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Old 05-27-2019, 12:38 PM
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Default QOTD 05/27 Goals

I was thinking today that we're just about halfway thru the year. That got me thinking about what I want to accomplish throughout the rest of the year. So, here's today's question....

Do you have any goals this year? Have you reached them? Given up? Feel like you are heading in the right direction or not at all?
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Old 05-27-2019, 12:56 PM
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I've been re-evaluating my scrappy goals this year. After everything that happened with Bailey and how it turned our lives upside down, it really got me to think about my life, what's important (and what's not). I find I have less time for things that don't interest me, don't motivate/excite me. Tied into that are my scrappy goals.

I want to scrap more for myself, I have found the challenges are so much fun and really motivate me. Until this year, I hadn't done challenges in what seemed like forever. I also want to scrap with more abandon....what I mean with that is....mix things up, styles, kits, etc. For so long I focused on technique, on "artsy" stuff. I had forgotten how much fun it is to cluster, use more products (especial pocket cards) and just have FUN! So, that is my scrappy goal....scrap more, switch up styles and products and just enjoy myself.

Home-wise, a goal for the remainder of the year is to organize all the closets, it's long overdue and then we need to donate a lot of stuff and the rest will go to the city dump. I need to seriously de-clutter.
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Old 05-27-2019, 08:28 PM
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How is Bailey doing? Every time I hear about something like that, it makes me evaluate my life too (obviously not nearly as much as when I have those event personally). I think it's great that you're diversifying. Life is precious. I do not take it for granted. At at recent work conference, we had a motivational speaker who was a veteran speak to us. He has burns over more than half his body, lost an eye, etc. He talked about what a "bad day" really is. It makes you think about the trivial things that we internalize that aren't a big deal in the grand scheme of things.

I don't have any year-end goals. I try to set agile goals, where I think about what I want to accomplish in 1-3 month incraments. We are (hopefully) starting our remodel soon (it's been delayed out of our control). We did a MAJOR purge today ... but still have more to go. I need to be ruthless and get rid of things that not longer give me happiness and/or I will never use. I'm such a sentimental soul, so it's no easy task (for me).

I've already accomplished a lot this year. I negotiated and sold a house (no realtor) and a multitude of other things that aren't necessarily big on their own, but add up to something I can feel proud of.

Anyway, thanks for bringing up this topic, it's important to reset every once in a while.
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Old 05-27-2019, 08:42 PM
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Originally Posted by SeattleSheri View Post
How is Bailey doing? Every time I hear about something like that, it makes me evaluate my life too (obviously not nearly as much as when I have those event personally). I think it's great that you're diversifying. Life is precious. I do not take it for granted. At at recent work conference, we had a motivational speaker who was a veteran speak to us. He has burns over more than half his body, lost an eye, etc. He talked about what a "bad day" really is. It makes you think about the trivial things that we internalize that aren't a big deal in the grand scheme of things.

I don't have any year-end goals. I try to set agile goals, where I think about what I want to accomplish in 1-3 month incraments. We are (hopefully) starting our remodel soon (it's been delayed out of our control). We did a MAJOR purge today ... but still have more to go. I need to be ruthless and get rid of things that not longer give me happiness and/or I will never use. I'm such a sentimental soul, so it's no easy task (for me).

I've already accomplished a lot this year. I negotiated and sold a house (no realtor) and a multitude of other things that aren't necessarily big on their own, but add up to something I can feel proud of.

Anyway, thanks for bringing up this topic, it's important to reset every once in a while.
Thx for asking about B. She is in a care home right now and will be there for a number of months until they figure out what her needs are and then get her onto a waiting list for a placement. It's a great place for the summer, she is across the street from the ocean and they have an oceanfront dog park just a bit further down so we've been out there the last 2 wkends and I've taken about 400 pics of the dogs playing in the water. So much fun.

Hearing the vet speak would really get you thinking about priorities and internal strength. I can't even imagine what his life is like.

One thing this whole experience has taught me is to not waste time on things that don't matter to me, find the joy somewhere to keep going and be thankful for every good thing that comes along. I certainly don't stress over the little things anymore.

Good for you for purging. I did a little purge today (packed up some clothes for charity that I know I'm not really going to wear).
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Old 05-27-2019, 11:34 PM
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One of my goals is to actually start setting goals (SMART goals, mine are always more arbitrary).

I feel like I've accomplished quite a bit this year so far. I completed my first year back in college with all A's. I have read 42 books since Jan. 1st. I set my goal for 25, so I have surpassed that. At work I started a STEM lab at the elementary school I work at. Its been a real experience considering I'm the technology aide. I've always had an interest in STEM subjects so it is something I care about, but not what I expected to be doing considering my job title and past years.

My One Little Word for this year is TRANSFORM. I am still working on some transformations. I feel like I have transformed in some areas but that I am still working in others. I really need to get some health issues under control. I'm not 'sick' exactly, I just have several little things (hip pain, ankle pain, rosacea) that I want to work on getting under control. I need to start calling and setting up appointments since I am off work for summer now.

I am working on losing weight as well, but I've only been serious about it the past week. It is so hard during the school year. I never feel like I am organized enough around the house to plan and prepare proper meals so I end up eating like crap.
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Old 05-28-2019, 01:08 AM
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This half year has brought about plenty of changes and goal-accomplishments for me. My goals were healthier diet, swim regularly, learn Chinese and make meaningful friendships.

