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Old 09-20-2021, 11:34 PM
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Default I need some motivation

Hey all, I need some motivation and maybe an atta girl about my diet. I've posted before that I had lost 50 lbs in the last year, but I have stalled really bad for the last few months. SO bad that I am working on not gaining more than losing.

I went to the doctor on Thursday for my 6 month thyroid/diabetes test and was terrified of what they were going to say, since it has been such a struggle. I got the results today and they were better than I had thought they would be.

First of all, I haven't gained any weight. I haven't lost any either, but not gaining made me happy because honestly, changing my habits and keeping weight off is as hard as losing it.

My thyroid numbers are still good, so that is a relief. I haven't had a full scan in almost 16 years now because of my radiation levels, so the blood test and chest x-rays are my cancer check up. If they are good, then I should be good, which means I don't have to think or worry about it for 6 more months.

My A1C was the lowest it has ever been, 5.0, which is great news. I am very happy about that because getting off the diabetes meds is why I am trying to lose weight. They did not take me off of my current dosage, but they have lowered it in the past, so the A1C being lower means I am going in the right direction.

The problem is the motivation. I don't have any right now. Any advice from anyone who has been on a diet, or attempting to change their relationship with food, who stalled, lost their mojo and then got back on track? I need some words of wisdom to help motivate me.
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Old 09-21-2021, 12:20 AM
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Hugs Lorie! You've come so far - I'm proud of you!

I'm probably the last person to give motivation for losing weight. I lost 10kg last year, then slacked off this year and have put half back on again. I feel like I'm constantly starting over. Keeping the weight off is every bit as hard as losing it.

Would going through your wardrobe help? Do a spring clean - try on everything, throw out things that are too big, and remind yourself how far you've come. I know my wardrobe is a big motivator for me.

Do you have a local friend who can go walking with you? Sometimes a daily walk and a chat is all it takes to give you a mental boost. Knowing someone is cheering for you. Has your doctor given you any advice on why you've plateaued? Maybe it's something quite normal at this stage?
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Old 09-21-2021, 06:28 AM
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Lorie you got this. Look at what you accomplished SO FAR. I mean....50 pounds is NOT anything to scoff at. And you did it by changing your habits.

Have you tried Noom? Maybe to get the "coach" or "group" portion to have some cheerleaders?

A friend like stated above, that is doing this too, that maybe you guys can send funny and motivational messages, calls etc to each other to stay motivated? Or taking walks etc together?

I think you're doing amazing. Keep going girl!!!!!

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Old 09-21-2021, 06:46 AM
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Lorie what a wonderful achievement!!

What about looking up new recipes, creating a fun meal plan, batch cooking and freezing meals? All things I say I am going to do but rarely do
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Old 09-21-2021, 06:54 AM
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First, congratulations on 50 pounds!!! That is a big deal and you should feel so proud!!!!

Second, give yourself some grace! This is a hard journey!!! And I know cause I'm stuck in the middle of it right now!!!

Third, Its totally normal to have plateaus that last for weeks or months.

I just lost 70 pounds this year and still have another 30-40 to go, but have been so stuck this summer... If we lived nearby I would walk with you!!! I have been doing Noom and it has helped big time. But I find the Noom FB group to be more help the last coupe months then my group and coach. But when I started they were very helpful. One of my big motivators was cleaning out my closet! I packed up all the too big stuff and did a little shopping.

Walking and food prep help me big time. Do you have a book to listen too or some great music you like? I'm a country music girl or I listen to books as I walk.

Also, take time for you. Relax and do a few deep breaths. Make sure you are getting enough sleep (I totally struggle with that.

And congrats nd big hugs!! You are doing great!!!!!!

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Old 09-21-2021, 07:23 AM
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Wow, Lorie - 50 pounds is a huge accomplishment and I'm so thrilled that it's helping your overall health! That is awesome!! I'm sorry you're in a funk at the moment!!

I lost 35 pounds between May and August but have been at a major standstill, so I am right there with you ... it's so hard!! So, no motivation tips from me, but I will be reading and hope to pick up some that might help me!

Sending you big "be kind to yourself" hugs Lorie!! You've sure done an amazing job!
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Old 09-21-2021, 07:23 AM
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Originally Posted by StacyLynn View Post
First, congratulations on 50 pounds!!! That is a big deal and you should feel so proud!!!!

