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Old 03-27-2020, 09:19 AM
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Default Your Corner of the World

I'm curious what is happening in your little corner of the world with Covid-19 ...

Are you ordered to shelter in place? Can you still work outside of your home? Are there many cases near you? What's your frame of mind? Etc ...
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Old 03-27-2020, 09:28 AM
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We were issued a shelter in place (Illinois) last Friday - the company I work for is considered 'essential' so we are still working. I have very mixed feelings about that - thankful I won't lose any income, but concerned nonetheless.

There are 2 confirmed cases in the county we live in (rural area). Stores are fairly empty as far as shoppers goes - shelves are also still pretty empty. Other than going to work and running to grab a few essentials from the stores, I haven't been out and about. The weather is still sort of crummy here - so going outside isn't much of an option.

I have a dear friend that is isolating as she has had a fever and her lungs are not healthy. She tested negative for pneumonia, but they won't test her for the virus because she's able to take care of herself and stay home.

Today, for some reason, the whole situation weighing heavy on me. I think I need to stop listening / watching the news for a few days. I have to keep reminding myself that this is temporary ... I can't wait until I will be able to hug my 3 grandbabies again! Last weekend we dropped off a dozen donuts and some coloring pages I'd printed out for them on their front porch. We plan on putting a little box of goodies together again this weekend for them ... thinking of art projects for them to do and going to cut out a bunch of colored hearts for them to tape up on their front windows.

It does warm my heart to see so communities coming together to help the health care workers around the world. I can't imagine what they are going through ...!

Last edited by JillW; 03-27-2020 at 09:30 AM.
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Old 03-27-2020, 09:39 AM
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The uk have a lockdown in place but so many people are defying it so I wouldn’t be surprised if they get more strict with it.
Our prime minster has just tested positive for it too.

There’s only been a few cases in my town and 0 deaths. It’s impossible to get many groceries and I’m lucky I’ve booked the next 4 weeks online so I can get them delivered to me so I don’t need to take the kids out.

I’m not in a good frame of mind at the minute. It’s hard being stuck at home with 5 kids and no one to help, they can’t even go to their dads because he is still working and for now it’s been decided they stay home with me. It’s not a forever thing though and it will get better eventually and we can all go back to our normal lives, or as normal as they can be
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Old 03-27-2020, 09:49 AM
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In my little corner of the world it is as many, surreal. Only people working are what the Premier has determined as essential services. We are being told to only leave the house if necessary and to practice social distancing, all parks have been closed, play equipment has been fenced off as people were bringing their kids to play. We are being encouraged to maintain physical activity and be outside, just be mindful of staying away from people. I have noticed the trails are much busier so I am trying to go early in the morning with my dog as I let her go off leash and expend some of her Lab energy or I may try the supper hour as we eat later than most anyway.

Some items in grocery stores remain hard to find or are sparse, limits placed on some items as people panicked and started hoarding. I just get what we need for the week and that's it. There are only two of us so needs aren't that big.

I work at a high school so we are currently off. The return date as of now is listed as April 6 but the Premier has stated it is unlikely but no word on extension etc.

My province had a big one day spike, there are 858 confirmed cases and 15 deaths as of last night. Many people have returned from Spring break so I think those number will rise. As a country we have 4018 confirmed cases and 39 deaths as of last night. In my area we have 9 confirmed cases as of this morning and no deaths.

I was fine until yesterday, think all the unknowns and 'what ifs' got to me. Will I be returning to work this year? What will I do for pay? How long will they pay me? When we will we find out? When will we return to normal? What is normal going to look like?

Wow, this ended up being much longer than I anticipated, lol.

Hope everyone else is hanging in there ♥
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Old 03-27-2020, 11:35 AM
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the numbers over here are...

Coronavirus Cases: 8,603
Deaths: 546

It is just all so scary We stay inside our home and we only go outside for our weekly groceries. We do not stay longer than necessary. I am just in shock when I see my neighbours just talking to eachother on the street...not a care in the world and I just want to go and scream at them!!! Also lots of children outside playing with eachother...again, something not recommended and they are just allowing their kids to do so. I get it, ever since we were told by our government that social distancing is in place, the sun has been out. Mother Nature is kinda sticking her tongue out at us ! I will stay inside our home for as long as it is needed. I do not want to get sick and I do not want any of my loved ones to get sick either. Esp because we have very fragile people in our family.

