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Old 10-24-2021, 05:50 PM
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Default Covid Check-in

How are things where you're at with lockdowns and restrictions related to COVID?

I'm in the Philippines, and our case numbers are down, but restrictions are still high. Recently, though, they did lower the number of days international travelers have to quarantine upon arrival from 10 to 7...but they still do the swab test on day 7 and you can't leave without a negative result. Other "green" countries only have to quarantine for 3 days, so at least we're making some progress.

They're letting some kids in rural areas with low case numbers go back to school, but several of the schools have dropped out for fear of increasing their infection rates. : ( I'm so worried about all of these kids who haven't been in the classroom since March 2020.
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Old 10-24-2021, 07:31 PM
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Here in Canada number of cases vary depending on where you live. In Quebec where I live, our government has been slower than some other provinces to lift restrictions and I'm happy they took their time. It's still mandatory to wear masks in indoor places like stores and I believe students have to wear masks in class. We have vaccine passports because to get into most venues, like restaurants and bars you have to show proof of double vaccination. No jab, no entry! Some other provinces lifted their restrictions too quickly and are now dealing with outbreaks and hospitals are filled to the brim and some patients are transferred to hospitals out of province. I wonder if we'll ever see the end of this pandemic?

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Old 10-24-2021, 07:39 PM
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For the last year we have been living restriction free, with no covid in the community and no requirement for masks or anything. Then about 10 weeks ago it got into the community. We went into a hard level 4 lockdown and seemed to be getting on top of it after a month, but the government bowed to social pressure and brought us out too early. Now we're in a prolonged level 3 lockdown which means we can't leave our city, and most workplaces are still closed. People are starting to not follow covid rules, which just keeps us in lockdown longer and longer. Ugh. It's increasingly looking like we'll be like this till Christmas, even though a decent proportion of our population are vaccinated.

The government want to keep us in lockdown until 90% of the country is double vaccinated, because our health system is already bursting at the seams with only 50 covid cases in hospital, and they just wouldn't be able to cope with an influx. I understand and even agree with the plan, but it could take us a long time to get to 90% because some people are so resistant to the jab.

Last edited by jacinda; 10-24-2021 at 07:42 PM.
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Old 10-24-2021, 07:47 PM
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Originally Posted by Lidia G View Post
Here in Canada number of cases vary depending on where you live. In Quebec where I live, our government has been slower than some other provinces to lift restrictions and I'm happy they took their time. It's still mandatory to wear masks in indoor places like stores and I believe students have to wear masks in class. We have vaccine passports because to get into most venues, like restaurants and bars you have to show proof of double vaccination. No jab, no entry! Some other provinces lifted their restrictions too quickly and are now dealing with outbreaks and hospitals are filled to the brim and some patients are transferred to hospitals out of province. I wonder if we'll ever see the end of this pandemic?
Here in Ontario we still have to wear masks, students are back in class but with masks. We need proof of vaccine to enter restaurants and bars also. Colleges are back in class for most programs, have to show proof of vaccine or negative covid test to enter. There are still a lot of things being done online or by phone. For example, I have a doctor's appointment on Monday and it will be via telephone. I'm fine with that as the doctor is two and half hours away and it's just to go over a report.

In high schools, our students are only doing 2 classes a day instead of 4 and we just alternate weeks. Students have scheduled washroom breaks and if they need a washroom break or to come to student services they need to scan a QR code and wait for an escort. We have staggered exits and two different lunches- gr 9 & 10 is one lunch and 11 & 12 are at another time.

They are starting to allow more people in establishments and the goal is to be mask-free by March. Our numbers are down, thankfully.
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Old 10-24-2021, 08:04 PM
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In my area (Kansas, US) we have had no restrictions since March 30th of 2020. We did have a mask mandate from August 2020 through March 2021. The school board (I work for a school) is requiring masks, but there are few other restrictions. Kids stay 3 feet apart while unmasked indoors (during meals) and we try to distance them at other times but kids know no personal space. LOL Our district is now doing a modified quarantine. If a student has been in direct contact, without a mask, and is vaccinated they have no quarantine. If they are unvaccinated they can quarantine at home or continue to go to school. If they wish to go to school they are tested each morning for Covid and have to wait on the result before going to class. So far no cases have been spread through the school. The only students having to quarantine are because of outside contacts.
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Old 10-24-2021, 08:45 PM
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Texas is pretty free. We still wear masks at doctors offices. Kids aren't wearing them unless they want...It is encouraged but not required. Everything is pretty much open. A few restaurants are closed to only take out.
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Old 10-24-2021, 08:53 PM
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Masks must be worn indoors (and in most cases are encouraged outdoors where social distancing can't be met - some places require them). Almost everyone is super observant of policies. I see tons of people wearing N95's (even outdoors). Outdoor events over 500 require proof of vaccine and most restaurants/bars, gyms, etc require proof of vaccination (anywhere with a seating capacity > 10).

