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Old 03-25-2019, 09:55 AM
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Default RQOTD....

Have you ever locked yourself out of the house/car?

I have...

I was 24 when my baby brother was born. My mom worked at night and I would watch him up until the time my daughter was born (he was 18 mo old when she was born). My now husband and I took him to a Disney on Ice show with a bunch of friends. Well Matt thought I got him out of the car and I thought he got him out of the car. Nope. We locked him in the car. We called AAA and they got there so quickly. The guy said he heard "baby locked in car" and he jammed. Johnny slept the whole time. He was about 9 mo old.

I still have never told my mom about this. LOL! I figure it'll be a funny story to tell when Johnny gets married or graduates college or high school (in June). Haha!

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Old 03-25-2019, 10:39 AM
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I have. Right after I got my driver's license, I somehow managed to lock the keys in the car.

The keys were in the ignition.

The car was still running. Facepalm moment!

I was at a friend's house, parked on the street, and I had to use their phone to call my dad (this was way before everyone had cell phones), and he was able to make the 15 minute drive with the extra set of keys. It took a long time to live that one down.

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Old 03-25-2019, 11:36 AM
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I did once and it has stuck in my head for all these yrs later. I have never done it again. Many years ago, I brought my mom and her friend across the border to Bellingham for lunch and shopping. We stopped at the restaurant first and when we finished lunch and went to the car I realized the keys were in the ignition and the car was locked. I think my mom pushed all the lock buttons down and somehow I didn't realize that I didn't have the keys in my hand and didn't click the lock function. My mom was old school so she liked to manually lock doors. So I got the restaurant to call a tow company b/c we were across the border from Canada into the US, about an 1.5 hrs from home, so I didn't want to call my husband or anyone from home and everyone was working anyway. So we had to wait about 4 hrs in the stiffling heat, sitting on the parking curbs in the parking lot. Now that I think back, I wonder why we didn't just stay in the restaurant....I've got no idea LOL. I guess we thought it wouldn't be too long a wait....but it was. I had to pay cash which really cut into my shopping money as way back then my Canadian bank card didn't work and I didn't bring a credit card with me.

So we carried on and managed to have a bit of fun before the long drive home but I've never forgotten the experience and have never done it again. I like the car I have now, it won't lock if the keys are in the ignition. I've tried with my spare keys and it clicks but doesn't lock. I like that feature.
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Old 03-25-2019, 11:47 AM
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Originally Posted by carrie1977 View Post
Have you ever locked yourself out of the house/car?

I have...

I was 24 when my baby brother was born. My mom worked at night and I would watch him up until the time my daughter was born (he was 18 mo old when she was born). My now husband and I took him to a Disney on Ice show with a bunch of friends. Well Matt thought I got him out of the car and I thought he got him out of the car. Nope. We locked him in the car. We called AAA and they got there so quickly. The guy said he heard "baby locked in car" and he jammed. Johnny slept the whole time. He was about 9 mo old.

I still have never told my mom about this. LOL! I figure it'll be a funny story to tell when Johnny gets married or graduates college or high school (in June). Haha!
Oh my goodness, Carrie!! I think the funniest part of your story is that you still haven't told your mom!! It will make a funny story when you do (I hope your mom has a good sense of humor )

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Old 03-25-2019, 12:01 PM
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I've done this more than once! LOL! I guess I don't learn very quickly?

A couple of times I remember...

My mom, Kayla and I had eaten lunch. When we got to the car, we realized we had locked the keys in. We called AAA and we're told it would be up to an hour wait. It was a beautiful day in Seal Beach, so we just stood outside waiting. We looked up the street and about a block up was a mechanic shop with a tow truck sitting outside. We joked that that was probably the AAA guy. We waited & waited. Finally, at almost the one-hour mark, we see the guy get in the tow truck and head towards us. LOL!!

The other that comes to mind was just last week. I don't carry a purse in winter because it's a hassle and my big jacket has pockets that zip up, so I just put my stuff there. Well, the problem comes when the weather is warming up, and I'm switching between the heavy jacket and a lighter weight one.
I was taking Connor to school, and only needed the lighter jacket. I made sure I had my DL, debit card and car key, and we left.
When I got home, I realized I had forgotten my house key. Ugh! Well, I had my debit card & phone, so I figured I would go to Panera until David could let me in. I pulled into the Panera parking lot and was messaging a friend when I realized I did have the garage door opener and could go through the garage into the house. So, I went through the drive-thru, got a scone and headed home. LOL!

