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Old 03-14-2020, 10:19 PM
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Originally Posted by AmieN1 View Post
Like Sheri said, WA schools are closed for 6 weeks! I work (dental hygienist- impossible to work from home) only 2 days a week so thankfully my hubby can work from home those days. He has ALL his employees working from home, so he will probably go into the office a couple days a week.

We are thinking about getting a puppy! Call me crazy... but since we are all home for at least 6 weeks with all of our sports/activities cancelled- it's pretty perfect timing! We're looking at another english bulldog- a little sister for our Lucy- so far I'm in love with this pup that's only about an hour away from us...
isnt she adorable!? Now to decide on a name..
He's a cutie! We dog sit for friends of ours, and we get them next weekend...it's our puppy fix! I think he looks like a Patches
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Old 03-14-2020, 10:34 PM
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My oldest's preschool is now cancelled for 2 weeks at least. Libraries are closed too. We will just keep doing what we've been doing. Avoid indoor places besides grocery store. Spend more time outside and trying to enjoy each other's company without driving ourselves crazy.

Oh and unpack... because we just moved this morning! haha
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Old 03-14-2020, 10:39 PM
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Originally Posted by Leablahblah View Post
My oldest's preschool is now cancelled for 2 weeks at least. Libraries are closed too. We will just keep doing what we've been doing. Avoid indoor places besides grocery store. Spend more time outside and trying to enjoy each other's company without driving ourselves crazy.

Oh and unpack... because we just moved this morning! haha
I've been thinking of you because I knew you were moving this weekend!! I can't wait to hear all about it!!!
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Old 03-14-2020, 10:41 PM
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We were binge watching the British baking show today. Now it's Live PD night and we always watch that.
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Old 03-14-2020, 10:48 PM
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Nothing major is happening here. We are not quarantined at this point. K-12 is staying open. Modifications are being made. Extra activities postponed and plans put in place to maintain social distance. Seriously, keeping elementary kids (I have 2nd and 3rd graders at work) 6 feet apart? I don't know how this will work! The next 4 days before spring break will be interesting to say the least!

My college has cancelled face to face classes beginning Monday. Spring break is next week so they will let us know after that what the plan is. The online classes will be business as usual. I'm annoyed because I need my algebra class to be a face to face class in order to really understand what is going on.

No public events have been canceled yet. Everything is still open and people are going about their business. My daughter works at a movie theatre. The owner has no intention of closing unless he is forced. Her shift was extended tonight so they must have a crowd. They are taking some precautions (like extra hand sanitizer dispensers around) but nothing big. She know what precautions to follow for her personal care.
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Old 03-14-2020, 11:10 PM
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We're not quarantined, but our church has stopped all meetings worldwide for the near future, so today was a quiet day at home. I filed all the backlog of digital kits from my downloads and 'used kits' folder. It's the first time those folders have been emptied in a looooooooong time! Feels great!
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Old 03-14-2020, 11:17 PM
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At 8 pm Thursday we got an email saying our schools weren't shutting down yet. Four hours later they reversed that decision, so we're out at least until April 13th. I'm wondering if we're really going to be able to go back then. Even if people truly take this social distancing seriously, it will still be at least 2 weeks before we start to see it pay off with a decline in cases. Unfortunately, I think too many people aren't taking it seriously yet and won't until the numbers get higher or they know someone personally affected. Cases are doubling every 48 hours here in the DC Metro area, so I think it's going to get bad quickly.

I'm a preschool teacher, so I'll be home along with my kids. Not much teleworking I can do! I wish DH would telework, but unless his office mandates it he refuses to. He's even still riding the train into DC every day even though he could drive. (If you can't tell, I'm not happy with what I think are selfish decisions. Because of where he works I understand if he feels like he has to be at work through this, but there's just no good reason for him to keep riding the train.) I hope it gets mandated ASAP. If not, then I'm assuming we'll all get it through him.

We're doing as much online shopping and as little in person as possible. We'll mostly stay home until school resumes. We've cancelled spring break travel and everything else. We'll keep medical appointments, including DS's weekly social skills group, unless something changes. We'll also probably do some hiking. It's easy to be separated quite a lot from others on most of the trails around here, so that seems safe enough. I'm hoping to get a ton of scrapping done and lots of smaller house projects. So far it seems like all I do is obsessively read new developments in the Washington Post, but I'm trying to strike a better balance!