Schools require anyone who is symptomatic to stay home and get a PCR test. All schools in our district offer on-site testing.

With that said, my hubby (HS teacher) got a breakthrough case of COVID a couple of weeks ago. He has 2 air purifiers in his classroom, wears a mask at all times and is double vaccinated. The contract tracers suspect an asymptomatic student gave it to him, but who knows. Thankfully, the rest of us didn't test positive (we are all vaccinated except my 4 year old). My older boys didn't have to quarantine because they were vaccinated, but Tyler had to have a negative test at day 7.

Cases are starting to fall, as predicted with the typical 2 month cycle of a surge. COVID is here to stay. There is no keeping it out. It's basically endemic. I feel super fortunate that my husband's case was pretty mild. I know so many people who have had breakthrough infections (but all have been mild).

What really sucks is that even though our schools are in-person, activities are limited. I'm so jealous of all of the homecoming photos I've seen over the past few weeks.

Last edited by SeattleSheri; 10-25-2021 at 02:18 PM.
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Old 10-24-2021, 09:04 PM
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In Ohio, we only have recommendations, no restrictions. Except health care facilities still require a mask. I have no problem with that.

We were under various levels of health orders from March 2020 to June 2021. The level of orders at the end were not that restrictive but unfortunately the legislature for the state decided to pass a bill that the Governor can no longer put public health mandates in place. The governor vetoed it, but there is a mechanism in our state by-laws that can actually over ride that. So now, no Governor going forward (or even the state health department) can put any kind of mandates in place during a public health crisis. SMH

As for now, Ohio has had a bad period and things are looking better. Considering we were down to less than 100 cases per day in May/June, we were up to over 5000 cases per day in Sept/October. Just today was 2540, the 2nd lowest number in 2 months.

My immediate area is not doing good at all. Ohio does a weekly calculation of the # of cases per 100,000 residents for every county. For those counties less than 100,000 the formula takes that into account. The numbers come from the reported cases for the previous 2 week period. We have 88 counties. On 10/14, my county had the 8th highest number of cases in the state (847.6 cases per 100,000). This week we dropped to 21st (619.9 cases per 100,000). And, the local schools... 90 cases so far this school year that started on 8/25. There were only 95 cases the whole 20/21 school year and yes, they were in session all year.

And, the vaccination rates for the state are below the national average by about 12%.

So I am very thankful I'm retired and can stay home.
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Old 10-24-2021, 09:29 PM
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It seems like a free-for-all in my area. Masks are optional at school and homecoming was "limited" to 1,000 tickets for about 1,400 students at the HS. I think stores, restaurants, and everything is open.
Now, my other daughter in college is masked everywhere on campus, and now the entire city is once again masked indoors. Frankly, I'm tired of trying to keep up with it, so I just wear my mask everywhere indoors. It's just easier that way.
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Old 10-24-2021, 09:49 PM
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I'm so sorry you're all still out of school, Kelly! I can't even imagine how much learning loss there has been by now, especially for the most vulnerable students.

Here masks are recommended in stores and public venues, but thankfully I live in a county where most people are voluntarily wearing them. They're required in medical facilities and schools. Colleges in the area require masks and vaccination.

As of August schools are open full time for everyone with very little remote education. (Students had to submit medical documentation to prove a need and then get it approved--more than 95% of students are back in person.) Masks are required, there is contact tracing when someone tests positive, and we have required quarantines for unvaccinated students and staff. Vaccines or weekly testing are required for staff and for older students to participate in extracurriculars such as sports (where masks aren't required). Our vaccination rates are high, so in the middle and high schools there aren't really any more attempts to distance. In the elementary schools there were some measures put in place by schools for lunch, but from what I've heard not all schools are following them as well as parents would want.

I teach in a preschool that requires masks indoors and outside, and we wash or sanitize hands every half hour. We're still trying for 3 feet of distancing while masked (indoors) and 6 feet while unmasked. We eat outside unless the weather interferes. I also sub in preschool special ed classes in the public schools, and the restrictions aren't nearly as strict.