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Old 03-25-2019, 12:05 PM
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Originally Posted by bcgal00 View Post
So we had to wait about 4 hrs in the stiffling heat, sitting on the parking curbs in the parking lot. Now that I think back, I wonder why we didn't just stay in the restaurant....I've got no idea LOL. I guess we thought it wouldn't be too long a wait...
Isn't it funny that we think we have to sit right there by the car, rather than waiting somewhere comfortable?

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Old 03-25-2019, 12:21 PM
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When I had my last car, I locked the keys in the car a few times... an a couple while still in the garage and I couldn't find the second set of keys. That was embarrassing - I had Dave contact the locksmith and I hid in the basement. haha.
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Old 03-25-2019, 12:51 PM
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The battery in my car died a couple of summers ago. Well, when my car battery dies, so does my fob. Must have been a man that thought of that one. I have the little key inside the fob but man that thing does not like to work in my door. I just about broke my thumb trying to get that stupid key to turn. And, it's plastic so I didn't want to try too hard. Ugh! Being locked out of your car in the Walmart parking lot in the Fresno heat is not fun. It was probably 110 degrees outside. I was on my lunch break, too, so I went back to work a disgusting mess. Luckily, my boss was one that tried to come rescue me so he let me go home early. It was better for everyone that I did. Haha!

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Old 03-25-2019, 01:25 PM
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I too locked my baby in the car! It was years ago when my oldest was around one. This was way before there was such a thing as keyless entry and cellphones were still the big bricks that only a few carried around. LOL! I had arrived at the grocery store and got out of my door to go to the back where the baby was. I guess it was so automatic to hit the lock as I got out and as the door clicked shut I realized it was locked. Of course, the back doors were locked too. I stood there in a quandary... do I go call for help in the store or just stand around and wait. I didn't want to leave her alone so I figured I'd wait for someone to pass. That usually busy parking lot was almost empty! Anyway, it was a nice day but not hot and she was sleeping in the back so I wasn't panicking. A guy soon came by and I asked for help. My driver's window was down about an inch so he was able to jimmy it down enough to fit his arm through. Thank goodness I had some old-school locks that were at the top of the door and got a little wider at the top! Anyway, he got my door open and I felt so relieved! (And totally guilty!!)
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Old 03-25-2019, 02:25 PM
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Originally Posted by carrie1977 View Post
Have you ever locked yourself out of the house/car?

I have...

I was 24 when my baby brother was born. My mom worked at night and I would watch him up until the time my daughter was born (he was 18 mo old when she was born). My now husband and I took him to a Disney on Ice show with a bunch of friends. Well Matt thought I got him out of the car and I thought he got him out of the car. Nope. We locked him in the car. We called AAA and they got there so quickly. The guy said he heard "baby locked in car" and he jammed. Johnny slept the whole time. He was about 9 mo old.

I still have never told my mom about this. LOL! I figure it'll be a funny story to tell when Johnny gets married or graduates college or high school (in June). Haha!
Oh my gosh, Carrie, I did the same thing with my son. I was going to look at an apartment and when I pulled up I saw that it was right across the street from a bar. I decided then that I didn't want it, but wanted to at least let the man showing it to me that I wasn't interested.

I gathered all my stuff and shut the cart door. When I went to the back door to get my son, it was locked. So I started digging for the keys in my pocket. Nothing. I searched and searched my purse and the diaper bag and while I did JT was getting mad that I hadn't gotten him out yet and was crying pretty hard.

I went around the car trying all the doors and when I got back to the front, I saw the keys hanging from the ignition. I freaked out a bit because I didn't know what to do.

I went into the bar to use the phone, no cell phones at that time, and asked if they would call the police because I had locked my baby in the car. When I got back outside, JT was having a melt down. It was a hot day and the sweat was running off of him like a river.

As an added bonus, every drunk in the bar came out to either watch the show or try to help me. I had to talk them out of using a brick to break a window and a few other dubious methods that I was afraid would hurt JT.

Finally the cop came with the slim jim or whatever it is called to open the door, but it didn't work. So he called the fire department. They came in the big fire truck with sirens blaring. I swear there had to be about 8 of them.

JT was still having a fit, so while they were trying to figure out how to open the door, they were also trying to decide if we needed to just bust a window to get him out. Not sure if I mentioned it earlier, but I was driving my mom's brand new car at the time and really didn't want to break the window.

