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Old 02-07-2020, 02:27 PM
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Default Friday Fun Facts 02/07

Since we are celebrating the 14th birthday party here at SSD, today's questions will be all about celebrating.
  1. What in your life do you celebrate?
  2. Do you have a celebration that stands out in your memory?
  3. Celebrating means cake to me, does it to you? Favorite?
  4. What was the last event you celebrated (other than Xmas/New Years)?
  5. Family celebrations - tell me about one.
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Old 02-07-2020, 02:39 PM
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What in your life do you celebrate?
I celebrate my family. We almost lost a family member a few yrs ago and what's ensued after has changed my life. I spend more time with family, appreciate the little moments and believe that every day together is a gift. My time with Bailey is more precious to me than I can express.

Do you have a celebration that stands out in your memory?
This past Xmas was special b/c it was the first time, after 2 yrs in the hospital, that we got to spend the holiday season with Bailey. We all ate, laughed a lot and watched lots of holiday movies together. It was a quiet time but so memorable.

Celebrating means cake to me, does it to you? Favorite?
German chocolate cake is a long time fave. When I was a kid my mom would take me to a lunch counter at a department store that had the biggest, best tasting cake I've ever had. They closed down many, many years ago and I'll never forget the afternoon treat with my mom, stopping for cake.

What was the last event you celebrated (other than Xmas/New Years)?
It would have been my birthday in October, spent with the family. We hung out for awhile and went out for dinner. A week later we all went to see a movie (my daughter's treat for us).

Family celebrations - tell me about one.
One of the most memorable celebrations was for my hubs. In 2018, my hubs' birthday gift was a sky diving session. It was exciting for me to watch as he and his buddy went through training and then off to their plane with a few others. I was able to stand fairly close to where they would land and took photos, although once they jumped, it all happened so fast, in a few seconds they were on the ground. Don't know if he will ever go again but it was an amazing experience for him.
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Old 02-07-2020, 02:43 PM
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What in your life do you celebrate? Not really much beyond the typical Holidays... easter, christmas, thanksgiving (#1 & #2), halloween and canada day. The kids birthdays (including our fur kid), and our towns annual celebration.... oh and the Superbowl is a big deal in our house
Do you have a celebration that stands out in your memory? They all have been special in their own way, there's always something that makes them stand out, but no more than any other I guess.
Celebrating means cake to me, does it to you? Favorite? Ummmm, yea I guess there is always a cake around (besides thanksgivings and christmas)... Celebrating to me means Family together time.
What was the last event you celebrated (other than Xmas/New Years)? The Superbowl
Family celebrations - tell me about one, Lots of food, lots of laughs and lots of fun.
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Old 02-07-2020, 06:57 PM
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What in your life do you celebrate? We celebrate birthdays, and your average yearly holidays.

Do you have a celebration that stands out in your memory? Nothing specific, actually. Hmm...

Celebrating means cake to me, does it to you? Favorite?
Oh, yep! Absolutely. I like yellow cake the best with whipped cream frosting. If it is not whipped cream frosting then I usually pick it all off.

What was the last event you celebrated (other than Xmas/New Years)?
Today actually. Its my 45th birthday

Family celebrations - tell me about one.
My husband just got a promotion and raise and we are celebrating that this weekend as well.
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Old 02-07-2020, 08:43 PM
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What in your life do you celebrate?
We celebrate the normal things...holidays, birthdays, anniversaries. Sometimes though, we'll celebrate something totally out of the ordinary like successes.
Do you have a celebration that stands out in your memory?
Nothing super memorable off the top of my head. We typically do something fairly small for birthdays, holidays are the standard family chaos. Usually our celebrations include food, cake and some outdoor activity.

Celebrating means cake to me, does it to you? Favorite?
Now that you mention it, that does seem to be one of the only times we have cake. My most favorite is probably a simple vanilla cake with homemade strawberry buttercreme.

What was the last event you celebrated (other than Xmas/New Years)?
Well, we are having a girls' birthday celebration tonight, since both of my girls have birthdays in the next week. My oldest turns teenager tomorrow and my middle turns 11 on Wednesday.

