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Old 09-27-2019, 11:37 AM
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Default Friday Fun Facts 09/27

Happy Friday everyone. Today the sun is shining, the leaves are starting to turn colors, its a happy time of year for me.....so the topic today is "October".
  1. Any activities/events you have planned for Oct?
  2. What is your environment/surroundings like in October?
  3. What would you like to take a photo of? Anything specific?
  4. Have you started wearing sweaters, coats and scarves yet?
  5. What does the view look like out your door?
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Old 09-27-2019, 11:45 AM
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Any activities/events you have planned for Oct?
I've never been to a corn maze so am hoping to take my granddaughter, I'm pretty sure she won't say no and she loves to have her photo taken....so win-win for me, a day with her and I get to take photos. We just have to hope for good weather b/c they are forecasting about 10 days of rain coming but that could change with our fickle BC weather.

What is your environment/surroundings like in October?
It's starting to get chilly later in the day and early morning. I woke up this morning and it was 46. It'll warm up into the low 60's later but next week will be brutal with all the wet nasty weather coming.

What would you like to take a photo of? Anything specific?
I love fall foliage and will get out a few days to take photos of the neighborhood parks and go out on a photo walk to the ocean next week.

Have you started wearing sweaters, coats and scarves yet?
Yes. I wore a thin scarf this week when I took Taz out for his night time walk. I've started wearing a sweater or hoodie over my t-shirts indoors as I leave the door open for Taz quite a bit so he can go in and out so its a bit chilly later in the day, but the heater hasn't started kicking in yet....soon though I'm sure.

What does the view look like out your door?
Out my back door the colors of fall are emerging. Our bushes and trees are starting to turn color and I just love staring out at the greenery and the birds (and taking their photos of course too). Got some good shots of the birds and squirrels this morning as I stood in the basement doorway with my 600 mm zoom.
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Old 09-27-2019, 12:34 PM
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1. Any activities/events you have planned for Oct?

We're going to NYC next weekend! First time so yay! It's kinda terrible timing b/c DSD but it's a work sponsored retreat and the cheapest I think we'll ever get to go so off we go!

2. What is your environment/surroundings like in October?

I don't know yet. Haven't experienced an October here in VA yet! If it's like when we lived in NC it's still pretty warm but the leaves are falling!

3. What would you like to take a photo of? Anything specific?

I just have NYC on the brain so I'm looking forward to all the touristy photos we'll take there!

4. Have you started wearing sweaters, coats and scarves yet?

Only after the sun goes down. I took the kids to the park this week and wore shorts but brought a hoodie. Was so glad I did b/c I froze from the waist down. They, on the other hand, were running around like hyenas and were roasting!

5. What does the view look like out your door?

Front door: houses, houses and more houses. Back patio is all old growth trees and a stream. Lots of wildlife -- squirrels, deer, birds, foxes and occasionally there are box turtles but I haven't been lucky enough to see one yet!
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Old 09-27-2019, 01:20 PM
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wow, that's a whole lot of topics I don't know if I'm ready to deal with as we flip over the calendar to October!

Any activities/events you have planned for Oct?

What is your environment/surroundings like in October?
Not sure, this is our first October here. Probably hot, humid and buggy--what it's been since we got here in July!

What would you like to take a photo of? Anything specific?
Oh I can answer this one!!
Fall leaves, flowers, birds--anything really. I miss taking photos of the area and things we normally don't get to see or things I want to cherish forever!

Have you started wearing sweaters, coats and scarves yet?

Maybe in January or February??

What does the view look like out your door?
Freshly cut grass that is just starting to slow it's growth. I don't have to cut it every 5-7 days right now. We're looking at every 10-14 days. But everything is still pretty green outside. Most trees are still green, but some trees are starting to turn brown and fall, some have been naked for a couple of weeks due to the heat.

My front door--is the park. It's empty right now.
My back door has a privacy fence, but I can see cars driving past through the slats.
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Old 09-27-2019, 01:25 PM
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Any activities/events you have planned for October?
Oh yes! October is my second-most photographed month of the year after December. So far, we have fall soccer to wrap up, a bus trip to Frankenmuth with my mom, a local Peacemaker Summit, Camp Fire (like low-key co-ed Scouts) & our church table group meetings, school night at a local pumpkin patch, parent-teacher conferences, Fall Break, Zoo Boo, an all-day trip with Camp Fire, school pictures, our annual photo shoot at a local park, my sister's birthday, my parents' anniversary, meeting up with a scrap friend of mine so our kids (who have become Roblox pals & besties) can meet for the first time, & Trick or Treat.

What is your environment/surroundings like in October?
We are supposed to have a fall season. Last year it was rainy and unseasonably cool (in the 40s) for almost the entire month. So far this year, September has been unseasonably warm (in the 80s) so I don't know if that's a harbinger of a better fall than last year or not.

What would you like to take a photo of? Anything specific?
I always take pics at the pumpkin patch, Zoo Boo, ToT, & our annual photo shoot at a local park.