The firemen tried all kinds of things and could not get the door open. Just when it looked like they were going to bust the window, one of them suggested calling the car dealer. By now, I was as hysterical as JT because I was sure I was going to get arrested for neglect.

Luckily the car dealer was there in just a few minutes with a master key and opened the door with no problem. The firemen got JT out of the car and checked him over for heat exhaustion, but he was fine.

I asked the cop if I could call someone to come for JT before he arrested me and almost sobbed with relief when he told me he wasn't going to arrest me. He felt so bad that I thought he would. I felt like the worst mother in the world.

After JT was cooled down, we got back in the car and drove home with me still shaking. I never saw the apartment and I never told my mom or dad what happened. They've both passed away since then without knowing. I did tell my son and he thought it was funny. While I can see the humor in it more than 25 years later, it sure didn't feel funny at the time.
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Old 03-25-2019, 02:31 PM
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Never with the car but once with my house. I was without a coat too and it was cold. I didn't have my phone either. Good thing my neighbor was home and we were able to call my husband who worked 10-15 min away so he could get me back in. Brrr!
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Old 03-25-2019, 03:21 PM
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I have locked myself out of the house a few times..

I locked LILY in the car once because she grabbed the keys out of my hands and when I shut the door she locked it (she was probably 1.5 years old at the time and was in her car seat) the locksmith had to come for that one.. thankfully they don't charge if a child is in the vehicle.. but yikes!

I locked the door on my finger once.. does that count? Lily was a week old and I was taking her to the dr for her checkup. I got her in the carseat and when I shut the door I shut it ON my finger and the keys dropped to the ground and locked. I had my finger stuck in the door. My mom was with me at the time and I am pretty sure she came back around to grab the keys/unlock. It hurt SO bad and 16 years later you can still see where the nail grows back funny on that finger.
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Old 03-25-2019, 04:31 PM
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I got locked out of my house. I'd been to the supermarket and was bringing the groceries inside. I left my bag with the house keys on the floor and went back out to the car for another load when the wind blew the door shut. My phone was inside the house too.

Fortunately, my car keys were in my pocket - and my son who was three at the time was outside with me - so I was able to drive to my husband's work to get his keys. Soon after that we got a spare set of keys cut and hid them in the backyard!
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Old 03-25-2019, 04:36 PM
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Originally Posted by LJSDesigns View Post
Oh my gosh, Carrie, I did the same thing with my son. I was going to look at an apartment and when I pulled up I saw that it was right across the street from a bar. I decided then that I didn't want it, but wanted to at least let the man showing it to me that I wasn't interested.

I gathered all my stuff and shut the cart door. When I went to the back door to get my son, it was locked. So I started digging for the keys in my pocket. Nothing. I searched and searched my purse and the diaper bag and while I did JT was getting mad that I hadn't gotten him out yet and was crying pretty hard.

I went around the car trying all the doors and when I got back to the front, I saw the keys hanging from the ignition. I freaked out a bit because I didn't know what to do.

I went into the bar to use the phone, no cell phones at that time, and asked if they would call the police because I had locked my baby in the car. When I got back outside, JT was having a melt down. It was a hot day and the sweat was running off of him like a river.

As an added bonus, every drunk in the bar came out to either watch the show or try to help me. I had to talk them out of using a brick to break a window and a few other dubious methods that I was afraid would hurt JT.

Finally the cop came with the slim jim or whatever it is called to open the door, but it didn't work. So he called the fire department. They came in the big fire truck with sirens blaring. I swear there had to be about 8 of them.

JT was still having a fit, so while they were trying to figure out how to open the door, they were also trying to decide if we needed to just bust a window to get him out. Not sure if I mentioned it earlier, but I was driving my mom's brand new car at the time and really didn't want to break the window.

The firemen tried all kinds of things and could not get the door open. Just when it looked like they were going to bust the window, one of them suggested calling the car dealer. By now, I was as hysterical as JT because I was sure I was going to get arrested for neglect.

Luckily the car dealer was there in just a few minutes with a master key and opened the door with no problem. The firemen got JT out of the car and checked him over for heat exhaustion, but he was fine.

I asked the cop if I could call someone to come for JT before he arrested me and almost sobbed with relief when he told me he wasn't going to arrest me. He felt so bad that I thought he would. I felt like the worst mother in the world.