Last edited by rach3975; 03-14-2020 at 11:19 PM.
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Old 03-15-2020, 07:00 AM
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Seems like daily more things are cancelled around here. I'm about 50 minutes outside of Atlanta. Schools are closed. Prom for my two senior boys is postponed until they don't know when. Church (Sundays and Wednesdays) is cancelled. We can watch online later this morning. Libraries are closed. Some grocery store chains are closing at 8:00 now. Perhaps to give them time to clean and restock. I get e-mails from a variety of companies and this week I've received a TON with them explaining what measures they are taking to protect their employees, customers and community. The indoor trampoline parks I find interesting right now. They say they will limit the number of people to 100 or something like that. Well, if we can't go sit in a sanctuary or school or library with people right now, I certainly don't plan to take my kiddo to jump around 99 other kids. How do they clean that place anyway? Especially the foam ball/cube pits? Thankfully, we are used to being outdoors going on walks/hikes as our entertainment.

The stores are so empty. Meat cases empty. Bread aisle empty. Canned meat, cleaning supplies, paper supplies...bare.

I've certainly never seen anything like this before. Even with the jokes about how, here in the South, if there is a mention of snow we all rush to buy eggs, milk and bread...it's never like this.

Since I homeschool my youngest, we aren't disrupted very much. Yet. We have some events coming up that might not happen now. We'll see. I am more concerned about my husband. He is on a variety of medications including immune suppressant ones. (He had a kidney transplant several years ago.) Thankfully the office location he goes to work at is the smaller location of the company, so less people to be around. But, it only takes one infected person around you.

I had a low headache all of yesterday. Not sure if it's stress about my EHD situation (that's in another thread) or all of the news and social media posts about the CoronaVirus. Or both.
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Old 03-15-2020, 08:50 AM
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I wish they'd cancel work, because I have like 900 things at home I could totally get done with that much time off. LOL!
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Old 03-15-2020, 11:15 AM
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I'm in the Portland, Oregon area. Oregon schools have been closed till the end of March I believe. Daughter's university (UO go Ducks!) went online for finals and will be online for at least 3 weeks AFTER spring break. They'll make further decisions in mid-April. What happens to band students? Music majors? We go grab her today and drive her home. While it will be great to have here for an extended time, I cringe knowing we still pay apartment rent for her, but more cringe because my shy introvert has been so rocking the extracurricular activies at school - she is an accounting major. The child who has trouble talking to people is tutoring accounting, was doing people taxes through a nationwide program called VITA, is a peer counselor for the school with regular hours when she normally meets with students who need advise, and was just elected as vp finance of her accunting club - also another nationwide club or program. So it hurts my heart that she won't really be doing any of that when school starts back up online.

Store shelves emptied quickly around here. I'd picked up extra TP from Amazon a couple weeks ago when I heard that people were beginning to hoard - which I'd also ordered hand sanitizer! Did my groceries very early yesterday at a nearby higher end grocery store - people who hoard ususally do so from less expensive stores so there was no lack of food - though they've been out of the sanitizer in any form for a week already and almost out of TP yesterday morning. I've been slowly buying extra canned and packaged goods the last couple weeks in aniticipation of what might happen and finished my own stock-up yesterday buying twice what I normally might! Of course I'll be feeding my daughter now.

Hubby's work already was adjusted since he has been trying to retire so he is far more home than not anyway. I was about to rejoin WW but that can wait as I'm not going to a group of people and sit next to them all and have just one arrive sick - I'm betting the group I normally go to is now half empty as it was a lot of older people in it. Normally I see a trainer once a week at the gym to help me thanks to disk issues in my back - he told me last week not to hesitate to cancel a session if I was feel ill or uneasy about any of this. He's actually in his late 60's. He had hand sanitizers in his pocket and before each machine we used he rubbed it all over the parts we would touch - brilliant! The gym is a little less crowded. My heart is in debate about whether to go this coming week - sigh.

