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Old 03-18-2020, 12:17 PM
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Default What's Your Neighborhood Like Now?

What is it like in your area now? How is this impacting you? What are you doing at-home for fun?
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Old 03-18-2020, 12:20 PM
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The impact this is having on all aspects of our lives is necessary ,I know, but devastating. I have a hard time wrapping my head around all that is happening. I've not been online much this week. I needed some time to process what is going on in our world. I've been out scrounging for food without much luck so far, going out for 2-3 hrs each day. I work from home for 2 doctors and they are now switching to tele-medicine (online) and only seeing urgent patients who may not need to go to the hospital but need to be seen rather than talked to remotely. So I probably will be working half time or 1/3 time for the foreseeable future. Its scary b/c I am self employed, if I don't work I don't get paid so will need to be very careful with finances. I don't qualify for government help. My hubs came home yesterday, he is off work now so will be getting a small paycheque but greatly reduced, as he works for commissions mostly. My daughter is a retail manager, Staples Office Supplies is open on limited hrs now so she is still going in for a few hrs here and there but I think they will close by next wk. The emails have been coming the last day or two that more and more retail stores are closing now. Almost all restaurants are closed and a few have takeout only, not allowed inside. I was lucky enough to get some bird food and dog food as one closed yesterday and the other may close soon they said.

But the silver lining is that hopefully all these drastic measures will help to slow down the infection rate and give the professionals time to develop a vaccine and for many who do become infected, to survive and build antibodies for it.

I'm going to scrap later, I need that therapy. I started a book that appeals to me during this time, "The First Phone Call From Heaven". I'm going to get out for walks/jogs with Taz along the river across the street from us and binge watch a lot of shows that have been on my to-watch list.

I'm going to do some spring cleaning around here next week while I have the extra time on my hands. I also want to re-organize my pantry and freezers and see what items I need to replenish soon if I can. Hubs is going to steam clean the carpets and I'll clean out some closets. I also want to get some baking done. A little comfort food is a good idea right now
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Old 03-18-2020, 12:54 PM
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Things haven't changed much here. Some places have reduced hours, but otherwise, so far, everything is still open. We don't know our neighbors yet, so we're really just hanging out at home...which is a good thing because I can work on unpacking!! LOL!
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Old 03-18-2020, 01:03 PM
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Well, everything here in Ohio has basically been canceled since last Friday, so suddenly we have a lot of time on our hands! My husband started working from home today, so that is new, but as we homeschool anyway, the school closure isn't impacting us that much. We are well-stocked with food and supplies for now, but I do worry about long-term impacts and shortages. I had to go out yesterday to refill my son's medication prescription, and the shelves at the local Walmart are mostly empty. It was funny to see what they still had, because that is what people didn't think they wanted? I managed to pick up some produce, the one thing I worry about finding in the days to come. Basically, though, I'm trying to find the silver linings. No, we can't go out and see friends, but we can hang out together and rest, watch shows, read books, play games, do work out in our yard, scrap, clean the house, snuggle our pets. It's not great--it's so hard for so many people, but it's the way things are now. I'm the type to try to make the best of things, but that doesn't mean I'm not having trouble sleeping at night.

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Old 03-18-2020, 01:21 PM
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We live in a pretty rural area with lots of small businesses and not a lot of big box stores. Things are getting pretty rough around here. We are anticipating huge losses, even more changes, and even more difficulty coming back from all the closures.
For us, we both work full time and all 6 of our kids are school age, the youngest is in PK and the oldest is a 7th grader. 3 of them live with us fulltime, 4th, 5th, 7th graders...so trying to figure out how we can keep working AND homeschooling. Along with the uncertainty of our industry (wood products/lumber - non-essential!).

I tried doing some scrap therapy last night, and the page turned out as messy as my head! I'll probably give it another go tonight. Trying to avoid social media and news as much as possible. Talking to kids about how things are going to be different for at least next 6 weeks and how I need their help to get through it with as minimal of impact as possible (ie: STOP fighting over stupid stuff).

I"ll be talking to our GM tomorrow about the possiblity of intermitant WFH so that I can manage both kids/work and still have an income.