After JT was cooled down, we got back in the car and drove home with me still shaking. I never saw the apartment and I never told my mom or dad what happened. They've both passed away since then without knowing. I did tell my son and he thought it was funny. While I can see the humor in it more than 25 years later, it sure didn't feel funny at the time.
Oh my gosh! I can totally feel the panic you must have felt! Man...so glad you didn't have to bust out a window!

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Old 03-25-2019, 04:37 PM
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Originally Posted by Ponytails View Post
I too locked my baby in the car! It was years ago when my oldest was around one. This was way before there was such a thing as keyless entry and cellphones were still the big bricks that only a few carried around. LOL! I had arrived at the grocery store and got out of my door to go to the back where the baby was. I guess it was so automatic to hit the lock as I got out and as the door clicked shut I realized it was locked. Of course, the back doors were locked too. I stood there in a quandary... do I go call for help in the store or just stand around and wait. I didn't want to leave her alone so I figured I'd wait for someone to pass. That usually busy parking lot was almost empty! Anyway, it was a nice day but not hot and she was sleeping in the back so I wasn't panicking. A guy soon came by and I asked for help. My driver's window was down about an inch so he was able to jimmy it down enough to fit his arm through. Thank goodness I had some old-school locks that were at the top of the door and got a little wider at the top! Anyway, he got my door open and I felt so relieved! (And totally guilty!!)
The guilt is real! I think that's why I never told my mom. Hopefully she'll find it funny! haha!

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Old 03-25-2019, 06:41 PM
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I have never done it but my daughter did When she was around 15 we had doors which you could turn from the inside and open but the door was still locked from the outside. She took our dog out and pulled the door shut before she realized it was locked. My husband and I had taken our son to a baseball tournament so we was gone all day until around 6:00 PM. She had taken the dog out around 9:00 AM so basically she had to sit outside on the deck with the dog all day.

Needless to say we changed the locks immediately so you had to unlock the door before you could get out plus we got a key made and did a hide a key outside.

It was summer but luckily we had a lot of shade so she was not terribly hot but she was thirsty.
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Old 03-25-2019, 07:34 PM
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When my now 19yo was about 4 we were away on holiday without my husband and we locked the keys in the car at a shopping centre, we weren't members of NRMA (AAA in the US I guess) and i spent so long on the phone trying to work out how to get the keys out and/or how to join NRMA for the lowest price possible when i finally decided to bite the bullet and call a locksmith - the locksmith came in 5 minutes and only charged $68 (i still remember the exact price lol)

Simon though was sooooooo freaked out that for the next month or so whenever we got out of the car I had to give him the keys to look after because he didn't trust me with them
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Old 03-25-2019, 08:57 PM
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I'm the anomaly, I never have! I've also never lost my keys for longer than 15 minutes.
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Old 03-25-2019, 09:17 PM
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It must have been in high school because it was at the drycleaner's dropping something off (for my parents evidently) and Lord knows that I have not been to the drycleaner's in 20+ years!

I vaguely remember getting out of the car to take the drycleaning in and leaving the car running and somehow it locking.

No cell phones then so I must have called my parents from the drycleaners and waited for them to arrive.

I did a lot of dumb driving-related stuff in high school.
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Old 03-26-2019, 01:34 AM
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I did once forgot to take the house key with me while walking my son to the kindergarten, in the morning. I called my husband, but he was already in the subway on the way to work and with a morning lecture, there's no way he'll go back to the house for me and I didn't have my subway card, so... I had him call his parents, who live 10 mins away from us and have a spare key of our door, to find it for me, while I walk there.
Ugh... the questions they asked me were unbearable! I felt like a 5yo, who've done something really bad. Anyway, I got out as quickly as I could with the spare key from their home. From then on, I double and triple check that I have the key in my pocket before leaving the house!
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Old 03-26-2019, 10:30 AM
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Never locked myself out the house or car. The times I have 'lost' my keys were me not remembering where I placed them in the house. My keys are usually attached to something - my purse when I carried one and now they are on my wristlet.

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Old 03-26-2019, 12:13 PM
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When I was in college, I accidentally locked myself in the bathroom of our dorm. It was an old house and the bathroom door was really giving everyone the pain when we try to open it, so one day I shut it too hard that I can't open it. I was all sweaty inside even after bathing because I was already hyperventilating due to claustrophobia, so one of my housemate kicked the door so hard to open it, I ended up taking a bath again with the door open
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Old 03-26-2019, 12:21 PM
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Originally Posted by cherrygutz View Post
When I was in college, I accidentally locked myself in the bathroom of our dorm. It was an old house and the bathroom door was really giving everyone the pain when we try to open it, so one day I shut it too hard that I can't open it. I was all sweaty inside even after bathing because I was already hyperventilating due to claustrophobia, so one of my housemate kicked the door so hard to open it, I ended up taking a bath again with the door open
Girl...I feel your pain!