Everyone in my household is fully vaccinated, but since I work with preschoolers and we don't want our kids to be out of school quarantining for weeks we're still being cautious. Restaurants and movie theaters are open with no restrictions, but we don't go there. Big venues often require testing or vaccination, but I haven't paid much attention to the specifics because we're not ready to be in crowds like that. We'll definitely stay cautious until my students are eligible for vaccination. (Some of my special ed students are at high risk and don't wear masks well.) After that it will depend on cases--during surges we'll stop going out in crowds and to restaurants where we can't be masked, and when there aren't surges we'll start resuming some of the activities we've given up.
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Old 10-24-2021, 09:56 PM
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We came out of our 3rd lockdown a couple of weeks ago. We entered lockdown on August 5, came out for a week 5 weeks later, and then back in for another couple of weeks.

Masks must be worn everywhere, only vaccinated people can shop for non essential items. Kids are back at school full time, although kids 12 and over have to wear a mask. It is recommended for younger children, but not mandated.

We are acting as if we are still in lockdown though. We're all double vaccinated, but mum has a few chronic illnesses, and I was very sick earlier on in the year (pneumonia and then pleurisy) that ended up with me having a partially collapsed lung. The double vaccinated people that are dying here all have had health issues like mum and I - hence why we aren't going anywhere or doing anything. We get everything delivered. If it can't be delivered, we go without. Thankfully even our Chemist delivers now.

I pick Ethan up from school and hand sanitise him & spray Glen20 on his clothes. Then when we get home he gets straight in the shower and his clothes soak in disinfectant before being washed in the machine.

Thankfully, Ethan can amuse himself like no other child I've ever known - and he is a homebody. He is happiest left alone in his own little bubble, playing with his toys. So not going out hasn't affected him in the slightest.
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Old 10-24-2021, 10:16 PM
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Here when school first started my kids were not required to wear mask. Mine did anyway. They both ended up with covid within the first two weeks of school and we all got it. Then just as we ended our two week quarantine where we did virtual. My youngest child’s school closed for a week and went to virtual. Then he went back but my other son that’s in junior high didn’t have to. We wear mask in any public places even though it’s not required. I try to stay distanced from anyone regardless. When my boys get home they wash their hands and strip. I wipe down all their stuff with Clorox wipes. Other than that there hasn’t been any lock downs since we had the first one last year.

Last edited by ~Cindy~; 10-24-2021 at 10:19 PM.
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Old 10-24-2021, 10:46 PM
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Numbers are quite up around here, but kids are still going to school. Our 15 yr old is vax but I worry too. We had no remote learning option this year.

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Old 10-24-2021, 10:53 PM
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Originally Posted by Lidia G View Post
Some other provinces lifted their restrictions too quickly and are now dealing with outbreaks and hospitals are filled to the brim and some patients are transferred to hospitals out of province.
Hahhaha - you're talking about my province! Our government opened up everything, no restrictions, for July. "Best summer ever" they called it. Cases soared, back to restrictions by September. Now we have Vaccine passport, indoor masks, and our hospitals are still overrun. Many people who live here do not want to get the vaccine, I'm not sure how we're going to get out of this.

Personally, I'm working from the office, kids are in school (with masks), but I had my surgery for tomorrow cancelled because the hospitals are too busy with covid cases - so I'm ok with that, because if something goes wrong and I need the ICU I'd rather wait until they have room for me! You can go places with the vaccine passport, I actually didn't need to use mine for the first month they started that, we just don't go anywhere (I've used it a couple times now)

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Old 10-25-2021, 02:25 AM
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we finally came out of our 6th lockdown!! last Friday evening. the city with the longest lockdown ever.. God love Melbourne, lol!

Some restrictions were lifted as we hit 70% double done, and we could leave our house as often as we wanted, could have 10 people in our house as long as they are double vaxed. restaurants, cafes etc are open to the double vaxed only and a few other things. masks still mandatory outside and inside.

We are still not running out and going wild as we are waiting until our state is 80% double done but we are racing to get to 80% double vaxed by this weekend and then restrictions ease even more. gyms will open, masks outside go, more people in restaurants etc, cinema and theatres open, people can go to the races.. we have the Melbourne Cup in just over a week, and a few more things.

