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Old 08-14-2020, 09:49 PM
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Sherri Tierney Sherri Tierney is offline
Sweet Talker
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I really wish we would go back into a lockdown. I feel like our numbers keep climbing and people are doing more and more that they should not be. Everyone is posting vacation and party photos and doing all those things they always do during the summer. Meanwhile, we didn't even get to see my stepdaughter or our grandbaby because stepdaughter is 9 months pregnant and the grandbaby (3) has been sick with RSV every year since she was born. We consider them both high risk for those reasons and couldn't chance taking anything them. We are 99% sure we haven't been exposed yet, but who can be certain?

I work in education. We have a few in-service days starting Monday. We will be meeting outside in a football stadium (where we can easily spread way out) with masks. Then we will be going to our own buildings and attending professional development via Zoom from our own classrooms. The first day was pushed back to September 8th. Our cases just keep rising so I don't know what will happen. I hope we start a downward slope but people are entitled and do what they want around here. When we go back we will be in person and I don't anticipate it going well. I told my husband that I feel like it is just a matter of time before we are sick. If it were not for the fact that I am doing a program through a university that requires me to work at my job, then I would be hesitant to go back.
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