So we'll all be home mostly. Reading books, watching tv, playing on computers, designing in my case, going out to walk or hike, perhaps doing the workouts at home as I do have equipment, daughter doing some baking I'm sure (yummy but fattening). But the restrictive feel of everything happening really works on my inner claustraphobia!
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Old 03-15-2020, 05:00 PM
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All Illinois schools will be closed at least until March 30 - and the Illinois Governor announced all restaurants and bars be closed to dine ins until at least March 30. There is a confirmed case of Covid-19 in a town about 20 miles away from our home.
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Old 03-15-2020, 08:39 PM
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I hear you, Tracey. There is so much my one daughter will be missing with band as States was already been canceled. Not to mention her sport and other things in general. Yet, she feels sorry for the seniors who might miss prom and graduation.
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Old 03-15-2020, 09:17 PM
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The closest confirmed case to us that I'm aware of was announced this evening. A teacher at a school 10 minutes from my house. And the school is less than a mile from my church. And...some of our church members teach there or kids go there.

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Old 03-15-2020, 10:43 PM
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We are under quarantine now. They just made the call around 5pm. The plan at 1pm was to have school as usual tomorrow with some precautions taken. The state has recommended all schools be closed until the 30th so we are home this week and next (next is spring break for us anyway).
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Old 12-14-2020, 09:09 AM
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The announcements are coming that we will go in a hard lockdown this time, so bigger than it was during the spring...

Homeschool again, stores are closing except for the grocery malls, and other important things like bakery butcher and medicine pick-ups stay open. Sport clubs are closing restaurants were closed already, amusement parks and musea are closing and work at home again..

We are not allowed to have more than visitors a day with Christmas only 3, but this is huge... specially now with one at high school that will be a very weird 1,5 month coming
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Old 12-14-2020, 09:24 AM
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Originally Posted by wendyp View Post
The announcements are coming that we will go in a hard lockdown this time, so bigger than it was during the spring...

Homeschool again, stores are closing except for the grocery malls, and other important things like bakery butcher and medicine pick-ups stay open. Sport clubs are closing restaurants were closed already, amusement parks and musea are closing and work at home again..

We are not allowed to have more than visitors a day with Christmas only 3, but this is huge... specially now with one at high school that will be a very weird 1,5 month coming
I heard it on the radio a few hours ago.
We are in a lockdown since the end of October. Schools have re-opened for children under 12 years old and shops are open as well. Everything else (restaurants, sports clubs etc...) are still closed. All events are cancelled.
It's hard, especially during Christmas time. I hope you and your family stay strong and safe, Wendy!

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Old 12-14-2020, 09:44 AM
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Originally Posted by Saar View Post
I heard it on the radio a few hours ago.
We are in a lockdown since the end of October. Schools have re-opened for children under 12 years old and shops are open as well. Everything else (restaurants, sports clubs etc...) are still closed. All events are cancelled.
It's hard, especially during Christmas time. I hope you and your family stay strong and safe, Wendy!
Thanks, yeah here are all schools closing and shops.. but if yours are open and Germany is closed as well don't you thing germans and dutch will go to Belgium?
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Old 12-14-2020, 09:53 AM
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Originally Posted by wendyp View Post
Thanks, yeah here are all schools closing and shops.. but if yours are open and Germany is closed as well don't you thing germans and dutch will go to Belgium?
Yeah, they probably will.
I know that when everything was closed in Belgium, Belgian people went to Eindhoven, Tilburg and Breda to shop. Some people made appointments with hair dressers in the Netherlands to get their hair cut.
Hair dressers and beauty salons are still closed here.

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Old 12-14-2020, 12:12 PM
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Stay safe! They say they won't close our schools here anymore. Hoping they won't. Stores and restaurants are also still open for now...some states have curfew but in Texas we are still open. I am praying it doesn't go back to lockdowns....It was horrible.
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Old 12-14-2020, 12:59 PM
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We lost a family member last week to COVID. Many others I know have been sick but recovered. Our province has restrictions of no indoor or outdoor gatherings, masks are required everywhere. There is limited capacity in the stores and many places are shut down. I think they shut down indoor restaurant seating (they were open with limited capacity last month). Our numbers keep climbing so we will be lockdown until at least mid to late January.

