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Old 06-13-2020, 12:49 AM
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Unhappy Flergs - Any chance for an Adventure: Snake Kit?

I’m hoping someone can help get this message to the inimitable Flergs...

I have been watching with bated breath as the Adventure House kit collection has been released, one by one. My family is filled with a slew of Potterheads, and between my stepsons and daughter, their spouses, their children, my nieces and nephews, and my husband and me, we proudly hail from all four of the Hogwarts houses.

So I’ve been thrilled to see those House kits released and I’ve got plans to collect them all. But when the House Kit collection came out today and had the Adventure: Villains where House Slytherin should be, it made me think perhaps you’ve completed the set?

Do you have plans to create an “Adventure: Snake” kit for House Slytherin? One that focuses on the positive traits of the house, like ambition, leadership, and resourcefulness? Without all the evil Death Eater Dark Mark stuff?

If you don’t plan to put together a full kit, is there any chance you could do an add-on kit with some of those items, including the journaling card with the Hogwarts uniform in silver and green and the Slytherin crest, and some embellishments that are themed silver and green that mesh with the other three house kits?

Thank you so much for considering my request!

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