Have you started wearing sweaters, coats, and scarves yet?
I wish! Still too hot outside.

What does the view look like out your door?
I'm at work ATM, and right now it's overcast (but warm). I work across from a giant cornfield so that's all I can see directly out (and the cars whizzing by on the road in front of said cornfield).
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Old 09-27-2019, 01:52 PM
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1. Any activities/events you have planned for Oct?
We have a super busy October- for my son- his flag football is wrapping up, but hockey starts so we overlap 2 sports for him during October. My daughter plays club volleyball & softball, so we have both of those going on. We are billeting 2 WHL hockey players, so there's a lot of their home games we'll attend in October. I also squeezed in a few hours to update our family photos! Hmm... what else- Oh yea!!! To celebrate 20 years of our dental practice we are going to Disneyland for Halloween! I can't wait!!!

2. What is your environment/surroundings like in October?
Fall here in Eastern WA is gorgeous! Usually we have warm sunny days, but colder mornings/evenings. ALTHOUGH this weekend is forecasted for record lows & the possibility of snow!!! WTH!?

3. What would you like to take a photo of? Anything specific?
I really want to get up to a local area called Greenbluff (an area of a whole bunch of farms that do all sorts of fun Fall activities as well as sell all their yummy apples, pumpkins, etc!) We didn't get up there last Fall & the area is just so gorgeous to photograph!

4. Have you started wearing sweaters, coats and scarves yet?
I'm a jeans/sweatshirt kinda girl- so I've been living in sweatshirts ever since it got below 70. I did grab a jacket last saturday to my son's flag football game. I love scarves, but haven't busted those out yet- we are planning to get all the winter gear out this weekend & see what's too small & what we need to buy before the snow falls!

5. What does the view look like out your door?
It's cool today- like maybe 50* & partly cloudy. Some of the neighborhood trees are starting to turn colors, but the grass is SUPER green (I think the hubby just fertilized) & my fall plants are looking great! HOWEVER we have this issue with the neighbor across the street- they bought the house late spring, cut all 10 of the HUGE old beautiful trees down from their backyard (now have zero privacy from our house looking towards theirs) and started construction on a pool---- which is still just a giant hole & all the debris from construction. I have no clue what the standstill is about but it's U.G.L.Y!!! This pic was of the sunset from my son's bedroom window- which was gorgeous- but overshadowed by the neighbor's yard...
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Old 09-27-2019, 07:09 PM
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Any activities/events you have planned for Oct? I have few activities lined up for October, we will bring dd to a pumpkin field for activities, we haven't done that last year so we want to do it this year. We also have a neighborhood planned activities here and some other church events. Also the fairs from the neigboring counties.

What is your environment/surroundings like in October? we still have lots of trees here and some are starting to change colors, and some houses are starting to put up decoration and I love looking at them.

What would you like to take a photo of? Anything specific? the brown and yellow to orange leaves that fell from the trees, Halloween decorations from the neighboors and the malls, costume wearing kids and adults.

Have you started wearing sweaters, coats and scarves yet? I started wearing tshirt, and thick indoor socks at night.

What does the view look like out your door? pretty much the same, but I love to watch the trees from the far right side behind the walls start changing colors, and then by December they will totally be leaf-less and I would be able to see the house that the trees are covering. It was really nice.
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Old 09-27-2019, 09:59 PM
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Happy Friday everyone. Today the sun is shining, the leaves are starting to turn colors, its a happy time of year for me.....so the topic today is "October".

Any activities/events you have planned for Oct?
My son has his first formal dance (Homecoming) Octoberfest, get in a few hikes before it gets gross out!

What is your environment/surroundings like in October?
I live in the PNW - so it is pretty quintessential fall. Colorful trees, cool but sunny days with cold nights.

What would you like to take a photo of? Anything specific?
I live near this gorgeous park that is full of trees and has this beautiful gazebo and an aviary...I think that might be kind of fun. Maybe a beautiful fall sunset hike too!

Have you started wearing sweaters, coats and scarves yet?
A lot of cardigans. Its not quite chilly enough for full on cold weather clothing!

What does the view look like out your door?
Bright green lawn, lush trees hinting at changing colors, people still out in their yards working and playing. And construction on a church across the street.

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Old 09-28-2019, 06:20 AM
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Any activities/events you have planned for Oct?
Yep! The first week of Oct is a National holiday. PRC is celebrating the 70th anniversary, so we'll take a few days to fly to Chongqing, another city in China to have some fun together. Other than that, it'll just be normal days.
What is your environment/surroundings like in October?
It's supposed to cool down, but each year it varies. For September, we had some cool mornings and cool nights, but scorching hot noons. It's soooo uncomfortable!
Leaves are starting to change colors and falling off, we've also had some strong winds too.