As far as I know we have 10 confirmed cases in the area that I live (in our city that is). I try not to check the map too often because anxiety kicks in when I see how many cases there actually are in this county.

I am grateful that my husband can do his job from home (IT). He's even working more hours and he says he gets so much more done now he works from home.

Well, to make things even worse. My husband just came storming downstairs...my FIL has to be hospitalized again I didn't get much info because he stormed out of the house asap (after putting on a facemask & gloves) and now I am freaking out. This is the last thing we wanted to happen.
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Old 03-27-2020, 11:36 AM
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the numbers over here are...

Coronavirus Cases: 8,603
Deaths: 546

It is just all so scary We stay inside our home and we only go outside for our weekly groceries. We do not stay longer than necessary. I am just in shock when I see my neighbours just talking to eachother on the street...not a care in the world and I just want to go and scream at them!!! Also lots of children outside playing with eachother...again, something not recommended and they are just allowing their kids to do so. I get it, ever since we were told by our government that social distancing is in place, the sun has been out. Mother Nature is kinda sticking her tongue out at us ! I will stay inside our home for as long as it is needed. I do not want to get sick and I do not want any of my loved ones to get sick either. Esp because we have very fragile people in our family.

As far as I know we have 10 confirmed cases in the area that I live (in our city that is). I try not to check the map too often because anxiety kicks in when I see how many cases there actually are in this county.

I am grateful that my husband can do his job from home (IT). He's even working more hours and he says he gets so much more done now he works from home.

Well, to make things even worse. My husband just came storming downstairs...my FIL has to be hospitalized again I didn't get much info because he stormed out of the house asap (after putting on a facemask & gloves) and now I am freaking out. This is the last thing we wanted to happen.
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Old 03-27-2020, 11:41 AM
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Originally Posted by biancka View Post

Well, to make things even worse. My husband just came storming downstairs...my FIL has to be hospitalized again I didn't get much info because he stormed out of the house asap (after putting on a facemask & gloves) and now I am freaking out. This is the last thing we wanted to happen.
I'm so sorry, Biancka. Praying for your FIL and your family during this time. Hugs!

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Old 03-27-2020, 11:57 AM
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I was a basketcase yesterday. My daughter is in isolation, she is sick, showing signs of COVID-19. I will be picking up a prescription for her today and dropping it off at her door, along with getting any groceries she needs over the next two weeks. A wk ago she said she wanted to come home and stay with us but was worried b/c she was still working, dealing with the public and at the time wasn't feeling sick but was worried about being a carrier. My hubs is over 60 and has Crohn's, taking humira which puts him at respiratory risk. I am just devastated that she is sick and alone and I can't be there or bring her home b/c its too risky. I need to stay healthy to be able to take care of her. Depending on how sick she gets, I may need to bring meals over too.

We are on lockdown here, only supposed to go to work or get groceries. Pretty much everything is closed now. Our bank sent message that they are closed and if absolutely needed they will set an appt for one person at a time to get into the bank as they don't want their employees working and being exposed.

I was pretty spaced out yesterday, trying to wrap my head around what is happening around us. I'm still working part time from home and trying to keep busy but find myself just sitting in my chair, staring at the TV a lot. I guess I just need a bit of quiet time to come to terms with all this.
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Old 03-27-2020, 12:22 PM
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Oh no Rae! I hope your daughter is back to full health quickly! Thinking of you.
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Old 03-27-2020, 12:26 PM
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We've been asked to stay at home as much as possible. Those who can should work from home and most non essential shops has been closing down due to lack of customers. Hair dressers, spas, opticians, dentists and any other profession where you can't keep at least 1 meter apart has been ordered shut for now. Schools and kindergarden is closed for all kids except those of parents with a job that is needed. Mail service is still up and running and we've got 400% more home deliveries (parcel to the door) than normal. Hospitals are still not too overwhelmed and in my town we've only got 1 death and 17 in hospitals. Country wide we have 3608 confirmed cases of infection, 302 in hospital and of those 91 in intesive care (youngest is 14) and 17 deaths.
Our worst problem is all those that are now out of a job. In the last 2 weeks we've had 291 000 out of work due to businesses closing down and they're suddenly stuck without money or work. Hopefully there will be some sort of finacial support on the way soon. Students have been informed they will have online classes for the rest of the term and they will get an additional loan (when what they need is a scholarship to pay for rent and food as they no longer have a part time job). So health wise we're managing, financial and business wise we're quite fu**ed.
BUT and this is a big but, we seem to be one of the countries who acctually manage to contain the contagion to a minimum.
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Old 03-27-2020, 12:27 PM
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I hope your daughter is back up and healthy soon Rae. Sorry you can't go help her and be there for her.
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Old 03-27-2020, 01:25 PM
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Rae, praying for your daughter and peace for you. Biancka, prayers also for your FIL, the hospital is not a safe place at the moment.