I got locked inside a bathroom at my hubby's aunt and uncle's house. OMG! It was the middle of summer and everyone was outside by the pool. The doorknob just kept spinning and spinning and I couldn't get out. I'm not claustrophobic but man...that was not fun. I was drenched in sweat, too, because they never used their a/c. So.hot.

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Old 03-26-2019, 10:48 PM
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Originally Posted by LJSDesigns View Post
Oh my gosh, Carrie, I did the same thing with my son. I was going to look at an apartment and when I pulled up I saw that it was right across the street from a bar. I decided then that I didn't want it, but wanted to at least let the man showing it to me that I wasn't interested.

I gathered all my stuff and shut the cart door. When I went to the back door to get my son, it was locked. So I started digging for the keys in my pocket. Nothing. I searched and searched my purse and the diaper bag and while I did JT was getting mad that I hadn't gotten him out yet and was crying pretty hard.

I went around the car trying all the doors and when I got back to the front, I saw the keys hanging from the ignition. I freaked out a bit because I didn't know what to do.

I went into the bar to use the phone, no cell phones at that time, and asked if they would call the police because I had locked my baby in the car. When I got back outside, JT was having a melt down. It was a hot day and the sweat was running off of him like a river.

As an added bonus, every drunk in the bar came out to either watch the show or try to help me. I had to talk them out of using a brick to break a window and a few other dubious methods that I was afraid would hurt JT.

Finally the cop came with the slim jim or whatever it is called to open the door, but it didn't work. So he called the fire department. They came in the big fire truck with sirens blaring. I swear there had to be about 8 of them.

JT was still having a fit, so while they were trying to figure out how to open the door, they were also trying to decide if we needed to just bust a window to get him out. Not sure if I mentioned it earlier, but I was driving my mom's brand new car at the time and really didn't want to break the window.

The firemen tried all kinds of things and could not get the door open. Just when it looked like they were going to bust the window, one of them suggested calling the car dealer. By now, I was as hysterical as JT because I was sure I was going to get arrested for neglect.

Luckily the car dealer was there in just a few minutes with a master key and opened the door with no problem. The firemen got JT out of the car and checked him over for heat exhaustion, but he was fine.

I asked the cop if I could call someone to come for JT before he arrested me and almost sobbed with relief when he told me he wasn't going to arrest me. He felt so bad that I thought he would. I felt like the worst mother in the world.

After JT was cooled down, we got back in the car and drove home with me still shaking. I never saw the apartment and I never told my mom or dad what happened. They've both passed away since then without knowing. I did tell my son and he thought it was funny. While I can see the humor in it more than 25 years later, it sure didn't feel funny at the time.
Oh, Lorie!! That must have been so traumatic at the time, but I'm sure it made a good story to laugh at with your son!
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Old 03-26-2019, 10:51 PM
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Originally Posted by Ponytails View Post
I too locked my baby in the car! It was years ago when my oldest was around one. This was way before there was such a thing as keyless entry and cellphones were still the big bricks that only a few carried around. LOL! I had arrived at the grocery store and got out of my door to go to the back where the baby was. I guess it was so automatic to hit the lock as I got out and as the door clicked shut I realized it was locked. Of course, the back doors were locked too. I stood there in a quandary... do I go call for help in the store or just stand around and wait. I didn't want to leave her alone so I figured I'd wait for someone to pass. That usually busy parking lot was almost empty! Anyway, it was a nice day but not hot and she was sleeping in the back so I wasn't panicking. A guy soon came by and I asked for help. My driver's window was down about an inch so he was able to jimmy it down enough to fit his arm through. Thank goodness I had some old-school locks that were at the top of the door and got a little wider at the top! Anyway, he got my door open and I felt so relieved! (And totally guilty!!)
Thank goodness for those old manual locks that you could reach through the window to unlock!!
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Old 03-26-2019, 11:26 PM
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Yep -locked keys in the car while it was running...on our honeymoon!...at the car rental lot.
We'd just arrived in Hawaii and went to get the car at the rental lot. The oh so helpful rental car guy started the engine to get the a/c going to cool down the car. He was busy talking to my new hubby while I was tossing luggage into the trunk. Coming from the airport I didn't think twice when I tossed my carry-on bag into the trunk too - which included my purse.
I slammed the trunk down and my hubby, trying to be the sweet gentleman, made movement to come open my car door for me, but shut the driver's door without thinking.
He comes around but the passenger door is locked. Oops.
He goes around to the drivers door -also locked. Uh oh.
We sheepishly walk back into the rental office. No problem, they have a master list of codes to create new keys. But see this is my family where nothing ever works out on the first try lol! (seriously our entire honeymoon is like something out of National Lampoon!)
Someone had transposed numbers on the master key list. None of the combinations they tried worked. The whole time I kept asking for a slim jim to pop it open but they didn't like that idea.
An hour passes and now we're hungry and thirsty, but having tossed all the luggage into the car we don't have any money on us and the rental car place would only point to the vending machines.
I was getting cranky and asked for the millionth time for a slim jim or clothing hanger. The guy finally relented and the door popped open instantly. UGH.