Anxiety is through the roof; not because we're afraid of getting sick, but more that the dynamics of our lives are currently SO different.
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Old 03-18-2020, 01:25 PM
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Even though we're the epicenter of Washington state (you're not far either Rae!) here in EASTERN WA, things were a bit slower to cancel, close, etc. My dental office I work at finally closed for hygiene (only after all 5 of us hygienists refused to go to work & called in sick) and although the state department of health & the american dental association recommended dental offices ONLY see true emergencies, I have a number of friends that are hygienists that are still working. THIS has been my stress. I have blasted every agency, politician, etc that I know to try to get MANDATED closures- since a lot of offices are not following recommendations or guidelines. EVERYTHING we do at a dental appointment produces aerosols (tiny drops of water, spit, blood, VIRUSES, bacteria, etc)- which is the WELL KNOWN cause of spread for this particular virus. Add that into a LONG (up to 2 week) incubation period where patients will have ZERO symptoms and pass all our screenings = disaster. I'm going to TRY to stay off of most of social media today because I just dont know what else I can do and I need a mental health break! I'm going to get some scrapping done & get outside with the kids for some sun & vit D!

In our NEIGHBORHOOD- (we live across from a LDS temple, so I would say we have about 75% LDS families here = lots of great neighbors & kids!) it's eerie. It is SO quiet. Usually there is always kids playing outside, people walking by, basketballs bouncing, etc. Hubby went to the grocery store yesterday & said it was really strange- lots of empty shelves. thankfully they had what I needed- avocados, lemons & cream cheese!

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Old 03-18-2020, 01:30 PM
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It's so hard to wrap your head around all of this, isn't it?!?! I'm an introvert, so being home doesn't bother me all that much honestly. My kids are off for two weeks & at this point I'm just letting them take a break from their studies since the school district isn't doing anything online. I'm kind of treating it like a Spring Break right now and letting them play outside and watch some tv. My daughter taught me some yoga yesterday that she learned in her gym class! We lit a fire in our firepit and burned some paper trash and some sticks and debris from the yard. The kids set up the volleyball net and played that together. Thank goodness we have had good weather! We live in the country, surrounded by cornfields. The traffic has slowed a bit, but people are still out walking on the path across the street from our house.

My 15 yo daughter works as a hostess at a local family-owned restaurant and I haven't heard from them what they are doing at this point. Most of the local eateries are now offering take out or delivery only. She changed her schedule because she is supposed to be playing on her high school softball team and only working on weekends, but all sports are postponed right now. I'm not sure if she is going to still work on the weekends and help with take-out orders which she would do as a hostess anyway. She is supposed to go to Germany in June...no idea what is happening with that...

I only work part-time for a home-care agency, and they haven't said much either, except to send a memo saying they are doing everything they can....but not what they are actually doing!... I only work on the weekends and the lady I take care of has dementia and isn't aware of the situation.

My husband is a painter at a trucking company that builds commercial vehicles. There are only 4 people that work in his paint shop, and they are still working right now. He said they haven't heard anything about shutting down.

I'm pretty picky about cleaning the house anyway, so I haven't really done anything differently. I feel like I'm doing a lot more laundry with the kids home, though for some reason. At least I can hang it on the wash line which always make me happy for some reason.

Thank goodness for sites like this and digital scrapbooking in general! Take care, everyone!

Last edited by 3BluEyedBabi; 03-18-2020 at 01:33 PM.
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Old 03-18-2020, 01:36 PM
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Originally Posted by AmieN1 View Post
Even though we're the epicenter of Washington state (you're not far either Rae!) here in EASTERN WA, things were a bit slower to cancel, close, etc. My dental office I work at finally closed for hygiene (only after all 5 of us hygienists refused to go to work & called in sick) and although the state department of health & the american dental association recommended dental offices ONLY see true emergencies, I have a number of friends that are hygienists that are still working. THIS has been my stress. I have blasted every agency, politician, etc that I know to try to get MANDATED closures- since a lot of offices are not following recommendations or guidelines. EVERYTHING we do at a dental appointment produces aerosols (tiny drops of water, spit, blood, VIRUSES, bacteria, etc)- which is the WELL KNOWN cause of spread for this particular virus. Add that into a LONG (up to 2 week) incubation period where patients will have ZERO symptoms and pass all our screenings = disaster. I'm going to TRY to stay off of most of social media today because I just dont know what else I can do and I need a mental health break! I'm going to get some scrapping done & get outside with the kids for some sun & vit D!