US: 85,000 dases
Deaths 1300

Ohio: 867 cases
15 deaths

My county: 16 cases
2 deaths

The US has been hit hard, but thankfully Ohio is not as hard hit as some other states where the hospitals are overwhelmed. There is a widespread shortage of personal protective equipment for healthcare workers, and those I know who work in healthcare are scared.

We have had schools closed for 2 weeks in Ohio and all non-essential businesses are closed. We are permitted to work if you work for an essential business, we can go to the grocery store or to get healthcare. Otherwise we are supposed to stay home.

Financially, things are not good with so many businesses closed. 3.3 million Americans are newly out of work, about 20% of the workers. My husband is working from home. Thankful he is able to work.

I have had a fever and sore throat the last 2 days so am isolating in my room. We have my 76 mother in law living with us so I'm concerned for her. She has been going out to the grocery store the past few days despite my urging her not to. Hoping we weather this well. Thinking of all of you and hoping and praying for safety for everyone!
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Old 03-27-2020, 01:28 PM
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Bianca - I'm so sorry to hear about your FIL and will be keeping him in thought and prayers! Keep us posted!!!

Originally Posted by biancka View Post
the numbers over here are...

Coronavirus Cases: 8,603
Deaths: 546

It is just all so scary We stay inside our home and we only go outside for our weekly groceries. We do not stay longer than necessary. I am just in shock when I see my neighbours just talking to eachother on the street...not a care in the world and I just want to go and scream at them!!! Also lots of children outside playing with eachother...again, something not recommended and they are just allowing their kids to do so. I get it, ever since we were told by our government that social distancing is in place, the sun has been out. Mother Nature is kinda sticking her tongue out at us ! I will stay inside our home for as long as it is needed. I do not want to get sick and I do not want any of my loved ones to get sick either. Esp because we have very fragile people in our family.

As far as I know we have 10 confirmed cases in the area that I live (in our city that is). I try not to check the map too often because anxiety kicks in when I see how many cases there actually are in this county.

I am grateful that my husband can do his job from home (IT). He's even working more hours and he says he gets so much more done now he works from home.

Well, to make things even worse. My husband just came storming downstairs...my FIL has to be hospitalized again I didn't get much info because he stormed out of the house asap (after putting on a facemask & gloves) and now I am freaking out. This is the last thing we wanted to happen.
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Old 03-27-2020, 01:29 PM
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Goodness Rae - I'm so so sorry!!! Praying for you all!!! I'm sure you are super anxious, please know you'll be in my thoughts!! Take care - keep us posted!!!

Originally Posted by bcgal00 View Post
I was a basketcase yesterday. My daughter is in isolation, she is sick, showing signs of COVID-19. I will be picking up a prescription for her today and dropping it off at her door, along with getting any groceries she needs over the next two weeks. A wk ago she said she wanted to come home and stay with us but was worried b/c she was still working, dealing with the public and at the time wasn't feeling sick but was worried about being a carrier. My hubs is over 60 and has Crohn's, taking humira which puts him at respiratory risk. I am just devastated that she is sick and alone and I can't be there or bring her home b/c its too risky. I need to stay healthy to be able to take care of her. Depending on how sick she gets, I may need to bring meals over too.

We are on lockdown here, only supposed to go to work or get groceries. Pretty much everything is closed now. Our bank sent message that they are closed and if absolutely needed they will set an appt for one person at a time to get into the bank as they don't want their employees working and being exposed.

I was pretty spaced out yesterday, trying to wrap my head around what is happening around us. I'm still working part time from home and trying to keep busy but find myself just sitting in my chair, staring at the TV a lot. I guess I just need a bit of quiet time to come to terms with all this.
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Old 03-27-2020, 03:27 PM
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Originally Posted by JillW View Post
We were issued a shelter in place (Illinois) last Friday - the company I work for is considered 'essential' so we are still working. I have very mixed feelings about that - thankful I won't lose any income, but concerned nonetheless.
Same here. We were ordered stay at home and my job is considered "essential" ...thankfullly I'm working from home so I won't lose income but concerned.