So yes, that's how the honeymoon started! The next day I'd end up in the ER. A few days after that hubby would get totally sea sick spending our sunset cruise with his head between his knees. And we'd end the trip broken out in bug bites after some hotel nastiness. It was memorable!
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Old 03-26-2019, 11:28 PM
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Originally Posted by hwong View Post
Yep -locked keys in the car while it was running...on our honeymoon!...at the car rental lot.
We'd just arrived in Hawaii and went to get the car at the rental lot. The oh so helpful rental car guy started the engine to get the a/c going to cool down the car. He was busy talking to my new hubby while I was tossing luggage into the trunk. Coming from the airport I didn't think twice when I tossed my carry-on bag into the trunk too - which included my purse.
I slammed the trunk down and my hubby, trying to be the sweet gentleman, made movement to come open my car door for me, but shut the driver's door without thinking.
He comes around but the passenger door is locked. Oops.
He goes around to the drivers door -also locked. Uh oh.
We sheepishly walk back into the rental office. No problem, they have a master list of codes to create new keys. But see this is my family where nothing ever works out on the first try lol! (seriously our entire honeymoon is like something out of National Lampoon!)
Someone had transposed numbers on the master key list. None of the combinations they tried worked. The whole time I kept asking for a slim jim to pop it open but they didn't like that idea.
An hour passes and now we're hungry and thirsty, but having tossed all the luggage into the car we don't have any money on us and the rental car place would only point to the vending machines.
I was getting cranky and asked for the millionth time for a slim jim or clothing hanger. The guy finally relented and the door popped open instantly. UGH.

So yes, that's how the honeymoon started! The next day I'd end up in the ER. A few days after that hubby would get totally sea sick spending our sunset cruise with his head between his knees. And we'd end the trip broken out in bug bites after some hotel nastiness. It was memorable!
My goodness...I hope you guys have done a honeymoon redo! Man...

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Old 03-26-2019, 11:49 PM
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Originally Posted by carrie1977 View Post
My goodness...I hope you guys have done a honeymoon redo! Man...
I wish! Life has always had a funny way of getting in the way of plans to redo the honeymoon. We have gone back to Hawaii with extended family - kept our keys on us, stayed out of the ER, took dramamine on the boat cruise and definitely stayed at a different hotel lol!
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Old 03-27-2019, 06:36 PM
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Never. When I was little I was locked out of the house a lot. My mom would never remember the early release days, or sometimes she just wasn't home. I remember one time sitting in the driveway rocking back and forth because I had to use the bathroom so bad. I thought about going in the bushes, but that really wasn't an option for a modest, little girl. When I started driving, I kept the spare key to my car in my purse because I never left my purse in my car, so at least I could unlock it if I left the keys in there, although, I never locked myself out of my car either. I guess I could thank my mother for lessons on locks which made me very careful. ha ha
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Old 03-27-2019, 08:11 PM
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Originally Posted by LJSDesigns View Post
Oh my gosh, Carrie, I did the same thing with my son. I was going to look at an apartment and when I pulled up I saw that it was right across the street from a bar. I decided then that I didn't want it, but wanted to at least let the man showing it to me that I wasn't interested.

I gathered all my stuff and shut the cart door. When I went to the back door to get my son, it was locked. So I started digging for the keys in my pocket. Nothing. I searched and searched my purse and the diaper bag and while I did JT was getting mad that I hadn't gotten him out yet and was crying pretty hard.

