Do you ever wonder if you scrap too much? I have noticed that a lot of the people that we lift for TOTM & SALs only do 5 LOs or so a month. Last month I did 28 LOs and 3 hybrid projects. I work full-time, too. Do you think its possible to scrap too much?
Sara Creating for absolutely no one because I don't think I know how to scrap anymore.
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As long as you feel you've got a good work/life/scrap balance there I'm not sure there is too much. I'm just jealous you're so productive.
Jennifer S. Wilson |
I agree with Jennifer, if you feel you have a good balance, then I say scrap as much as you want!
What she said
![]() (and there's the pages, stuff, I do and don't post to the galleries. Oh boy... but again, nope hahahaha)
Giseli Freitas |
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I kind of hate you a little for being that productive and creative. ![]()
Re-attempting a creative life after far too long! |
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I am the same as you... I am definitely and ADDICT! And I would have to say that MOST of the time my life is balanced...MOST of the time.
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LOL Mari! Point well taken
Re-attempting a creative life after far too long! |
I do think it's possible...for some people. If you're a memory-keeper scrapper, like I am, I don't want to make pages "just because." In the past, when I was doing a lot of challenges (not just here, but on blogs too), I was making pages that didn't really serve a purpose in my scrapbooks. So I cut back. Now I'm much more selective about the pages I make. I don't want to waste my time with pages that serve no purpose just to scrap a lot.
I guess if you're not a memory scrapper, then you probably don't care if you're making pages just to make them. |
I scrap 500 layouts a year on the average...but...I have 3 boys...and involvement in school, Boy Scouts, Bowling, Basketball (this year?), and Robotics...plus everyday life...so since I scrap books for each of them....it's just what I do...it's my way to relax and my boys like looking up events in their books.
Thanks! |
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![]() ![]() ![]() Sometimes on the challenges I will go back and tweak the page again later...but that never gets posted...
Thanks! |
I think as long as you enjoy what you are doing, and your life is balanced...scrap as much as you want. Some girls are really fast scrappers. I'm just not one of them. I can still do about 20 layouts a month...give or take some. I enjoy sitting in the evening after work and the dinner is done, and scrapping a page. I am mostly a memory scrapper too.
i'll say maybe, lol. i used to scrap 2 or 3 pages a day. and i ignored everything else around me. i'm a sahm. i scrapped way too much i think. i have since gone the opposite way; now im lucky to scrap a page or 2 a week, lol. i just don't have it in me like i used to. don't know why. i miss it, but i just can't seem to be like i was. but i have since started to pay more attention to other things; ie housework, lol.
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Well, scrapping can be very addictive... especially with all the awesome goodies these designers come up with every week! But like everything... it's all in moderation.
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If there is...I'm in big trouble! I scrap because I need a creative outlet and I love that my girls really enjoy the pages that I create for them. I want to be able to remember the little things 20 years down the road, and this allows me to do that. I love the challenges here because they force me to think outside of my little (clustered) bubble. I'm sure there are PLENTY of people who think I scrap too much but my kids are taken care of, my house is clean, and my laundry's done (for the most part
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I don't think so. I have done maybe 150 pages this year, and today is the 273rd day of the year. I'm maybe averaging one layout every 2 days.
For me, this is a cheap creative outlet (I don't buy much, rely a lot on my creative teams). I live in a small community, and don't get out much these days (no vehicle once hubby goes to work in the afternoons). And I only really scrap when the kids are doing their things or are in bed, and when hubby is at work or doing his thing. When I first started, I was on the computer all the time. Now, not so much. I am sure if I had photoshop installed at work I would do more, but I can't find my dang PS cd. hehee
Sonja ~ tuneskids Last edited by tuneskids; 10-01-2009 at 11:57 AM. |
I think it depends on what your goals are and why you scrap. If you scrap cause you love it and you're happy making that many pages and it feeds your soul so-to-speak then no you aren't making too many! For me, I scrap more for the purpose of documenting stories and photos the my kids - so I don't do a lot of the challenges unless I can make them fit to pages I want to scrap. I like the creative aspect of it but over the years I've become more about the end message than about the creativity of it all. That being said I DO enjoy the shopping aspect so keeping those pages flowing does give me an excuse to shop more!
One thing I think about is overkill on my kids' albums. If I scrap thousands of pages for them, will they ever wade through all of it to find the really special ones? Or will the special ones be lost in the vastness of their albums. See? I'm so deep to be wondering about stuff like that....ha!
![]() Homeschooling mama to 4 little monkeys and 2 little sweeties! Our crazy boys are 11, 9, 8, 5 and our sweet twin girls are 2! |
As long as everything is in perspective and your priorities are in the right place, then no, you're not scrapping too much.
![]() I'm working on that balance of family and designing so I can have more time for scrapping!
~SuzyQ~ |
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![]() ![]() ![]() My kids LOVE the pages.
Sara Creating for absolutely no one because I don't think I know how to scrap anymore.
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I think as long as your life is balanced, go for it! I work full-time and design, and for a while I was hardly scrapping at all, and I didn't really feel balanced again until I started really putting out the layouts doing the challenges here for September and scrapping more. Scrapping is my hobby and I wasn't doing enough of it, considering how crazy life is at work and stuff. So it helps me... If you find the same for you, then scrap your heart out!