In our NEIGHBORHOOD- (we live across from a LDS temple, so I would say we have about 75% LDS families here = lots of great neighbors & kids!) it's eerie. It is SO quiet. Usually there is always kids playing outside, people walking by, basketballs bouncing, etc. Hubby went to the grocery store yesterday & said it was really strange- lots of empty shelves. thankfully they had what I needed- avocados, lemons & cream cheese!
I just had my boys to their dentist on Friday. The dental hygienist said they were almost out of masks and gloves because their regular delivery was so late. My one son and my daughter need to see an orthodontist, and I was thinking about trying to make an appointment while they are off since it's so hard usually with all the school and sports stuff going on, but I thought better of it! It's just best to STAY HOME RIGHT NOW!
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Old 03-18-2020, 01:49 PM
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Originally Posted by 3BluEyedBabi View Post
I just had my boys to their dentist on Friday. The dental hygienist said they were almost out of masks and gloves because their regular delivery was so late. My one son and my daughter need to see an orthodontist, and I was thinking about trying to make an appointment while they are off since it's so hard usually with all the school and sports stuff going on, but I thought better of it! It's just best to STAY HOME RIGHT NOW!
THANK YOU! I think a lot of people are trying to use their time wisely, as well as think that since we are 'healthcare' that we know better. The issue is just the incubation period of this virus & no way to know or screening people while they have no symptoms. We had a local office that was contacted by a patient who had been seen there that they tested positive afterwards. Now they have to contact all the other patients that were in the building and the staff has to self quarantine anyways. It's just too risky for the people spreading it, but ESPECIALLY in the dental setting.
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Old 03-18-2020, 03:44 PM
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Just got home from scoring 2 packs of ground beef finally. I've been trying for days. I've almost got enough supplies to get through the next month or so. The roads are very quiet as almost everything has closed now or has reduced hours. I went into Staples to get the beef from my daughter who picked it up for me (she's a manager there so has to be there for part of each day) and the store had 4 staff and 1 customer. So eerie. My hubs had to go deliver some equipment for a work install the other guys will do for him so he bought them lunch, (one of the few restaurants open that is providing window access for takeout food) and they each sat in their vehicles, window open and chatting that way. I'm going to the drugstore later if they are open and see if I can get some hand cream. My hands are dry and raw from all the washing and sanitizing this last week.

I'm going to binge watch Magicians tonight. A lighthearted sci-fi is just what I need right now.
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Old 03-18-2020, 05:28 PM
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Things here are the same as yesterday - all restaurants closed for dine in - takes out or curbside are the only options. All bars are closed - all gambling joints are also closed. We live on a cal-de-sac in the country so never have any traffic going by - and honestly I haven't noticed a decline in traffic at all as I'm going to work and coming home ---
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Old 03-18-2020, 05:45 PM
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I've been WFH since 2/27 (I normally WFH 2x/week anyway). We are a party of 5 all day, every day right now. My little guy's daycare is open, but I'm not sending him since I think it defeats the purpose of social distancing and I have resources to watch him (vs. other folks who really need the childcare because they are healthcare workers, grocery workers, pharmacists, etc).

The thing I struggle with the most is the amount of misinformation floating around, but that's an entirely different conversation.

Amie, my good friend is a dentist (she's out of state) and she was saying there were rumors that the lady in her 50's who passed away in Puyallup was a dental hygienist. I couldn't find anything on her occupation. The articles I saw only referenced her age and that she had multiple underlying conditions. My friend has closed her practice to everyone except emergencies. I think I have a cleaning coming up in April, which I'm planning to cancel.