I only go out to the grocery store and pet store. Jen and Darrell go to work but follow strict sanitizing and social distancing. We stay home and binge watch shows and eat (I gained 10 lbs during the pandemic...ugh).
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Old 12-14-2020, 04:39 PM
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Here in Virginia we have an evening curfew, gatherings are limited to 10 people beginning today (which means most sports and activities are canceled), and there are some other restrictions. It's not enough and our cases keep rising. Our schools were finally starting to reopen in October, and we had the dates when my kids would be able to go back. All that has reversed again, and we have no idea when they'll be able to move forward with re-opening. My kids have been out of school since March and I've been essentially out of work (greatly reduced hours) because the preschool I teach at can't open. There are a lot of us following all of the recommendations, but there are too many people who feel that as long as it's legal they can do it even if it's not recommended. So unless much stronger government regulations go into effect, we're screwed. I'm so frustrated.

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Old 12-14-2020, 04:52 PM
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Originally Posted by bcgal00 View Post
We lost a family member last week to COVID. Many others I know have been sick but recovered. Our province has restrictions of no indoor or outdoor gatherings, masks are required everywhere. There is limited capacity in the stores and many places are shut down. I think they shut down indoor restaurant seating (they were open with limited capacity last month). Our numbers keep climbing so we will be lockdown until at least mid to late January.

I only go out to the grocery store and pet store. Jen and Darrell go to work but follow strict sanitizing and social distancing. We stay home and binge watch shows and eat (I gained 10 lbs during the pandemic...ugh).

I am so sorry about your family member.
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Old 12-14-2020, 09:00 PM
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Originally Posted by bcgal00 View Post
We lost a family member last week to COVID. Many others I know have been sick but recovered. Our province has restrictions of no indoor or outdoor gatherings, masks are required everywhere. There is limited capacity in the stores and many places are shut down. I think they shut down indoor restaurant seating (they were open with limited capacity last month). Our numbers keep climbing so we will be lockdown until at least mid to late January.

I only go out to the grocery store and pet store. Jen and Darrell go to work but follow strict sanitizing and social distancing. We stay home and binge watch shows and eat (I gained 10 lbs during the pandemic...ugh).

I'm sorry for your loss.

I'm in Alberta, and we just entered another lockdown. They cancelled Christmas with the rule of not being allowed in other people's houses, and zero indoor or outdoor gatherings. Stores can operate at 15% people capacity, many services shut down, restaurants, etc. K-6 can go to school, 7-12 is online. Jan 4-8th all grades are online, hoping to return on Jan. 11. Our province has had the worst number of cases in Canada (despite not having the highest population!), so something definitely needs to be done!! They mandated that all people that can work from home SHALL do so (instead of SHOULD do so).

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Old 12-15-2020, 05:51 AM
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Gosh it sounds like all your countries are doing much more than the UK! We are in tiers but people just aren't doing their bit and cases are rising in the South and London is going onto a higher tier tomorrow. I don't think we should be allowed to gather for Christmas it's a ridiculous idea to lift the restrictions for a few days because it will mean another lockdown for us I'm sure. I don't go out apart from walking my dogs locally because I'm high risk and it is hard but I want this virus gone. We started the vaccine last week but it's going to take such a long time and we have seen a different strain emerge already. Keep safe everyone.
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Old 12-15-2020, 06:02 PM
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Originally Posted by bcgal00 View Post
We lost a family member last week to COVID. Many others I know have been sick but recovered. Our province has restrictions of no indoor or outdoor gatherings, masks are required everywhere. There is limited capacity in the stores and many places are shut down. I think they shut down indoor restaurant seating (they were open with limited capacity last month). Our numbers keep climbing so we will be lockdown until at least mid to late January.

I only go out to the grocery store and pet store. Jen and Darrell go to work but follow strict sanitizing and social distancing. We stay home and binge watch shows and eat (I gained 10 lbs during the pandemic...ugh).
I'm so sorry about your family member..

Oh yes I have gained wait too, and it is so hard to keep it on track specially now...
And yeah here same from now on I only go out to do grocery too, pet food I buy online... Hubby is still able to work as well but with same rules you mention...

Lorena is lucky her online classes will start after christmas break of 2 weeks, but the youngest two have recieved homework where they need to start working on tomorrow
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