Michigan Governor had an interview today and stated that schools are unlikely to go back. She said there will be an announcement next week So I'm thinking the kids won't be going back.

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Old 03-27-2020, 03:30 PM
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Rae I'll be praying for your daughter

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Old 03-27-2020, 03:35 PM
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As of today ...I live in the largest zip code in Seattle, with over 50K residents in about a 3 mile radius (it's not the densest, but most populated). The owner of a local restaurant and her husband passed away (a few blocks away), I don't think they are included in my numbers. It's terribly sad

State: 52,738 | 3,723 cases (6.9% positive) | 174 deaths (4.7%)
County: 14,140 tested | 1,828 cases (12.9% positive) | 125 deaths (6.8%)
Seattle: 5,791 tested | 615 (10.6% positive) | 24 deaths (3.9%)
Zip Code: 448 tests | 53 cases (11.8% positive) | 2 deaths (3.8%)

Last edited by SeattleSheri; 03-28-2020 at 12:40 AM.
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Old 03-27-2020, 03:45 PM
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Oh no. Biancka, I hope your father in law will get better soon, it's just scary for elders and with pre-existing to go anywhere especially in hospitals...

Rae, I'm also praying with you that your daughter will get better soon..

We have a stay at home order since yesterday until April 16th. As of today, we have 259 positive cases in our county.
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Old 03-27-2020, 05:34 PM
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Rae, praying for your daughter.
Biankca, praying for your father in law.
Cindi, praying you feel better soon and that it is not Covid.

The numbers aren't bad here. 202 cases in the state, 4 deaths. There is 1 in my county of residence but as we live just 2 miles over the county line, I don't consider that 'my' county. We work, shop, etc. in another county that has no confirmed cases. I can't tell you how things are in town because I haven't been going. My husband goes to work and back home. I have went to Walmart twice since the 13th, both times because I needed prescriptions. The second time there were less people, so I do believe more are staying home (though I did go earlier in the day, so maybe that was it).

This week is our spring break. Since Kansas has already closed school buildings for the rest of the year we will commence planning on Monday for continued learning via alternate methods. I'm not sure what this will look like but I will soon find out.
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Old 03-27-2020, 05:47 PM
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Biancka and Rae, thinking of you both and sending well wishes to your family members.
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Old 03-27-2020, 06:08 PM
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Keeping all of you in my thoughts. Even if we don't personally know someone afflicted, we are all being affected in some way.

Our city has a shelter in place order until 4/12. I work in the Tech dept of a local school district and we are considered essential especially with the distance learning that is now taking place. I am working in the office still but that is mostly because it is easier for me. There are too many distractions at home.

Our numbers are:

Total cases: 27
14 (Travel-Related)
3 (Person-to-Person)
3 (Community-Spread)
7 (Under Investigation)
Total deaths: 0

*Data includes both confirmed and presumptive positive cases of COVID-19.
Statistics in Fresno County

Last updated: March 27, 2020 at 12:00PM

Total Individuals Monitored to Date: 758
376 (Currently Being Monitored)
325 (Tests Conducted in Fresno County)
165 (Tests Conducted by FCDPH)
87 (Pending Test Results)

My kids have been home for two weeks now. They are doing work at home prepared by the teachers. My daughter is an introvert and is loving not having to leave the house. My son is an extrovert and is really missing interaction with his teacher and friends. He is craving some person-to-person contact.

My husband work in agriculture and is also considered essential so he is working still, too.

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Old 03-27-2020, 07:48 PM
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It's week 2 of no school. This is our "spring break" week, so no assigned school work. Starting April 1, the teachers will be distributing work packets and lunches to each child's home. As of right now it's supposed to be closed until April 28; I am anticipating it going longer than that, just by watching the increase in numbers.

We were issued a "Stay Home" order...Oregon doesn't want to call it a 'shelter in place' because that particular phrase has been designed to mean something else.

People here aren't really following orders to stay home. All of our parks, playgrounds, etc are closed. Many "Non-essential" businesses are ordered closed. Of the businesses that are allowed to stay open, they must adhere to a 6 foot social distancing rule, if you can't maintain that you're supposed to be closed.