I went grocery shopping this morning at 7:15am (I was shopping for both my family and my mom who is in her mid-80s). The store was pretty busy given the hour. Shelves were in the process of being restocked, but were still pretty bare. I bought one pack of TP and split it with my mom. I saw a decent number of people wearing gloves and masks (no employees).
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Old 03-18-2020, 08:54 PM
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My neighborhood hasn't changed a bit. I'm rural though. My entire street has like 6 houses and the closest one to me is 1/4 mile away. My chiropractor lives down our street. He is still open, I know, as I had to call and cancel my appointment yesterday.

I have not been out of the house since last Friday. My husband and daughter have. She worked a few days before the movie theatre closed. My husband continues to work. His job has a lot of social distancing built in. He runs a printing press and the machines are large and spaced far enough apart that they don't have a lot of contact with one another. My job is up in the air right now. I work for a school and our governor closed our schools for the remainder of the year. The district is working to come up with a plan for remote learning. I'm not sure how well this will work given the area we live in. They did send out connectivity surveys today. Our grocery stores aren't too bad, I'm told. They are receiving trucks often and trying to restock. I had a list yesterday and hubby went to Walmart while my daughter went to our local grocery store and between the two of them they found everything on the list.

I will leave the house tomorrow to go to my school and close my room. I'm sad.
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Old 03-18-2020, 09:25 PM
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Traffic is a little lighter now, but there are still people walking their dogs and going outside. Until this afternoon--the rain is here. Great.
So it looks like my local grocery store has taken this time to remodel. There is a giant black garbage bag looking curtain hanging in front of customer service, pieces of the flooring missing, and I heard lots of banging when I went in there this morning. There were signs stating that you were only allowed to buy one loaf of bread that came from their bakery because obviously they haven't received bread shipments. It's really got that Armageddon vibe going on in there.

Tomorrow's "field trip" for my girls will be driving 12 miles to my sister's house to deliver some eggs because there were none over the weekend when she can shop, but I found some at Walmart today. The excitement never ends. At least gas is cheap.
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Old 03-18-2020, 10:29 PM
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Originally Posted by SeattleSheri View Post
Amie, my good friend is a dentist (she's out of state) and she was saying there were rumors that the lady in her 50's who passed away in Puyallup was a dental hygienist. I couldn't find anything on her occupation. The articles I saw only referenced her age and that she had multiple underlying conditions. My friend has closed her practice to everyone except emergencies. I think I have a cleaning coming up in April, which I'm planning to cancel.
Awe- that's just awful. Even with pre-existing conditions, if she was working, she couldn't have been that unhealthy to begin with. So sad.
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Old 03-18-2020, 11:20 PM
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Originally Posted by AmieN1 View Post
Awe- that's just awful. Even with pre-existing conditions, if she was working, she couldn't have been that unhealthy to begin with. So sad.
I don't know if there is any credibility to it. My friend had reached out to me asking me if I knew of a woman in her late 40's who was healthy in Puyallup who had passed way. So many details don't match, so hopefully it's just a rumor!!
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Old 03-19-2020, 12:29 AM
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Schools and some stores are closed here. Maryland and DC have closed all restaurants (take out and delivery only), and I wish Virginia would do the same. Too many people don't seem to be taking it seriously. DH is teleworking. He's been working 12 hour days because he works for the Federal Government and is one of many people trying to figure out all the coronavirus-related funding. The rest of us are home because schools are closed. I thought I'd have so much free time that I'd scrap and do house projects this month. Ha! Helping the kids with schoolwork, meals, extra cleaning, and trying to do the little bit of work I need to do is taking all my time so far.

I've been to the grocery store a few times. It's not terrible here. You have to get lucky to find TP, paper towels, and eggs. Other than that, stock is low but they're not out of food. The grocery stores are restocking shelves like crazy. I hope all those workers stay healthy and get nice raises!

Lauren got her braces on last week, the day before anything here shut down. At that point things still seemed okay and it never occurred to us to cancel, but a few days later the dentist closed for everything except emergencies. It's a little scary how quickly things went from business as usual to this.

All of my kids are readers, so that's how they've passed a lot of their time. That and schoolwork. Tomorrow it's supposed to be in the 70's, so I'm planning to take them hiking in the afternoon at a trail where we shouldn't see many people and can keep a good deal of distance from everyone. (If that turns out not to be the case, we'll just come home.) I think parks here will start closing soon, too, so I want to get outside while we still can.