What would you like to take a photo of? Anything specific?
Umm... probably lots of holiday photos in Chongqing.
Have you started wearing sweaters, coats and scarves yet?
Nope. I do wear a jeans jacket in the morning when walking my son to school.
What does the view look like out your door?
Ummm another building. It's a concrete jungle here.
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Old 09-28-2019, 01:42 PM
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Any activities/events you have planned for Oct? Nothing specific. Most weekends include a soccer game and a baseball practice and running errands. Weekdays are business as usual.
What is your environment/surroundings like in October? Living in the PNW, we have a really traditional fall. Leaves turning color, rain, cooler temps, etc
What would you like to take a photo of? Anything specific? My kids
Have you started wearing sweaters, coats and scarves yet? It's mostly in the 60's during the day, so it's not quite sweater/coat/scarf weather.
What does the view look like out your door? We live on a typical neighborhood street in an urban area. The house directly across the street from us has a gorgeous and colorful yard, so once I see passed the cars parked on the street, it's really delightful. Our front yard isn't too bad either.
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Old 09-28-2019, 04:46 PM
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Any activities/events you have planned for Oct?

We've already been apple picking for the year. DD and I will go hiking with her Girl Scout troop to see the fall foliage. At least 2 of my kids will still trick or treat, and at work (preschool) we have a cute costume parade. We usually do a Halloween farm thing, but I'm not sure if we'll be able to fit it in.

What is your environment/surroundings like in October?

This year it's hot! We're still routinely having 80's and 90's, which is unusual. Starting to see some of the first leaves changing.

What would you like to take a photo of? Anything specific?

The usual Halloween costume photos

Have you started wearing sweaters, coats and scarves yet?

We're still in shorts and t-shirts. Early morning we add a sweatshirt. Usually we can still wear long pants, long sleeves, and a fleece jacket for trick or treating then the real cold comes in November or December.
[*]What does the view look like out your door?

Still the same as over the summer. By late October we'll see fall foliage.

Last edited by rach3975; 09-28-2019 at 04:49 PM.
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Old 09-28-2019, 08:41 PM
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Any activities/events you have planned for Oct?
-I'm going to see Post Malone at the beginning of the month

What is your environment/surroundings like in October?
-About an hour or so south of Chicago, it will be a little chilly. Hoodie weather

What would you like to take a photo of? Anything specific?
-I'm going to be photographing my stepdaughter's pre-Homecoming pics in the next week

Have you started wearing sweaters, coats and scarves yet?
-Absolutely! I love to layer.

What does the view look like out your door?
-Right now, it's dark. Tomorrow during the day, I'll be able to look outside and see my garage sale.

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Old 09-28-2019, 09:18 PM
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Any activities/events you have planned for Oct? We are going to visit the city where we used to live in Malaysia for quarter break next week, and I can't wait to drink mango juice and watch the sun set over the ocean.
What is your environment/surroundings like in October? The same as it has been all year: hot & humid with a chance of rain.
What would you like to take a photo of? Anything specific? All the things on our trip to Malaysia!
Have you started wearing sweaters, coats and scarves yet? Nope, never. I may miss the leaves changing color and not sweating 24/7 ,but I never miss wearing sweaters, coats and scarves!
What does the view look like out your door? Palm trees and bougainvillea.
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Old 09-29-2019, 03:27 PM
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Any activities/events you have planned for Oct?
Thanksgiving!! My favourite holiday, you just hang out with family and eat. My mom's birthday is actually on Thanksgiving this year.
Hoping to do a road trip to the Butterfly Conservatory and Botanical in the next week or two. It's about a 4 hour drive so will be early morning and late night as I don't want to book a hotel room, lol.

What is your environment/surroundings like in October?
Depends on the time of day. . . .seriously. Our range for the next 2 weeks is 59-82F, sun, clouds and rain as well. Pick an hour, lol.

What would you like to take a photo of? Anything specific?
I was hoping to get some of the Monarch Migration but they had really big numbers yesterday morning, think they will be gone in the next week or two. I will say leaves changing, a good family photo and Harlow being cooperative in a witch's hat.

Have you started wearing sweaters, coats and scarves yet?
No, still wearing some summer stuff; capris, flip flops and short sleeves. My fall wardrobe has been dipped into a little, see above answer.

What does the view look like out your door?
Green, wet {rained on and off all weekend}, leaves are starting to turn.
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Old 09-29-2019, 04:39 PM
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Any activities/events you have planned for Oct? Nothing special. The kids are older now so we don't do as many holiday activities as we used to. Maybe we will go to the pumpkin patch. We last went 2 years ago with my step-daughter and grandbaby.

What is your environment/surroundings like in October? So far it still feels like summer. It isn't October yet, but it is still warm. No crisp nights yet. Lots of rain!

What would you like to take a photo of? Anything specific? I would love to be taking photos of my granddaughter but she's in Nevada and I'm in Kansas so I can't do that. I NEED to take some senior pictures for my daughter and since I love fall I might do some fall ones.

Have you started wearing sweaters, coats and scarves yet? Ha... no. It has been really warm still. Warm and humid. I can't imagine we will be wearing long sleeves any time soon!

What does the view look like out your door? It is super green out. You can't see any houses from my house at all, so green is an accurate description. Green with dots of chickens and ducks.
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