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Old 12-31-2011, 12:44 PM
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Default A New Year - A New You - what does 2012 hold for you?

Are you hoping for a year drastically different than your last?

Do you make goals or resolutions?

Share with us how you envision your 2012 to be!
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Old 12-31-2011, 12:56 PM
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My OLW for 2012 is Purpose and right now, that's manifesting into less laziness for me. Every moment of my day needs to have some sort of purpose in order for me to keep up it seems!
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Old 12-31-2011, 01:09 PM
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I had a great 2011...and am looking at 2012 to follow suit! I do have some goals for the new year; I turn 30 in June and want to lose 50 pounds by my birthday and get my licence (I don't drive...never have...scare to do it!)
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Old 12-31-2011, 01:55 PM
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2011 was supremely LAME at our house (with the exception of little Kaylin joining the family). My OWL for 2012 is "Good." I want to it to be a good year. I want to have a good relationship with my family members (not that I don't now - but I want to keep it a priority so that I can continue to feel good about all that), I want to look for the good in difficult situations.

I just want 2012 to be good.

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Old 12-31-2011, 02:02 PM
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i just wrote down my twelve for twelve....
twelve for twelve
1. Maintain my weight.
2. Walk almost every day.
3. Run 2-3 times per week.
4. Take more photos and write down more of our stories.
5. Run a 5k.
6. Keep up with Project Life.
7. Read 52 books.
8. Complete one small organizing project each week.
9. Purge paper scrap supplies and sell them.
10. Take a monthly family photo.
11. Plan one special outing a month with the boys.
12. Send birthday cards to my dear Ninjas.

and my olw is capture.
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Old 12-31-2011, 02:25 PM
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2012 is all about the newness for me.
my OLW is chance. i'm horrible with change. i like to stay in my little box where things are always constant.
my goal for this year is to try some of the things that make me extremely uncomfortable, regardless of the anxiety it may cause me.

i also plan on spending more one on one time with my oldest daughter, i fear she gets the short end of the stick when it comes to my attention.

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Old 12-31-2011, 02:27 PM
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I don't like making resolutions at all, but I love the idea of a 12 for 12 goal setting!
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Old 12-31-2011, 05:42 PM
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i am hoping for BIG changes in 2012 i feel like i accomplished nothing in 2011 and i don't really like that feeling at all. so - my OLW for 2012 is INTENTIONAL. i want to think about the things i do before/as i am doing them and hopefully have most of my actions help me reach my goals. i have too many goals to list here - but in a nutshell they are :

better health: lose weight, eat as 'clean' as possible and exercise more.
family: improve/increase communication with my extended family (we all get along well - but only see each other once/year at thanksgiving - i'd like to talk to them all more this year), do more activities with the kids rather than just letting them play around the house - e.g., more trips to zoo, aquarium, kids museum - more stories/activities related to stories (e.g., crafts to go along w/ stories), etc. (not TOO much of this - b/c i think just playing around is good - but a little more)
home: declutter, pack for our move this summer, meal plan, organize ... etc etc .. i'm hoping to do one project from this list each week.
scrap: do P365/PL and scrap normal pages MORE - i feel like i barely scrapped this year at all ..

creating for:
the lilypad / sahlin studio
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Old 12-31-2011, 05:54 PM
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2011 was good and hard for me, I learned a lot about myself especially towards the end and had a ton of puzzle pieces put together and unanswered questions finally answered... all in the last 2 months. The good was welcoming our sweet little Asher in January and being a mama of 3 and starting homeschooling with Moriah and in September and being diagnosed with ADHD in December. So... with all the newfound knowledge and help that I have I had decided to make INTENTIONAL my word for 2012.

Here is the list of things I want to be intentional about:
1. time with God
2. time with Mark
3. time for me
4. time for each child
5. time for friends
6. teaching/discipleship
7. serving the community
8. housekeeping/organization
9. healthy eating/fitness
10. hobbies
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Old 12-31-2011, 06:40 PM
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2011 was a good year, but I didn't accomplish what I really wanted to do with getting healthy. I haven't picked a word for 2012, but I know healthy is a big part of my plan.