Thankfully Dan's job, which is most of our income, won't be affected. I'll keep getting paid for now, but I'm worried about next school year. The preschool I teach at had to cancel its main fundraiser, and if the economy is bad or people fear sending their kids to school because of Covid-19 we'll be under-enrolled.
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Old 03-19-2020, 01:16 AM
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It's so quiet. Everyone is satying home, only the few who need to work for our society to run is allowed to work. Schools are closed, all gyms, public places, restaurants and non essential shops or places are closed. They'll only allow 10 people in the grocery store at the time, some places less due to space. For me though, I still have to work. I deliver post and packages to everyone sitting at home. I've had so many deliveries where people are quaranteened after travelling. The roads are so lonely, no one is put driving unless they have to.
Took the kids out for some air yesterday, we can go our, but not socialise and it's almost like a ghost town.
I'm hoping this helps, if not they should just shut everything down completely for 2 weeks and then back up. This half way thing probably isn't good enough to rid us off the pandemic.
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Old 03-19-2020, 07:42 AM
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My neighborhood is something like small town big hell LOL We're a closed neighborhood, like an island with one convenience store that is kinda a mini walmart that provides us everything we need. We're kinda of isolated here, although we're in the city, so there is no control but from our administration (that are not working either but the security people). Houses here are big and almost everyone has employees to help, unfortunately not everyone cares about the situation, and send employees to the store 5 times a day instead of calling the delivery or sending just once and do all the shopping, others come just to chat with someone else because they are bored, others come and get mad when they are told they can't buy all the store LOL others run or walk with their dogs, and of course there are the teens who doesn't care at all, and guess their parents either. We have a fb group, and just imagine all the hell going in there!!
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Old 03-19-2020, 10:17 AM
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Things are pretty quiet. Over the past couple of days more things have been shut down/cancelled, store hours are being shortened. I have noticed less traffic as the days go by as well, so there's not even many people out driving around for the heck of it just to check on how empty things are.

For myself life hasn't changed much, as a homebody I only leave the house once or twice a week anyway so things feel pretty norm for me. I am a little bit scattered making sure the kids don't go through the stash of food meant for a few weeks in a few days. The boys are doing their usual thing of gaming, and board games.... this week was their spring break week off of school anyway, and that's how they normally would have been spending their time anyway (besides us not being able to go to the museum and bowling as we do annually). Next week is where I expect to see a slight change in their boredom as it will be the start of their "extended two weeks off of school".

My only true worry at the moment is my hubby.... he does still have to leave regularly to go to work (he works at a funeral home.... he said it's been quiet, but I mean if it becomes someones 'time to go' that means he'll be in contact with people even though they are limiting numbers as much as possible.... and the thought of him going to pick anyone up at a health facility or long term care facility where there are bound to be a lot of people has my nerves shot. When he's home I STILL worry about him because he is a volunteer firefighter, so it's his duty to go out there if called.....
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Old 03-21-2020, 01:47 PM
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I haven't noticed much, because I really have not been outside the house since last Friday. My DH and son have done all the grocery shopping, when I have always done it. Gosh, if we could go grocery shopping and have it be normal (i.e., nothing would be sold out), wouldn't that make our lives right now so much easier? That is one of the things that stresses me. DH says people are walking for pleasure and/or exercise and are keeping a safe distance from each other. I hope to get out during the day or after I work to walk even if it's just for 5, 10, 15 minutes. At times things feel normal, and other times it's just plain strange.

I honestly haven't had a lot of time to do anything fun, since I'm still working full-time from home. DH and I are trying to watch light-hearted movies and shows. I need to find time to read. I try to read during my lunch hour, but now that I'm home, I've been watching a couple of episodes of The Partridge Family or The Nanny, and I usually wind up taking a nap for the last 20 to 30 minutes of that hour.