We are staying home away from people, when we do go out, it's to places that are where others don't go (no cell service, forest, secluded). We haven't been to "town" for groceries in 2 weeks, and will be doing that on Saturday, just trying to get some things to stock up the pantry a little. We hunt, so the meat portion of meals is mostly taken care of.

My job is considered "essential", so we're still working. However, I am now working 1/2 days in office and 1/2 at home. Hubby works in an "essential" industry also, and they are pretty much business as usual (he works in a lumber mill). I had a slight breakdown yesterday at work just trying to figure out how I was going to stay healthy, keep working FT in the office, and homeschool/care for my 3 kids. I have allergies to most antibiotics and about 5 years ago this time, I had gotten very sick after an allergic reaction where my Dr. took me to the hospital himself in a wheelchair; I couldn't walk or take care of my kids, they didn't know if I would get better or what to do for me. So the unknowns with this, and just trying to stay well brought up A LOT of past fears.

I read an article yesterday that listed our county the 4th worst in the entire US as far as preparedness/worst places to get this; mainly due to our population being mainly over the age of 50, poor socioeconomic and limited resources for hospital beds. We currently have 3 or 4 confirmed cases, but I would safely assume there are A LOT more than that.

I have been keeping an eye on my daughter, she had a fever for 4 days, low energy and has had a cough for almost 2 weeks now. I think that part of that has to do with her helping her bio-dad clean out from under their house (possibly mold/nasty stuff).

Many prayers and good thoughts for you all.
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Old 03-27-2020, 07:57 PM
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Bucks County PA.......

We are Shelter in Place now.

Yesterday we buried my hubby's grandma, she passed on Saturday..... no real funeral or viewing. Just us, the immediate family.
My mother in law does not take any of this serious. She kept trying to hug n kiss, let my niece drive her car, visit the neighbors....etc.... my daughter has asthma and she wants us to pop in a visit and have dinner...etc. ugh.

And they just asked if I wanted anything of GMom's and the only thing (they all know already, cause we've talked about a dozen times.....) are her scrapbooks and photo albums, and was told I'll have to talk to my sister in law.... WHAT????? For over 20 years GMom and I have talked about photos and memory keeping/documenting, and now all of a sudden someone else is interested in them...

Our local grocery store, that I shop at weekly, one of the workers has been diagnosed with Covid 19.

I had to install an extra router to handle the two college kids on zoom, and the two high schoolers online.
We cleaned out the shed today. Hubby had an extra bereavement day. He is supposed to return to work on monday.... His job site is currently in North Jersey, near New York.

No babies or littles at my house now, and that is weird and too quiet. I think I might clean out and paint our playroom.

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Old 03-27-2020, 08:01 PM
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Originally Posted by biancka View Post

Well, to make things even worse. My husband just came storming downstairs...my FIL has to be hospitalized again I didn't get much info because he stormed out of the house asap (after putting on a facemask & gloves) and now I am freaking out. This is the last thing we wanted to happen.
Oh no! Prayers!!!!

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Old 03-27-2020, 08:02 PM
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Originally Posted by bcgal00 View Post
I was a basketcase yesterday. My daughter is in isolation, she is sick, showing signs of COVID-19. I will be picking up a prescription for her today and dropping it off at her door, along with getting any groceries she needs over the next two weeks. A wk ago she said she wanted to come home and stay with us but was worried b/c she was still working, dealing with the public and at the time wasn't feeling sick but was worried about being a carrier. My hubs is over 60 and has Crohn's, taking humira which puts him at respiratory risk. I am just devastated that she is sick and alone and I can't be there or bring her home b/c its too risky. I need to stay healthy to be able to take care of her. Depending on how sick she gets, I may need to bring meals over too.

We are on lockdown here, only supposed to go to work or get groceries. Pretty much everything is closed now. Our bank sent message that they are closed and if absolutely needed they will set an appt for one person at a time to get into the bank as they don't want their employees working and being exposed.

I was pretty spaced out yesterday, trying to wrap my head around what is happening around us. I'm still working part time from home and trying to keep busy but find myself just sitting in my chair, staring at the TV a lot. I guess I just need a bit of quiet time to come to terms with all this.
Oh no!! Prayers for your daughter and you!