I am so happy to say I am maintaining to work towards those goals nicely at this point. I eat less carbs and sugar and am more aware of my choices of food. I swim once a week unless life gets really busy, thanks to a friend that gifted me with her unused gym membership. I've lost some weight and notice that I feel so much better and happier in general.

I learn Chinese on daily basis and get much braver at attempting conversations or at least trying to reply a question. Accepting the fact that God has planned for me to stay here for now and that it is for my own good was such a life-changer. I am not so bitter and hateful any more about living somewhere I did not want to/plan to live and that makes learning the language easier and make me want to do more than just hiding at home.

I've always felt so alone without family and friends here for the past 6 years, but now, I am happy to say that I've made 2 friends. I don't need many friends, but I want to have real friends. We meet up every now and then, have lunch and chat for hours. I celebrated their birthdays and even helped one of them move houses. I am even happier that my husband is being supportive in this.

So, despite the lows that do happen plenty this year, I am confident to say that 2019 is so much better than 2018 and I am cruising towards my goals happily.
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Old 05-28-2019, 12:06 PM
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My OLW this year is hustle and boy, have I but 90% has been internal work that others can't see the fruits of (yet). That is so demotivating for me.

I've spent the last 6 months trying to work out my health issues and find out what's wrong. The doctor's office is so unhelpful, and it takes multiple follow-up calls to get information, referrals, etc. I'm currently waiting on a referral to an endocrinologist. I will have to follow up AGAIN this week. Urgh. I hope to have some answers soon, though!

Lots of emotional/relationship work as well that should hopefully be worked out by the end of summer or shortly thereafter. We'll see. I know I'm being vague but I need to be for now.

My overarching goal for the year is to be in a better/different place --- vocationally, emotionally, relationally, spiritually, physically -- by my 40th birthday in January 2020.
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Old 05-28-2019, 02:29 PM
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I want to reno the powder room. It isn't a big space but it will still take time since I'll do it all on my own (except for moving a new vanity into the space; I guess I'll need DH to help carry that into the room lol).

Personally, I'm trying to move more. I hate the word "exercise," but I guess that's what it is because I'm trying to take a walk every other day. The kids like going with me, so the upside is that we are spending some nice time together outside.

I love to read and I love to buy books...but I need to purge. I did one but I want to do another sweep through my bookcases and see what else I can get rid of. There are so many titles that I won't get to/decided I don't love, so why are they taking space in my home?

Another goal is to create a better scrapping space for me. My current desk is a little small for all my stuff and it's a little short for me. (I'm tall, and I hate being hunched over while sitting.)
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Old 05-28-2019, 05:13 PM
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Sherri - congrats on the academic achievements! I like the OLW transform. If you ever want to talk to me about low carb and how it might help your pain and rosacea (I too had problems with both of those, that is why I went low carb/anti-inflammatory foods a few yrs ago with amazing success). Friend me on FB and we can chat anytime, I'm happy to help out with info.

Sherly - so happy you are feeling healthier and have met a few friends. I can only imagine what it is like to be somewhere you didn't want to be. Glad that is improving.

LeeAndra - don't be discouraged. You know how hard you are working and keep pursuing it. Hope your yr just keeps getting better.

Sara - I like the results but not the pursuit of "exercise". I don't mind jogging but don't do it enough and I still haven't gone back to weight lifting (its been 1+ yrs since I last did it...yikes). Hope you get your scrappy area created. I love my little messy office that is all mine and I can scrap anytime I want in it.
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Old 05-29-2019, 10:22 AM
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I’ve been working on walking 5 days a week and losing weight. My goal is to continue with that until I’m more fit and in a healthy weight range. I’m 6 weeks into weight loss and am down 18 lbs, and I’m determined to keep going.

My youngest son just graduated from high school and was homeschooled so my goal this summer is to clean out/ donate/ sell all the homeschool materials. I’m ready to clean all of that out and move on!

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Old 05-29-2019, 12:30 PM
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Originally Posted by icindi View Post
I’ve been working on walking 5 days a week and losing weight. My goal is to continue with that until I’m more fit and in a healthy weight range. I’m 6 weeks into weight loss and am down 18 lbs, and I’m determined to keep going.

My youngest son just graduated from high school and was homeschooled so my goal this summer is to clean out/ donate/ sell all the homeschool materials. I’m ready to clean all of that out and move on!

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Cindi - good for you for getting healthy. Congrats on the weight loss. Bet it feels good.
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Old 05-29-2019, 06:39 PM
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My scrapping goals were little - scrap more than I did last year... so far I think I'm good, but now I haven't scrapped much since NSD. I also would like to get some projects done - I have 29 started. yikes.

Weight goals - total bust. I'm trying to get back on low carb and it's so hard... I lost 20 lbs last year and totally have fallen off the wagon. I need to just do it, but then I go out to dinner and loose all will power.

Declutter... that is the only goal that is starting to see some light... I've become obsessed with the Minimal Mom on youtube. I want to be Dawn! I want to call 1-800-got junk and tell them to send their biggest truck! I know I can't do that - I'm so sentimental about stuff, I have to break habits... I've also been raise in that you might need that some day... they don't make stuff like they used too... it's so hard... I feel guilty.
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