Second, give yourself some grace! This is a hard journey!!! And I know cause I'm stuck in the middle of it right now!!!

Third, Its totally normal to have plateaus that last for weeks or months.

I just lost 70 pounds this year and still have another 30-40 to go, but have been so stuck this summer... If we lived nearby I would walk with you!!! I have been doing Noom and it has helped big time. But I find the Noom FB group to be more help the last coupe months then my group and coach. But when I started they were very helpful. One of my big motivators was cleaning out my closet! I packed up all the too big stuff and did a little shopping.

Walking and food prep help me big time. Do you have a book to listen too or some great music you like? I'm a country music girl or I listen to books as I walk.

Also, take time for you. Relax and do a few deep breaths. Make sure you are getting enough sleep (I totally struggle with that.

And congrats nd big hugs!! You are doing great!!!!!!
What an accomplisment!! That's fantastic! I bet you feel like a different person!
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Old 09-21-2021, 08:01 AM
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I second Noom! I've lost weight before using the MyFitnessPal app to log food but I needed some help. Noom gave me the tools of how to change how I think and feel about food. I've lost 48 pounds with them this year and 60 lbs since last year when I started working out regularly. I too have 20 lbs to go and it's been hard staying motivated! I'm only losing about 2-3 lbs a month (if even that). I agree that new clothes are nice and switching adding some new healthy meals to your diet are great too! Hang in there!
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Old 09-21-2021, 10:05 AM
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First off congratulations on the weight loss - that is no small feat!!!!

I totally understand the plateau and the mindset. I believe losing weight is 90% in your head. If your head isn't on the journey then the rest of you isn't either, KWIM? Kinda like training a dog - where the head leads the body will follow.

I'm another Noomie. They deal with the mind - why and how you eat and ways to change that or to just believe in yourself. I was doing great - lost 48 pounds and then I had a few things that gave me huge stumbling blocks - first, my youngest daughter was diagnosed with epilepsy, and in the middle of that my goal coach got a promotion and I got a new coach. I loved my first one - I could tell she really listened to me and had great advice when I was struggling. To be fair, this one might be great too, but my goal coach is a man now and I just don't connect with him. I've thought about asking for a new one and having them rewind me to the first two weeks and giving myself a push that way. To be honest I've gained about 10 pounds of that and I'm so scared I'm going to keep gaining because - LIFE is just so freaking hard right now. I think I see a bit of a rainbow in there right now, but this past year has been tremendously difficult, topping it off with us scheduling back surgery for my daughter right after she graduates from high school - the surgeon said she could wait until she finished her senior year. It's so hard to watch your kids go through things and there's nothing you can do to fix it for them. So hard. And chocolate does not make it better - but my brain still thinks it does

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Old 09-21-2021, 10:21 AM
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When I lost my 50 ish pounds, Instagram was my inspiration. Especially the WW community. I loved all the recipes that were shared, the inspirational stories, photos, etc. It pushed me to keep going.
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Old 09-21-2021, 10:44 AM
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Congrats on the 50 pounds! That's amazing!
I'm of no help, though. Something snapped in me when I lost the 60 pounds--it was just time. Then, I gained 10 before Covid (which was kinda good because my hair was falling out) but another 20 during Covid. The extra 30 is making me feel bad, but not bad enough to stop eating cookies. I'm trying to get back on track, but I'm just not motivated right now. It's like all that hard work disappears so easily if you stray for even a little while. And, it's even harder at my age.
I hope you find it in yourself to continue and not get discouraged by your plateau. Even though plateaus are annoying, you have good numbers which is a huge plus.
I said to myself, "After I finish off this cookie dough ice cream container, I'm done with goodies." That was last week. We'll see how it goes.
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Old 09-21-2021, 01:44 PM
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I'm just here to cheer you on! You're doing amazing!
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Old 09-21-2021, 05:59 PM
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What amazing progress, Lorie! Honestly, staying steady and not gaining are really great progress, too. It sounds like you're healthier, and that is also a win!!
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Old 09-21-2021, 09:24 PM
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Thanks everyone. I really appreciate your words of encouragement. I am going to try some of your suggestions, especially on meal planning, or finding a meal plan, because cooking for one is hard. My doctor had suggested Noom, so maybe that is something I need to look into as well. I would like to loose another 50 lbs by this time next year and then see where I am at. I want to take it slow and steady, but not stall out like I have.
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Old 09-21-2021, 09:41 PM
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Originally Posted by LJSDesigns View Post
Thanks everyone. I really appreciate your words of encouragement. I am going to try some of your suggestions, especially on meal planning, or finding a meal plan, because cooking for one is hard. My doctor had suggested Noom, so maybe that is something I need to look into as well. I would like to loose another 50 lbs by this time next year and then see where I am at. I want to take it slow and steady, but not stall out like I have.
when Braeden was away at school I actually found meal planning easier. I would spend Sunday cooking and preparing things to freeze. I would have one crockpot with one type of soup and my dutch oven with another and then have mini meatloaf or meatballs in the over. I put the soup in wide mouth Mason jars to freeze. It was perfect as I would grab a jar from the freezer to defrost in the fridge and dinner was set for the night.

