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Old 02-01-2023, 08:02 AM
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StacyLynn StacyLynn is offline
Sugar Rush
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Join Date: May 2018
Location: PA
Posts: 975

I have lots n lots of things I love and do not want to ever be with out.... crock pot, coffee pot (just a Keurig, but I love that coffee in always available at the moment I want or need it), Nook, phone, Cricut, Mac, camera, ipad, my art stuff.....etc...

But my two biggest are my KitchenAid mixer.... I actually just got it. I have been wanting one for year and years.... love to bake (hate to cook, but love to I have made more cookies in the last month than I have in the last 25 years!!!! And everyone raves about them and eats them so quickly. Another plus is I perfected two gluten free recipes and now even those kiddos are happy, and no one can tell the difference between regular and GF, so now they are all gluten free.

My other biggest is my sewing machine. I did neglect it for many years, but when I took it back out in 2020 to make masks I realized how much I missed sewing and quilting. It needs to be serviced so I haven't done much on it but oh the projects I have planned......

funny story... my oldest (24) daughter and I were in the fabric store the other day and she says to me, "Hey Mom, I didn't know they have patterns to make clothes!"
"Yes, thats how I made all your costumes when you were little."
"I know that but it's like real clothes, clothes regular people would wear, stylish.
"Yup, lots of people make clothing."
"I'm so surprised it's not all ya know, Amish style stuff."
The lady cutting my fabric thought it was hysterical.

Guest CT for Kristin Cronin-Barrow

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