing, harder to assess engagement of the students with the material presented because of masks, etc.) I think it would be very hard to be a teacher right now. They are my heroes!
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