I went around the car trying all the doors and when I got back to the front, I saw the keys hanging from the ignition. I freaked out a bit because I didn't know what to do.

I went into the bar to use the phone, no cell phones at that time, and asked if they would call the police because I had locked my baby in the car. When I got back outside, JT was having a melt down. It was a hot day and the sweat was running off of him like a river.

As an added bonus, every drunk in the bar came out to either watch the show or try to help me. I had to talk them out of using a brick to break a window and a few other dubious methods that I was afraid would hurt JT.

Finally the cop came with the slim jim or whatever it is called to open the door, but it didn't work. So he called the fire department. They came in the big fire truck with sirens blaring. I swear there had to be about 8 of them.

JT was still having a fit, so while they were trying to figure out how to open the door, they were also trying to decide if we needed to just bust a window to get him out. Not sure if I mentioned it earlier, but I was driving my mom's brand new car at the time and really didn't want to break the window.

The firemen tried all kinds of things and could not get the door open. Just when it looked like they were going to bust the window, one of them suggested calling the car dealer. By now, I was as hysterical as JT because I was sure I was going to get arrested for neglect.

Luckily the car dealer was there in just a few minutes with a master key and opened the door with no problem. The firemen got JT out of the car and checked him over for heat exhaustion, but he was fine.

I asked the cop if I could call someone to come for JT before he arrested me and almost sobbed with relief when he told me he wasn't going to arrest me. He felt so bad that I thought he would. I felt like the worst mother in the world.

After JT was cooled down, we got back in the car and drove home with me still shaking. I never saw the apartment and I never told my mom or dad what happened. They've both passed away since then without knowing. I did tell my son and he thought it was funny. While I can see the humor in it more than 25 years later, it sure didn't feel funny at the time.
I had to laugh reading your story, you tell it so well! Funny thing is that we probably send truck at least once a day for parents who've locked their kids in the car and they always feel sooo guilty and are so apologetic on the phone. We don't normally send them lights and sirens though unless it's the middle of summer. The kids usually get a thrill because the firefighters came for them and then they get a teddy bear. (They get taken to calls involving kids.)
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Old 03-28-2019, 02:29 PM
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Locked out of house, in Middle or High School. I had forgotten my key and my mom wasn't home. But we had a spare key hidden in the garage and I was able to let myself in.

Locked out of the car, kinda. When my husband and I were on vacation in Kentucky once, we were out driving around and exploring. We had parked on a hill, and when we got back in the car, we couldn't get the key to turn in the ignition. There was limited/poor cell phone coverage in the mountains. So, we had to walk like 5 miles back to our campground to wait for someone from his family (who were joining us for the trip) to arrive so they could help us out!
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Old 03-29-2019, 03:17 AM
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Luckily I haven't lol. My other half locked his keys in the car though, he had to come 4 miles home from work, get the spare key, go 4 miles back to let himself in to drive home He has never put his keys on the seat and closed the car door since
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Old 03-29-2019, 07:56 AM
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Originally Posted by Gemma View Post
Luckily I haven't lol. My other half locked his keys in the car though, he had to come 4 miles home from work, get the spare key, go 4 miles back to let himself in to drive home He has never put his keys on the seat and closed the car door since
Yeah...that's quite a ways to walk for some keys.

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Old 04-02-2019, 04:34 PM
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I have done it a couple of times, but two stories stand out to me. One, I was traveling in South Dakota with an old boyfriend & we had to use the restroom. There is not much on I-90, but we saw a sign saying this tiny town had a general store & we assumed we could use the bathroom there. We pulled off & parked and I opened my door and instantly saw a snake on the ground. I asked my boyfriend to move to another spot & we parked again. As we were getting out of the car, I looked over and saw he hadn't locked the doors and the keys were not in the ignition so I locked the doors. We walked up to the store and realized it was no longer a business. Walked back to the car & realized he had out the keys in the cupholder. This was before anyone carried their cell phones. We had to walk this little town knocking on doors until one answered and helped us call a tow truck. Cost us a lot of money.

Second story, when my son was little, my ex-husband was letting him play with the car keys while he got him strapped into the car & then closed the door. As soon as he did, Nick hit the lock button on the keys. We called a locksmith who was quick, but while we waited, we tried to get Nick to hit the unlock button, but he dropped the keys instead.
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