Guest CT for Kristin Cronin-Barrow

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Old 03-27-2020, 09:11 PM
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Sending hugs and positive thoughts to all of you, especially those who are sick, have sick family members, are worried about exposure, or are suffering economically during this time.

In Virginia there have been 604 confirmed cases (out of about 7300 tests), 83 hospitalizations, and 14 deaths. The Washington, DC metro area (DC plus parts of Maryland and Virginia) is up to 1300 cases, and my county has 124 cases and 2 deaths. So it's not good and unfortunately it will get worse, but I'm hopeful that schools closed and teleworking began early enough in the trajectory that we'll avoid overwhelming the medical system. The kids and I have already been out of school for 2 full weeks, and on Monday DH will be at 2 weeks of teleworking.

We're not under a stay at home order and some non-essential businesses are still open. Many others have closed voluntarily. Places where groups gather, like restaurants and movie theaters, have been ordered to close (delivery and takeout only for restaurants) and any personal services that require contact, like hairdressers and spas, are closed. Schools, government buildings, playgrounds, libraries, etc. are all closed.

In the first week that schools were closed, some people weren't taking it seriously enough. Kids in our neighborhood were getting together outside, going to playgrounds, and so on. But as our numbers went up and more things closed, people started to pay attention. On the rare occasion that I've gone out, it has been freakily empty on the roads and in stores. Makes me happy to see that, given the circumstances! I've been to the grocery store once a week, at a less busy time, and have gone to practice driving with my 16-year old since we can do that without leaving the car. The kids and I went to walk on a trail last week, and it was busier than I'd expected. Since then we've kept closer to home, walking in our neighborhood where it's easier to keep our distance than on a narrow trail.

The governor announced this week that the schools won't be reopening this school year, so the schools have been busy making their plans. Until now there has been only optional, ungraded review work. So far the plans they're making seem sensible and do-able. My county has the 10th biggest school system in the country: 188,000 students and 16,000 teachers. The plan is too detailed to list it all out, but there will be a combination of online video conferencing and mailed paper packets, with the youngest kids getting mostly paper and the oldest kids getting all online education. All high schoolers have a county-issued computer, and they're working on distributing wifi to those who need it as well as laptops to middle and elementary schoolers. I think my 10th grader and 5th grader, both of whom are very independent and in honors classes, will do fine. It's my 8th grader for whom this will be a huge struggle. He has a lot of special needs, and I'm basically going to need to be his special ed teacher for the next 2 months. They can grant him extra time and a reduced workload through distance education, but many of his accommodations are things that can only be delivered by a live person sitting next to him.

All of that said, I feel very lucky to be in the position we're in. My sister's family lives right outside NYC, in Westchester County, and for a while we were pretty worried about them since they were still in school and going to work and activities longer than they probably should have been. It's now been about 2 weeks since their schools closed and they started teleworking, so hopefully they were't exposed and won't be. My parents are both 75 with underlying health conditions, so my father has taken everything very seriously and they've both been self-isolated for almost a month now. I worry about whether they'll start having trouble getting groceries and things, but so far they're okay and have been able to get their deliveries.
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Old 03-28-2020, 02:05 AM
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Thinking of everyone who has been affected

In Australia currently 3573 positive cases, 14 deaths.

In my state 1617 positive cases and 8 deaths.

In my region 167 positive cases no deaths.

I've had the exact symptoms since last Saturday, but cannot get tested as I do not meet the testing criteria. I'm keeping my distance from Mum and Ethan, and we are all in self isolation at home. We are being anal about hand washing and cleaning, to hopefully prevent mum and Ethan from catching it - so far so good, neither have symptoms. 1 week of self isolation down, 1 week of self isolation to go.
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Old 03-28-2020, 02:15 AM
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I live in the Netherlands sadley i life in the place with the most infected people whe have almost 200 cases in my city. I have astma so i sit at home i can not viset my mom because has a bad heart. So whe videocall a lot.
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Old 03-28-2020, 10:08 AM
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My kids have been home for 2 weeks. The first week they did Alternative Method of Instruction (online or packet lessons), and the second week was Spring Break. They're definitely at home through April 17, but a decision can be made to extend it. My husband worked from home this past week and will be home again this week. His boss thinks they might be back in the office as early as April 6. I really hope he doesn't make it mandatory; they are not "essential."