I want to lose weight (always)
I want to use my computer time wisely so I'm not sitting around so much
I want to enjoy doing Project Life in paper form and not stress about it
I want to be out moving more
I want to stay involved in the school and volunteer as much as I can
I want to make a binder full of important financial info in case of an emergency
I want to organize and deep clean one room a month until they are done

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Old 12-31-2011, 06:49 PM
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I'm looking forward to 2012! Focus is a big one for me (who knows i probably even had this as one for 2011? maybe even before :P). At first i had pause as my OLW but i'm thinking focus will help with everything i'm wanting to change

I am really bad with losing focus and not working on the important things in life. I fret over things I shouldn't and am using 2012 to let go of some pretty big burdens on my shoulders! Hoping it all works out

I am focusing also on organizing my home, my life and my waist :P haha. Going to try really hard to get a good system in place that will benefit me as well as the rest of my family. *fingers crossed*

wishing everyone success on all of their goals - big our small!
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Old 12-31-2011, 06:59 PM
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I'm not having a word this year as I've normally forgotten all about it by February and I don't really do resolutions for the same reason but I am determined that this year will be a good year for me:

Tuesday sees the start of a diet for me - 5 years ago I lost 5 stone and put it all back on again which has made me feel sad but until now I haven't had my head in gear to be strong enough to do anything about it. But I am focussed and enthusiastic so fingers crossed this will be the year I start to disappear again

I am loving where my creativity is taking me at the moment and I want to extend this and try new things. I've stopped all my magazine design work so my creative time is all mine to do what I want without the restraints of a design brief and prescribed style

The ribbon shop that I run with my Mum is going from strength to strength and I love working alongside her to make it even better. I want to get more involved with our Design Team this year, we have such a diverse group of talented girls and they are so inspiring so I am determined to make time to be inspired by them.

There were a couple of very sad events in our family last year that made us realise how much we love each other and that we don't tell each other enough. My Uncle's death and my brother's relationship breaking up and him moving back home with us for 6 months brought us much closer as a family and I want to keep that closeness

I bought my first house in 2011 which we're all working on renovating and turning it into a home (for my brother initially) so 2012 will be focussed on finishing that enormous project and continuing with my budgeting and being good with my finances.

I changed the focus of my job in September and now teach 6 children with profound and multiple learning difficulties. It's a new venture for our school by grouping these 6 children together but even after one term we can all see the difference we're making and these 6 children are recieving an excellent education but I want to make it even better so I will be working very hard to introduce new ideas into the group. I have a stack of ideas but I need to be in control of my time so that I can manage to fit everything in

As well as all of those up there ^^ I intend on having a lot of fun and enjoying life as it comes
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Old 12-31-2011, 07:10 PM
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Oh! I love the 12 for 12 idea! I made resolutions this past year & set goals & well, life got in the way and I never did anything of it! UGH.

I am not sure about OLW as I have never had one. I'll have to think about all this tonight & into the new year.

2011 was a good year for us. Hubby stayed busy and no layoffs. The youngest started school and is thriving. The oldest is reading and doing fabulous and I had a great year at work with record number of attendees. I just did not meet any of the goals I set for myself.
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Old 01-01-2012, 12:15 AM
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my only hope for 2012 is to make it to August to my birthday to go to Disneyland

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Old 01-01-2012, 12:26 AM
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I want 2012 to be about change & living on purpose. When I sat down to figure out my word for 2012 I made a list of all the things, and ended up picking 12 concepts, but the main one is Purpose.

Here are the 12:
Change is good, & unavoidable,
Find the balance,
Finish what you start,
Always be grateful,
Do it all with love,
Reach for your dreams,
Create more,
Have a good laugh,
Get going & move,
Take a chance (or 12),
Live for right now,
Make a plan & follow through

....live with intention & be purposeful. The year full of possibilities.

2011 was all about growth, while I want that to continue, I also want to add to it. It was actually an overall good year, I'd like that to continue as well.

I don't really make a resolution, but I do have a list of on-going goals I want to acheive.

Last edited by MandaT; 01-01-2012 at 01:35 AM.
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Old 01-01-2012, 12:31 AM
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I think I'm just going to try to make everything "better"- be a better wife and mom, eat better, feel better, live better ... Exciting right? Just thought it was easier than resolutions

Returning from a long scrapping hiatus!
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Old 01-01-2012, 12:33 AM
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2012 is going to be a year of great growth for me I think (maybe that's why I picked Growth as my OLW?)

I've changed a LOT in the past year- you guys have been there to witness my ups and downs (the unexpected pregnancy, breaking up with Kyle, having my heart issues and almost dying, my miracle baby being born, and a whole slew of other changes...). I realize now that I've let myself down a lot, but I'm so happy to be growing in my spiritual life (I found a new church finally!) and growing in my family life. I'm really making the changes I need to, and that's an up and up process. The only thing I'm missing now is perhaps shedding a few pounds, so that's kind of a back-of-my-mind resolution, too.

New Siggy Coming Soon
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Old 01-01-2012, 12:42 AM
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I hate making new years resolutions. However, my OLW for 2012 is PURGE. I need to start with my house - then my body. Purge all of the unnecessary crap we have been carrying around for years and then start working on those extra 20 lbs. that have snuck back onto my body.