As far as scrapping goes, I say make as many layouts as makes you happy. If you are a full time working mom I see scrapping as therapy. :O)
Now for me, my issue is my hybrid projects. I make more than I can give away or use. I have a whole drawer full of projects I’ve done nothing with. It’s all because of CT’s, but honestly, other than the fact it annoys my husband – I love doing it. I hope to one day be published in a paper magazine or find a way to make some money with hybrid projects. I guess I’ll call it perfecting my craft. LOL!
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There are times when I make as many as 35 pages a month without sacrificing taking care of the family (I work full time at home and take care of the kids). However, there are also times when I hardly scrap at all. I agree with what they are saying, as long as you find the balance, it works perfectly!
I also am a fairly fast scrapper. I never ever spend as much time on my LO as I think it's wasting my time, LOL. Just as long as my story is told it is OK for me. I do understand why others would spend much time on it as they see it as a creative outlet and expression of art ![]() |
WOW 28 !!! And my husband complains and says I am always scrapping and I haven't put many out at all in the past few months. Even cut back on doing the challenges. But I say if you love it and you are still getting your work done and spending time with your family its totally fine. My husband just always complains that I am scrapping when he is home from work and wants to be with me. So....if that isn't a problem I don't see why doing somehting you love is an issue.
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yeah..ditto to everyone else!
![]() ![]() Depends on the person and the balance each person needs. I'm a fast scrapper so I can do a few pages before going to bed every night so it adds up to a lot, but only took an hour or two, lol. |
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What you said. LOL! That's me too, I can't just scrap because. I think I did probably 50 plus pages in September, and still managed to go to school, take care of the hubby and kids, so I'm not worry about scrapping too much. I'm fast and it relaxes me. |
I am not scrapping enough right now. I was taking a break with all the wedding stress (I don't know how you do it Col! ) and I am trying to get back in my groove now.
I can scrap a couple page a day if inspired and I also have weeks were I scrap 1 page the entire week. I spend the time with my kids when they are up and try to scrap when they are asleep. I wish I had more time in the day to do other things. But I work 1 hour away from home and my DH works fulltime out of the home too along with other acitivities. If you are enjoying it and no one is suffering, then don't sweat it.
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I think it's different for everyone.
I scrapped 270 pages last year and it was too much for me. I neglected exercising regularly and I gained a few pounds. Did not like that at all. I'm not a fast scrapper (avg maybe 1.5 hours per page). And I made so many pages last year that looked nice but were not meaningful to me, with no journaling. This year I decided it was perfectly okay to scrap less, but make the pages more meaningful. I think I've accomplished that and I'm happy with less pages. (I have about 95 so far.) I've also exercised and run more and lost a couple of lbs. Ran a half marathon. I feel more well-balanced. |
{Raises Hand} Addict here
I definitely struggle to find balance, and I totally think lots of people dedicate too much time and energy to this hobby, myself being one of them. You have to find the balance that is right for you. For me, I love the distraction it provides, but it isn't healthy, so I had to cut back and I think I am at a good place with it now...for the most part.
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See, I am a pretty fast scrapper, too, didn't even think of that. lol
Scrapping is a nice diversion for me from work and from real life. I like the pages I make, and over the past few months, I've been adding more journalling and working harder to make my pages more "me" than what I think will be popular or someone else's definition of good. I've been working harder to scrap better and more meaningful pages, which means they are taking a bit longer than they used to. But they mean more.
I feel that scrapping, like anything else, is best done in moderation, and as long as there is a balance between everything, it's cool. There are times when I can scrap 5 pages in a day, other times it takes me a week to get my page done, it just depends. I don't think you should base it on the sheer number of pages made, some people are super fast scrappers! I have spent a lot of time scrapping and hanging out on the boards. When I'm not here, I do miss it. I'm guilty of getting too wrapped up in it at times too. But it does bring me joy. I'm still trying to find that balance, it's hard sometimes.
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According to my DH I scrap too much but I'm addicted!!!
![]() Last edited by kim21673; 10-02-2009 at 01:12 AM. |
you know what, been there done that. and the answer from a girl who used to work full time whose away from home from 7.30 am and does not go home until 7 pm and my target (and most of the time it's achieved or if it didn't then it's only 2-3 pages short) was 30 pages a month
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There is no such thing as scrapping too much! And I bet the peeps we lift have LO's all over, and not just at one site. I just started digi in May and have over 300 LO's! ROFL!!!
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I think it's just one of those things.....it all depends on your own life and circumstances. I am a SAHM and my kids are gone all day to school and older so, I have alot of time to scrap. No one is neglected except maybe me sometimes. I do need to focus more on my exercise, I will admit that! But, then again...if I didn't have the 2 hour nap each day....I could get that exercise in! I do about 60 lo's per month.
![]() Creating for: Krystal Hartley |
I don't think there is a set number of many pages a person should or shouldn't scrap per month/year. It what you would like to do and what fits in your life. Once upon a time I scrapped way more than I do now. But like Corey and Amanda, realized I need to cut back and focus on other things that I have been neglecting. Making more time for family and for my business. To me, scrapping is my hobby. My time to be creative and do something I enjoy. Making myself too overwhelmed with trying to keep up with everything takes way that purpose and instead makes it more of a stress than a pleasure. So basically it all boils down to each of us on an individual level. What works best for one, may not for another.
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i argree about balance. if you have good balance with it, then you are fine
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