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Old 11-08-2019, 07:50 PM
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cherrygutz cherrygutz is offline
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Do you own any pets? I used to.

Do you watch animal videos, tv shows, etc? yes, my daughter and I love to watch animal shows like Animal Planet, the Zoo, Shark Tank, Battle Fish, The Big Catch, Blue Planet, Our Planet.

What animal fascinates you the most? turtles, dogs and cats.

When was the last time you went to the zoo? In June at the Smithsonian's National Zoo and Coservation Biology Institute.

Have you ever taken care of an injured animal? Yes. It all started when I was in grade school, after a hurricane, I went out of our house and I saw a local a nest below a coconut tree. I went there to check if there's any living creature in there and I saw a baby sparrow not even a week old. It must have hatched forcedfully because of the hurricane or when the nest fell from the tree. So I put it back in the nest and put the nest under a bush and waited across the street for the mother to come. But it has been a long time so I took the nest home with me and asked my mother to care for the bird. Since we have an old chicken cage, I put the nest there and my mother helped me nurse the baby sparrow I named Bibi. Haha. Her leg was hurting so my mother helped me put a brace on her and I fed her by the clock. I feel so tired everyday you know, but everytime I come home from school I was so excited to meet my dog and Bibi the sparrow. I taught her how to fly and how to feed herself and when we thought she was ready we tried to release her, but she kept on coming back to my shoulder and she doesn't want to leave. So my parents let me care for her until the time she was eaten by a rat. Yes, imagine. I took care of her just to be eaten by a rat... PS there was no vet within 300 miles from our house, it was very rare at that time.

There was also a time when our two old dogs have become blind, the sad it started ith a cataract, at that time I thought my siblings would vote for them to be put down or something that I did everything to care for them because my mother was reall devastated with the choices that we have for them So I bought a bell so they would know where we were and where the door to the garden was.

Are there any animals that freak you out? I do. Oh my gosh, I do! So whenever I buy kits with those animals, I will ask my daughter to delete them.. They scare the living soul out of me.
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