We are aiming for 90% double done for all over the age of 12 by mid November (we are over 90% single done) and then pretty much all restrictions are dropped for those who are double done. Masks only in hospitals/old age home/public transport. everything else is as it was in 2019 BUT only for the double done.

Our premier is not budging on letting those not double done do almost anything. he's a tough one, obviously as he put us in 6 lockdowns and so those who will not vaccinate can't travel/eat in restaurants/go to the pub and many many other things.

We check in with a QR code on our phones that has our vaccine certificate attached to show. We are also now able to download our international vaccine certificates which is fabulous.. now we just have to wait a few more weeks and our international borders will finally be open... after being closed tight for 18 months.

We certainly are still having cases of covid, many, but the majority of them are of unvaccinated people, same with those in hospitals and on ventilators... unvaccinated.

And as soon as we hit 6 months from our second vaccination, we can get our boosters. Roll on end of January 2022 and my whole family will get their boosters. and then.. watch out world, cos here we come!!!
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Old 10-25-2021, 06:18 AM
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Over here in The Netherlands we hardly have any restrictions at all anymore. No more masks (I think only in public transport), no more keeping distance from eachother and right now, numbers are going up. Next week our government is going to decide about maybe bringing back some restrictions but with a small percentage over here being dead against those restriction, I think there are not going to be new restrictions.
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Old 10-25-2021, 07:50 AM
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Originally Posted by LynnZant View Post
It seems like a free-for-all in my area. Masks are optional at school and homecoming was "limited" to 1,000 tickets for about 1,400 students at the HS. I think stores, restaurants, and everything is open.
Now, my other daughter in college is masked everywhere on campus, and now the entire city is once again masked indoors. Frankly, I'm tired of trying to keep up with it, so I just wear my mask everywhere indoors. It's just easier that way.
Same state as you but the homecoming activities here were wide open. No limitations to football games either, not sure about indoor school activities. I'll have to ask my cleaning lady today (her DH is on the school board). I see very few masks being worn and I know that some of those people are not vaccinated with the vax rate being low in my county.
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Old 10-25-2021, 08:01 AM
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Michigan we're mask free, it's recommended of course. The mask mandate was lifted July 1st I think.

Our school district is mask free, you can wear one if you want. They do make the kids wear them on the bus.

I work for Michigan State University and we have to wear mask if we're not in our offices, alone, with our doors closed. We also just went back to in person work September 2nd, after almost 18 months of working from home.

Most fast food places are still closed only to drive thru traffic, but I suspect that is more the shortage of workers than the worry of Covid spread, at least here.

Doctor's offices we still have to wear a mask. I think they're still limiting the number of people when you go as well.
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Old 10-25-2021, 09:12 AM
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Here in our part of Pennsylvania.....

Masks are optional in most stores, some require them. Same with restaurants.

Schools... masks are required (i believe) up to the middle school. (I only have one in high school now) At the high school, most are vaccinated so they are optional. They do ask if you are not vaxed to please wear a mask. If you are vaxed and exposed, you don't need to quarantine.

My Pitt college girl must mask everywhere indoors on campus.

My kindergarten teacher daughter must mask a the child care center/school she works at.

My other two kiddos must mask at work, Buffalo Wild Wings requires it...

All doctors and hospitals require a mask at all times.

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Old 10-25-2021, 09:15 AM
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Florida is open and free from lockdowns and mandates. Last time I checked, our numbers are down- thankfully. We had a spike over the summer. I’d say 30-40% of people in stores are wearing masks. We have been back to school, church, dance, theatre, concerts, sports and all other activities mask-free as we normally did. The only places requiring masks are doctors offices and the occasional small business. Otherwise it’s “strongly suggested.”

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Old 10-25-2021, 10:39 AM
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Let's just say I wish Brazil would be careful about all Covid thing like the rest of the world.
We had almost 5000 deaths/daily and, well, people simply didn't care. It was more important to go out, go to the beach, go do ANYTHING than care about each other. It was sad.

Right now we our numbers are low, comparing to that. Schools are back to normal. And no, we don't have necessary structure to just get back. Brazil is a poor country. Most of the people go to poor schools. Most of them, didn't have the minimum necessary before and, well, won't have it now.

Summer is almost here. New Year parties. Carnaval. I bet in few months things will be bad here all over again, but our stupid President will keep saying stupid things about it.