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Old 03-22-2020, 10:52 AM
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Things are quieter here. Most businesses are closed except for Walmart, Target, Walgreens, and our local grocers. The big mall is shut down, movie theaters, civic center, etc. I'm an essential worker, so nothing has changed for me in that aspect. I go to work every day from 7-5 and then I come home. Our building is on complete lock down - no one in our out except the one hospice nurse, one physical therapist, and one phlebotomist. Temperatures are recorded as soon as we enter the building and a screen for cough, etc. I lay low when I'm not at work since it would be devastating to our residents if an employee contracted the virus and brought it into the community unknowingly.

I did manage to get most everything I wanted at the grocery store yesterday, except tortillas! What is up with that? Not one package of any kind of tortilla to be found! The stores still have plenty of fresh produce and canned beans and since I'm a vegan that works for me - LOL.
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Old 03-22-2020, 04:28 PM
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Schools have been closed since last week Monday (which was their Spring Break anyhow); churches are closed for Sunday mass and all restaurants are closed to "in-dining" (only take-out and delivery), which is state mandated until April 10th or further notice (contingent on...well you know). I've been doing tele-work at home since the beginning of April due to a sick 6 year old who had RSV, then a sinus infection. I have noticed anxiety starting to show it's ugly self, but been taking deep breaths and meditating to calm the woes of being home; not so much about the virus/pandemic...crazy no?! The streets have been not as busy like they used to be, but people are still acting stupid. One of the workers at Dollar General was telling me a lady came all the way from TX with her horse trailer and demanded to buy every TP, kleenex, lysol, etc......even when there was a line all the way to the back at her register. Before our Governor mandated the stores to limit items, she said she did just that and wouldn't allow this lady to "hoard", so everyone in line would have at least something. Fair IMO, but can't believe some people. I get it, but get only what you need so others can get. I've been trying to get ground beef for a month now and haven't had ANY luck.....we do what we can.

On another note, my eldest son informed me one of his co-workers had been in contact with a friend whose wife was tested positive with COVID-19, yet they have not told all of them to self-isolate!! He said it's because the head honchos (he is employed at the National Guard Full-Time -- and he is also P/T national guardsman) wants to have proof before they make the announcement; so he is very worried to say the least.
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Old 03-22-2020, 10:58 PM
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Very little traffic but still some people in the streets. When I came back from Target to get hubby's meds we saw 2 white tail deers in a place I have never in the 20 years of living here I had ever seen deers! Almost ran the red light trying to show B! btw. She didn't get out of the car at Target, she stayed in the car.

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Old 03-23-2020, 04:38 PM
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I'm in southern Maine. All of the schools in my county and the one just south of us have been closed through April 27th at least. I'd be surprised if we are back this year, to be honest. Distance teaching is challenging... even though I have "office hours", I'm definitely finding myself obsessively checking emails to see if students have questions, etc. Today I'm trying to step back a bit and take better care of myself.
Haven't left my house much except for walks through the neighborhood and grocery shopping. At this point there are 107 cases in Maine, and I feel like this week that number is going to jump... so I'm not planning on going to any stores again for at least the next week.
Unbelievably, the Maine Mall is still OPEN. Seriously?? Some stores have closed, but not all. I just assumed that they were all closed, but there were a fair number of cars in the lot when I drove by today on my way to Hannaford for groceries. Get with it, people!

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Old 03-23-2020, 05:28 PM
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Illinois is now on shelter in place state-wide. I am still working since warehousing is considered "essential". There is one confirmed case in the town where I work - and 5 in the county next to us. I keep wishing I'd wake up from this bad dream!
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Old 03-24-2020, 02:53 PM
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We are now "shelter in place" we are only supposed to leave house for work (if you are still working, cause most of us are not), doctor or grocery shopping or volunteering.

We have a new norm here and it's odd....
My littles are now all home with their families. I don't need to be up at 5:30am.... (I started making some videos for them of me reading stories)
My college and high school kids are eating all the food and the wifi.... lol.... so I installed a second router this morning to hopefully help with all this demand... big test today at 4 when two need to be on Zoom at the same time.

My hubby still working.... I made him a face mask, gave him a can of lysol and bottle of hand sanitizer cause those men on the construction site are gross... and he must strip in the laundry room and shower as soon as he walks in.

We have our health still and I have all my "big" babies here with me.

Guest CT for Kristin Cronin-Barrow

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