Our state, Arkansas, has 388 cases, 3 deaths, 48 currently hospitalized, and 17 on ventilators. My county has 24 cases, that they know of. The state's website information changes constantly; they were updating with the number of people being monitored, but not any more. Restaurants are take-out or delivery only. No gatherings of more than 10 people allowed. All gyms, movie theaters, places of entertainment are all closed.

We're social distancing and only going out to get things we need - groceries, pet food, etc. We take the dog for a walk around the neighborhood every day. Most of our neighbors are keeping their distance while doing the same.
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Old 03-28-2020, 12:47 PM
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Bianka, how's your FIL doing?

Rae, any news on your daughter?
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Old 03-28-2020, 01:11 PM
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We needed to pick up some groceries so ran out quick this morning - the stores had plenty of shoppers. Shelves were pretty full at WalMart - even some off brand toilet tissue (we're stocked up so that wasn't our list today! ha). Chicken was gone as were a lot of the boxed meals. We went to Pick and Save, a Wisconsin grocery chain, and their shelves were bare - throughout the entire store.
For the most part everyone was paying attention to social distancing.
It's crazy to go by so many places and see no cars whatsoever as just about everything other than grocery and hardware stores are closed in our area.
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Old 03-28-2020, 01:12 PM
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Stay safe! Thank goodness you're able to stay in touch with your Mom through video chat!

Originally Posted by jumbbumble View Post
I live in the Netherlands sadley i life in the place with the most infected people whe have almost 200 cases in my city. I have astma so i sit at home i can not viset my mom because has a bad heart. So whe videocall a lot.
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Old 03-28-2020, 03:37 PM
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Melbourne, Australia. Schools are shut, a lot of the workforce has moved to working from home but out city isn't on full lockdown... yet. I think things will change this coming week.

We are approaching day 10 of self-isolation due to my health. Doctors say I've either had the flu or COVID-19, but as I'm not in a high risk group or eligible for testing, to just ride it out at home. One of my 5yo twins has been unwell too (our other 3 children are okay). This illness has been horrible! I'm starting to be able to breathe a bit easier, but the body aches are full-on, even now. I had the flu back in 2017 (confirmed via swab test) and it wasn't as prolonged as this.

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Last edited by aurian; 03-28-2020 at 03:39 PM.
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Old 03-28-2020, 03:50 PM
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Indiana 1232 cases 31 deaths
We are on lockdown here only necessary travel. Everyone here is fine I’ve had horrendous allergies but no COVID-19 symptoms. Schools here are closed until May 1st or even later. The local store shelves here are literally all bare. We hope to get out for needed things in the next few days but have little to no hope that we will find what we need. I’m hoping the hoarding stops soon so people can buy the basics at least. One of Dougs engineers at Subaru was able to donate mask they had in the paint shop to local hospitals. Subaru is shut down for now with no set return date. My husband can not sit still and I fear I’ll loose my mind due to his stressing out and creating projects all over the house ... I think stress with take me before any virus does lol
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Old 03-28-2020, 04:24 PM
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I'd say the same as most other places in the States.

We're locked down basically. Only essential travel. My husband is still at work, because he is the manager at a Credit Union. They are considered essential, but appointment only right now, if it can't be done at the ATM.

Michigan has
3657 Cases and 92 deaths
8 Cases in our county, no deaths

I'm working from home, thankful that I'm allowed to work from home and get paid to do so. The kids are out of school. We haven't been given resources from our district for school, because the resources vary to much from house to house. So I've been doing the best I can.
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Old 03-28-2020, 04:55 PM
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Are you ordered to shelter in place?
Not that I'm aware. We are "safer at home". Our military installation borders Kentucky and Tennessee. Both states are handling it on opposite sides of the spectrum and the military installation is teeter-tottering back and forth between the two states.

Can you still work outside of your home?
Off post, yes but many are working from home or their work have closed down but it doesn't seem like they will be keeping closed much longer. On post, it's business as usual for the businesses with the exception there's a limit of 100 shoppers per store, you have to stand 6-feet apart from one another and the food places are take-out only.

The soldiers are still going to PT in the morning, the gyms are still opened for them. Some units, soldiers show up for formation and send them home afterwards, some units have phone check-ins and some are working regardless of what's going on. Earlier this week they deployed a unit to NYC earlier this week, taking some of our medical from the hospital with them. We all worry about them and hope none of them get sick and that they can do good in that state But you know with the military, it's always mission essential regardless of what's going on in the world.