Family celebrations - tell me about one
Our family celebrations are usually chaos. We have a combined family and 6 kids. So any holiday celebration is a logistical nightmare. We have our celebration then getting the kiddos off to 2 other houses. And that's only if we don't have plans with our families...we currently also have a teeny tiny house, so we can't just do a big gathering at our house and be done with it. So that requires even more planning and work. We've started just saying, we are having the kids at this time on this day, if you want to come and celebrate at some point let us know, because we aren't traveling or doing anything huge. It's a huge contrast to what I was used to growing up where all of our family met at my grandparents for the whole day.
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Old 02-07-2020, 09:00 PM
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What in your life do you celebrate?
I celebrate family - birthdays, holidays, and accomplishments.

Do you have a celebration that stands out in your memory?
I remember one birthday party I had as a child where my friends and I got in our swimsuits and splashed in the street gutters. EW. But we had fun and it's a great memory.

Celebrating means cake to me, does it to you? Favorite?
Definitely not! I'm not a cake person. In our house, whoever is being celebrated picks any dessert and a meal.

What was the last event you celebrated (other than Xmas/New Years)?
My son Braden's 15th birthday. He did chose chocolate cake with german chocolate frosting.

Family celebrations - tell me about one.
The last family celebration I went to was on my dad's side, and it was impromtu. It was funny because people always have trouble getting to the get togethers, but this time my aunt literally facebook messaged everyone on a friday and said come over tomorrow for a get together - whoever can make it. Well, that was our biggest, best turnout we had for a family function in years! It was a good time and we took photos.
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Old 02-07-2020, 09:25 PM
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What in your life do you celebrate?
The same holidays and celebrations as everyone else. Birthdays, New Years, sometimes July 4th, Thanksgiving, and Hanukkah. We live far-ish from family (7 hour drive), so every time we go to my hometown it turns into a celebration, with my parents, siblings, and their families (all of whom live closer to each other) coming to be with us.

Do you have a celebration that stands out in your memory?
Not really. We tend to celebrate each holiday the same way most years.

Celebrating means cake to me, does it to you? Favorite?
Nope! We have a tradition that the person being celebrated chooses the treat, and they hardly ever choose cake. We've had ice cream trifles, make your own sundae bars, no bake peanut butter bars, candy bars (Hersheys, Reeses, etc), cinnamon rolls, brownies, and other things along those lines.

What was the last event you celebrated (other than Xmas/New Years)?
We had a family birthday in December and another in January.

Family celebrations - tell me about one.
Since we don't celebrate Christmas, our family has always used Thanksgiving as our big family gathering. Since my childhood I can only remember 4 different hosts, each of whom did it for a long time before passing it to the next generation. The last few years my sister has hosted. Fourteen of us (my parents, my siblings and their families, and my family) stay at my sister's from Wednesday to Saturday, letting the cousins play and just hanging out together. Other relatives come for the day on Thursday, and we all do the traditional big meal.

Originally Posted by tanyiadeskins View Post
Today actually. Its my 45th birthday
Happy birthday!
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Old 02-08-2020, 01:22 AM
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What in your life do you celebrate? couple of things, birthdays, holidays, accomplisments, family reunion.

Do you have a celebration that stands out in your memory? my daughter's 1st birthday, when she graduated from preschool and my birthday in January.

Celebrating means cake to me, does it to you? Favorite? yes it is, and ice cream too. I love mousse cake and that's it. I don't like sponge ones.

What was the last event you celebrated (other than Xmas/New Years)? my birthday two weeks ago.

Family celebrations - tell me about one. I love our annual family reunion, my relatives live from us ad everyone else, so the last Saturday of December before the new year, is when we all get together from morning till evening. Most of the time we just talk on facebook (thank you social media, I guess), or if we are to celebrate a birthday milestone for one of my aunts/uncles, or if my closest cousin, my siblings and I decide to meet up.
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Old 02-08-2020, 02:31 PM
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What in your life do you celebrate?
Everything. Why not right!? Because I schedule my patient's mostly 6 months out- I always know when it's 6 months to people's birthdays... so for the kids, we started a tradition where I make them a half of a cake for their half birthdays!

Do you have a celebration that stands out in your memory?
When I was 12- I wished for snow on my birthday (december 1st) and it actually happened! I always wished for snow but it was too early for snow in Western WA!