Oh! We are still using masks. At least the ones who care about others.
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Old 10-25-2021, 11:12 AM
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I'm in a small area in BC. Masks are required for public spaces and schools and you do need to have proof of vaccination to eat in a restaurant and do some other activities. Our vaccine rates are really high in our small town and there have only been a handful of cases that I know about (no deaths here I don't think) but our town is super small.

I have family in Alberta and my eldest and things are a little rocky there so it's kind of worrisome but I think things are slowly starting to turn around. No idea what christmas will look like

The restrictions don't bother me and I honestly love wearing a mask out lol. It really helps my social anxiety SO much. There was a short time where the mask mandates were lifted and a lot of people weren't wearing them and then I felt uncomfortable because it seems like people think you're ridiculous if you choose to wear a mask if it isn't required
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Old 10-25-2021, 11:52 AM
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In Northeastern Wisconsin... I don't know if were we are on cases - local media first says we are critically high, hospitals are full, we are going to have a twin-demic with the flu season... and the next article says numbers are down, deaths are down, 54% (I think) are vax etc. So, I don't know... I just go on with my usual... wear a mask when I'm in the store, wash my hands, and take my vitamins...

Otherwise no mask mandate... depends on the store if there are many that wear masks... most places people don't. Our public schools are 50/50 on if they require or not. Lots of school boards first started with no mandate and one by one changed their policy. Lots of protesting at these meetings they had to go to virtual meetings. I don't think most school have a virtual option - you would have to join public school at home groups. Homeschooling groups no mask mandate, everything is back to normal for us.
My church is back to normal - all services and full children program, no masks required, though can still take communion in row and recommend to "wave and smile" for Sharing the Peace. Doctors require masks, but have changed the seating to be back to "normal" - no spacing between them, no signs about 6ft away from others. Most restaurants are back open and in person seating - I don't know about spacing - we still only get carry out.

My husband changed companies almost 2 months ago and is back in the office (was working at home since March 2020), masks required there.
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Old 10-25-2021, 03:00 PM
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We have masks required for most indoor venues, including schools. Vaccine passports are required for restaurants, gyms, outdoor football games (stadium seating), and so on. Essential services (doctors, grocery stores, banks, etc.) can't require a vaccine passport - those services must be available to all, whether vaccinated or not. Our numbers here are slowly getting better and the provincial vaccination rate (double shot) is close to 75%. Some imuno-compromised are getting a booster now, but not the general population.
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Old 10-27-2021, 02:45 AM
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Originally Posted by jacinda View Post
For the last year we have been living restriction free, with no covid in the community and no requirement for masks or anything. Then about 10 weeks ago it got into the community. We went into a hard level 4 lockdown and seemed to be getting on top of it after a month, but the government bowed to social pressure and brought us out too early. Now we're in a prolonged level 3 lockdown which means we can't leave our city, and most workplaces are still closed. People are starting to not follow covid rules, which just keeps us in lockdown longer and longer. Ugh. It's increasingly looking like we'll be like this till Christmas, even though a decent proportion of our population are vaccinated.

The government want to keep us in lockdown until 90% of the country is double vaccinated, because our health system is already bursting at the seams with only 50 covid cases in hospital, and they just wouldn't be able to cope with an influx. I understand and even agree with the plan, but it could take us a long time to get to 90% because some people are so resistant to the jab.
agree, this feels like the longest stretch ever. Doesn't help I'm dealing with family things that will only be resolved once we are in the new plan after 90% double jabbed.

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Old 10-27-2021, 12:50 PM
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The kids' school district requires masks at school; they are both in-person all day long. My son has been THRIVING after being at home with me from March 2020 - August 2021. There is no required quarantining anymore since everyone is masked though I do receive weekly emails from both of my kids' schools about positive cases.

Besides a handful of small businesses and the doctor's office/hospital, masks are optional everywhere else locally and most people are not masked. Although I have a vaccination card for both my oldest & myself, I have never had to show them anywhere (including when we traveled to FL last week). Events, school activities, etc. are all going on normally as far as I know.

My sister, who is a teacher, and my parents have all had their booster shots recently. I'm waiting to get my youngest in to get his first/only shot. That's all we can do, I guess.
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Old 10-27-2021, 05:03 PM
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Australia has just been approved for booster shots after 6months from our second shot. We will be getting ours at the end of Jan and we are more than happy to do so.

Tomorrow night, restrictions ease even more, retail opens, more people in restaurants/cafes etc, cinemas and theatre open, interstate travel is allowed and intonational travel from 8 November from Melbourne BUT those who are not double done... can't do much of anything.
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