After lots of trying to choose one place or trip that was the most enjoyable, realising that, to me, each trip has been wonderful in so many ways, even the ones where I run out of money and had to fight back a number of obstacles, all left marvellous memories, even if some were a learning process, couldn't choose so I decided to go a different way.
Here are some of my dream list that I know, or am at least 90% sure I wont be able to make them, for a number of reasons
[b]Diving Great Barrier Reef
I saw a documentary last week, I think they said 80 per cent of the corals are dead now
[b]Venice with the Orient Express
a dream for both DD and myself, to travel in this vintage, super fabulous train, will remain. a dream, is so SO very expensive, but, apart from the money, I saw another documentary showing the disasters cruise ships and tourism in general are doing to Venice..and the way their community are loosing the essence of Venice, is sad.
The whole of the [b]Middle East, Israel and Jordan, but mostly
Syria to see where my ancestors came from.
Do I really need to explain this one? we are in 2024, see current affairs, please.
Made with
The Filofax Diary, Notebook Element, white flower topping the right hand side cluster and the black metal arrow in that cluster are from:
Ponytails : Your Stories Kit
Simple Pleasures : Explore, Dream, Discover Bundle
A Beautiful Story Bundle
Bright Side Bundle
Simple Pleasures and Studio Basic : Too Many Tabs Bundle
Simple Pleasures, Studio Basic and The Nifty Pixel : A Beautiful Life: Soul Sisters Bundle
A Beautiful Life : Unplugged Bundle
Pink Reptile Designs : Younicorn Bundle
camera nested in the top right cluster, the stop flair, the little pink flag in the lower left corner, little fabric label with black arrow are from a travel kit by Pink Reptile Designs coming soon to the Shoppe.