Are there many cases near you?
KY is doing really well controlling the virus and their residents are listening. TN, not so much. On post, we've had our second confirmed case but both of the are spouses of retired soldiers and live off post--just got tested on post so it counts towards our numbers.

What's your frame of mind?
I'm an introvert and actually LOVE being at home. I LOVE having my family home. The only exception would be doing the school's school work because it's NOTHING like homeschooling and a LOT more tedious than it needs to be! Luckily, this week was Spring Break and a thousand times better!!

I worry about my son who is asthmatic. He has had on/off fevers this past week and has a very dry cough--but he also gets croupy 12 months out of the year! We are watching him because my husband comes and goes from his work, the commissary, picking up medicine and who knows what he's bringing home. I worry about my parents because my mother is a nurse in a nursing home and has been working this entire time. My dad has developed a cough about a week ago, very sleepy (not like him) and just recently my mother has developed a cough. So of course I worry about their health. In the beginning I was trying to secure enough groceries for them so they could stay home and I think now they are good for a couple of weeks! Now to keep praying they can stay healthy as my mother continues to work in the nursing home.
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Old 03-28-2020, 05:28 PM
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Rae, I hope your daughter starts feeling better. I can't imagine how worried your are! {{Big hugs!!}}

Biancka, I hope your FIL is sent home from the hospital soon. I hope he isn't exposed to the virus! {{Big hugs!!!}}

Cindi, I hope you are feeling better soon! I totally understand your concern, as we have my 71 yo mom living with us, and her health is not good.

Manda, I really hope your daughter starts feeling better!! I hope it is from helping clean.

Stacy, I'm so sorry for your family's loss.

Our governor issued a stay-at-home order starting Weds evening. All non-essential workers are supposed to stay home. Thankfully, both our boys have jobs that are considered essential (although one was hoping for a three-week vacation... the one that has savings! LOL!). Hubs already works from home, and is still working.

I haven't gone out in about 1-1/2 weeks. My mom is 71 and high risk because of breathing issues. She freaked out when I went out, and "ordered" me to stay home. So, to keep the peace, I'm not going anywhere. Sent hubs to the grocery store, etc.

Idaho's number have jumped. I don't know the actual statistic right now. I'm trying to avoid the news and keep my sanity!!
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Old 03-28-2020, 05:58 PM
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Here in Kentucky we have just a little under 400 cases with under 10 deaths (I think 7 died). We are ordered to be "Healthy at Home" which is basically stay in your house except for groceries, pharmacies and doctor visits. Essential businesses are still open but I have been working from home for 8 work days (does not count weekends).

My hubby got "furloughed" a week ago and now will be off for another week. Our son also works with my hubby and was off one week but is going back on Monday (manufacturing). We worry about him being off very long since he has 5 kids and carry health insurance and the company will take the employee cost out of the next check.

I really worry about our daughter who is a radiologist technologist and works at the hospital that has been set up as the local coronavirus hospital. I pray every day for her to remain safe and for her to not carry anything in on her 3 children (I am sure that is also something that worries her).

I know I will be working from home for another 3 weeks but I personally believe it may be extended since they are predicting the peak will not happen around here until maybe mid-May.

I pray that everyone heeds the warning to stay safe and keep the social distance so that we can reduce the spread.
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Old 03-28-2020, 08:32 PM
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Hitting so close to home for so many!

Wendy, praying for your family. Those deployed to NYC are in my prayers too. Scary!

My sister (who visited us twice in the last 10 days) also has the fever and sore throat I have, but she also has the dry cough. Her daughter has serious health issues so we are hoping and praying she does not get it. Things are crazy, but we are still doing well here, even if we have "it." So thankful for that!
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Old 03-30-2020, 09:41 PM
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How are you and your sister doing now?

Originally Posted by icindi View Post

My sister (who visited us twice in the last 10 days) also has the fever and sore throat I have, but she also has the dry cough. Her daughter has serious health issues so we are hoping and praying she does not get it. Things are crazy, but we are still doing well here, even if we have "it." So thankful for that!

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Old 04-02-2020, 09:04 PM
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I am mission essential so I will always work no matter what. My state isn't super populated, but I do live in the biggest city for quite a while. So we have some cases, but not as many as lots of other places.
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