Celebrating means cake to me, does it to you? Favorite?
Absolutely! My favorite is German chocolate with pecan/coconut frosting! MMMmmmm. I make a smore's cupcake that is pretty fantastic too!

What was the last event you celebrated (other than Xmas/New Years)?
I made "pupcakes" for our dog's birthday in January!

Family celebrations - tell me about one.
We do half birthdays for the kids- my daughter once asked if she got presents too... lol um no! For holidays, we do Christmas with my family the weekend before so that we can be home for Christmas. We always do Waffles for dinner on Christmas eve with my inlaws.
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Old 02-08-2020, 02:38 PM
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What in your life do you celebrate? We are SO inconsistent with what we celebrate. We celebrate Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter. Those are the only holidays we are guaranteed to celebrate around here. We kind of gave up Halloween as the kids got older. We sometimes do 4th of July up big and other times we stay home and just hang out. We rarely celebrate Valentine's Day. Birthdays are hit or miss. I try to do something for the kids' birthdays but when life is busy and hectic I sometimes forget and we just end up eating out or something. We rarely celebrate my birthday (Valentine's Day) or my husband's (in May). His is right before our anniversary and it is also right around Mother's Day (sometimes ON Mother's Day). We also don't celebrate Mother's Day. We do tend to celebrate Father's Day though. Go figure. May is a hella busy month. There are only so many hours in the day. Who has time? We do celebrate graduations (also in May... see? busy!) and accomplishments.

Do you have a celebration that stands out in your memory? Maybe the last Christmas we had with my grandma... my son was a newborn and it was the last time the whole family (on my side) got together for a holiday.

Celebrating means cake to me, does it to you? Favorite? No. We rarely do cake. We aren't even big on birthday cakes. I don't have a favorite cake. For my birthday growing up I got cherry cheese pies instead.

What was the last event you celebrated (other than Xmas/New Years)? We celebrated when I tested into college algebra. Those are the kinds of celebrations we have more than the traditional ones. My birthday is next Friday. I highly doubt there will be any celebrating. We have to go bowling anyway, not a party atmosphere.

Family celebrations - tell me about one. Nothing particular stands out.

*** I reread this and boy do we sound like party poopers when it comes to celebrating. Before I started working in education we celebrated EVERYTHING. Chinese New Year? Check! Mardi Gras? Check! National Chocolate Ice Cream Day? You bet! Since I've started working at a school I get burned out with all the celebrating. I would love to skip it all to be honest. For example, we used to celebrate Dr. Seuss's birthday with our kids. I loved it. We had a lot of fun. My kids are obviously too old now for that, but I wouldn't have the motivation if I tried because we do so much at work for that entire week that I don't even bother at home. I love where I work but it has sure has taken away my love of celebrations.

Last edited by Sherri Tierney; 02-08-2020 at 02:51 PM.
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Old 02-08-2020, 02:44 PM
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Originally Posted by AmieN1 View Post
so for the kids, we started a tradition where I make them a half of a cake for their half birthdays!
We celebrated half birthdays big when the kids were small. Now we acknowledge them with a small gift. We aren't cake people so I don't do cakes.

My step-son's birthday was yesterday (28...WOW). When he was little we never saw him for his birthday, but we always had him in August so we started celebrating his half birthday. We would go to an amusement park, have gifts, etc. We did it up big because that was the only time we could celebrate him like that since we also didn't see him at Christmas (we only got him in the summer).

When our kids came along we continued to celebrate the halves. Now that they are 14 and 17 and life is so incredibly busy, those halves tend to get skipped over sometimes. My daughter's half birthday is on Christmas Eve and my son's half birthday is in the craziness that is our month of May (May and December are the absolute craziest months for me working in education as well as personally) so it is hard. We remember, we just don't always remember to do plan something. We didn't know my stepdaughter as she was growing up but her half birthday is the day before my daughter's birthday so I text her to acknowledge it.
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Old 02-08-2020, 02:47 PM
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Originally Posted by tanyiadeskins View Post
Today actually. Its my 45th birthday
Happy belated Birthday! You share a day with my stepson. Mine is next Friday. We don't celebrate it at home but the kids at school get a kick out of it.
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