Braeden loved it as when he came home I would send him back to school with his favourite soups (broccoli cheddar and potato with ham) and some frozen mini meatloaves. He was especially thankful when it was time for mid-terms.

I find summer planning much more difficult due to the weather.
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Old 09-21-2021, 09:42 PM
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The 50 lbs is amazing, as is your A1C being 5.0 - that is FANTASTIC!!! I am no help in the diet part, I also struggled for many years with my weight and I chose to have weight loss surgery last year because nothing else worked for me, so I think you losing 50 lbs by diet and exercise is such an achievement!!!

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Old 09-21-2021, 11:43 PM
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Amazing progress, Lorie! I can so relate to losing motivation and trying SO HARD not to regain. (And unfortunately, I'm failing at that big time right now. Too many other things in my life are demanding willpower and smart decision making, so I feel like I don't have any left over for food choices. It's not so much what I'm eating, just that I'm eating too much of it.)

When my will to work at weight loss isn't really there, the only way I can stop myself from gaining is to keep things super simple. For me that means figuring out a few meals that will meet my calorie goals for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks and then just rotating between them. If it's that easy I might stick with it, but if I have to constantly be entering foods into an app it's too time consuming when I don't have motivation. (I put it off, then suddenly it's late in the day and I don't really remember everything or I've gone way over my limits. It's too easy to say, "Never mind--I'll get back on track tomorrow.")

I hope you can figure out what works for you!
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Old 09-22-2021, 12:17 AM
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I'm pretty impressed that you were able to lose so much weight! The only way I've bene able to lose weight is through sickness, which I do not recommend.
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Old 09-23-2021, 07:32 AM
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Originally Posted by JillW View Post
What an accomplisment!! That's fantastic! I bet you feel like a different person!
Awww Thank you! It has definitely been a journey full of hard work and discovery!! I feel more like my old self!

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Old 09-26-2021, 08:28 PM
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50 pounds is amazing, Lorie!

I really need motivation myself. I am so sick of not being able to lose. I used to be able to lose weight easily (but I've also always gained easily). Now it seems I can't lose at all, but the usual things that made me gain before have not made me gain lately. I'm just stuck at this set point, I guess, and my body won't budge. So frustrating! I have not seen a doctor about my weight and I haven't had any sort of bloodwork ran in about 7 years, so there is probably something that I am missing. I really need to get in to a doctor, but I need to find one. My doctor retired a few years ago and I haven't seen one since.
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Old 09-30-2021, 08:40 AM
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You've made huge progress! I'd suggest looking at your old pictures if you took them side by side with current pictures, and realize you look a lot better now.

I've lost 40 pounds since May but still weigh200
I'mMeal prep Sundays and Deciding which days I do what type of exercise.
I eat fresh and clean it definitely makes a difference in how I feel. I only do exercises/activities I thoroughly enjoy.

I keep a journal https://digital-planner.com/fitness/weight-loss-planner Right now I'm trying to cut out processed sugars, so I keep a journal logging how each day went. How my body felt, how my mind felt, my energy levels, what I craved and how I dealt with those cravings. I try to be really non judgemental with myself, but I also keep myself accountable.

Last edited by violar; 06-23-2022 at 03:22 PM.
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Old 09-30-2021, 10:03 PM
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What a wonderful achievement. I have been on the diet train for many years and now I finally learned that just eating whole foods work for me, and a good exercise plan. Sometimes you hit a plateau, just keep doing the same and it will follow with a weight lose again. KUDOS to you!
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