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Old 02-21-2024, 02:41 PM
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Originally Posted by bienejen View Post
Organizing can be tedious and not fun but so worth it in the end. I think I saw you commented on a different post that recommended just doing 15 minutes a day. It's great advice. some time at the start and then staying on top of it will make your life so much easier. I've created a spreadsheet that I update every time I buy something. The first column is the kit name starting with the designers initials, the second column I fill with a color once I've used the kit (I use kits more than once but it makes me 'shop my stash' sometimes if I filter for unused kits), the next column I call 'used often' and fill with a different color, the next column is for theme (I put key words in there like birthday or cooking), the next is colors where I out in like 2 or three main colors and the last I use to indicate if the kit is retired. Then when I want to find a specific kit, I search birthday or blue or scroll down to a certain designer if I know I want to use one of their kits for a challenge. You can make the columns whatever you want but it makes it easy to double check to see if I have something when a designer is having a sale or I need a certain theme. I could go on and on about how I organize but I think once you have your supplies organized, it will make how you scrap and shop faster and less stressful.
Wow, amazing advice, thank you. I color code too, so I think your system may work for me. When I moved last summer, I color coded all my boxes, it was very useful.
For now I've started organizing the digi stash I have on this computer, which is exactly 2 years old, so mostly anything I bought from 2022 till now. I've made a Previews folder and so far I have 369 items purchased these last two years. (I think I'm gonna need a bigger boat LOL) The previews folder is okay for now and I'm scrapping only, with products I bought recently, which is plenty enough, no complain. When I dig in my storage and find my old Hard Drives, that's when I'll need a great organizing system. Because of the amount of stuff, I think I'll only tag basic things like, designer, theme and probably color. I don't want to spend all my time on organizing and not doing. I'm a handwritten lister lover, so anything list related, sounds like a good idea. I also use WorkFlowly for making lists online and added Dynalist lately, which has colors to add. They're both free and I only work on my computer, so they're very helpful for keeping track of stuff. I think I'll try jotting them down there, by color as you suggested. With basic categories like designer, theme etc. Thank you for inspiring me to organize my digi stash.
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