Proudly creating for:
Libby Pritchett

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Old 01-01-2012, 12:44 AM
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2011 was a very much a mixed bag. I started out basically unemployed and struggling and have ended with a great job doing what I love and feeling fulfilled, which I never expected. My OLW is family and I did do a Twelve for Twelve and here is what they are:
  1. Eat whole, unprocessed food without fillers or preservatives.
  2. Do Project 365 or some variant of it (Project 12 or Project 52).
  3. Focus on the relationship with my husband.
  4. Spend more one on one time with each of my children.
  5. Clear the clutter out of my home and keep it out.
  6. Focus on my own health and mental well-being.
  7. Create a home and not just a house that reflects who we are as a family.
  8. Work on paying off debt so we can live like no one else.
  9. Work on communicating with my entire family, both immediate and extended.
  10. Create a family command center for all of our needs and activities.
  11. Carve out family time each week, eat dinner, play a game, something to bring us together as a family.
  12. Read more and gather more information about subjects and interest me and intrigue me.
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Old 01-01-2012, 12:50 AM
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I am still in shock that is it already 2012! (well tech will be in about 10 minutes lol)

2011 wasn't my best year but I can't complain too much. I do look forward to 2012 and am ready to make things happen this year. I look forward to making 2012 even better and am determined to make 2012 the year of *No Excuses* when it comes to bettering myself on a personal level and my business. My OLW for 2012 is Capable. I need to remember that I am capable to accomplish any of my goals and dreams. Just to go for it!

A short list of things I would like to accomplish are...

1. Get Healthy- I need to lose and maintain weight. I also need to get on a better sleep schedule.
2. Get Organized- I am all over the place anymore in my personal and business life I need to get things in order
3. Do More Family Activities- we do a lot at home but I would like to get out more this year with the family (zoo, nature, etc.)
4. Take My Business to the Next Level- I am trying to educate myself more so I can improve myself and I am ready to find that perfect place for me to call my work home.
5. Have More Quality Time with the Hubs- I would like us to start having date night. As of now we are always with the kiddos and don't get much *us* time.
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Old 01-01-2012, 12:55 AM
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2011 was a pretty good year for me, but I am anxious for 2012! My olw for 2012 is CHANGE because I plan on going through a lot of it.

* I haven't publicly announced this until now, but I am going to be having a roux-en-y gastric bypass hopefully at the end of February

* I will be reading 84 books this year - I read 72 in 2011

* I am going to be getting back into the classroom this next fall

* I am going to crochet more - I have 12 unfinished afghans and I have set a goal to finish one each month

* I am going to walk in the Relay for Life in July in memory of my grandparents who lost their lives to cancer

* I will scrapbook at least 365 pages this year - at least one LO per day
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Old 01-01-2012, 02:44 AM
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When I try to start too much at once I fail, so my goals are mostly projects-in-progress that I'm going to try to stick with throughout 2012. I wasn't planning to do OLW, but as I type this I'm thinking that I need to do it with a word like persistence. Hmm...

1. Lose weight, keep eating lots of produce, and eat less junk. I'm only on day 4 so far, but I'm more committed than I've been in a few years. This is my biggest goal because it so strongly affects how I feel about myself, and when I feel good about myself lots of other things fall into place.

2. Continue to tackle house organizing and decorating one room at a time. Next up: the playroom.

3. Spend more quality time with the kids and DH. (Some as a family, some one on one.)

4. "Read" 100 books. ("Read" because many will be audiobooks that I listen to while scrapping and working around the house.)

5. Scrap more. Or maybe that should be scrap with fewer distractions. Goals 1-3 are leaving me with less free time, and I need to be more focused during the time I do have.

Last edited by rach3975; 01-01-2012 at 02:47 AM.
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Old 01-01-2012, 02:53 AM
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My OLW is RESPECT and I've prepared variations of it for each months of the year. I blogged about it here, if you wanna check it out. I'm really excited about this new year!

Signature created using "To The Moon And Back" by Amanda Yi & Meghan Mullens
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Old 01-01-2012, 03:16 AM
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Ok - Here is my 12 for 12

1. Church more!!! Make God more a part of our lives
2. Spend more time with my best friend, my husband
3. Eat better -
4. Remember me.... (I tend to focus on everyone else)
5. Say NO more!!!!!!!!!
6. Give kids kisses EVERY DAY!!!! (even the 17yo)
7. Take more pictures - and be in the pictures
8. Embrace 40
9. Tone up the Bat Wings
10. More on line shopping - (Local shopping here sucks and costs me tons of money)
11. Scrap More - and actually print them!!!
12. Quilt More

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Old 01-01-2012, 03:31 AM
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My main goal for 2012 is to make myself a priority. 2011 taught me that I have to look out for myself --- what is important to me, what makes me better, what I want --- because Lord knows no one else is going to. If I have to be everyone else's rock, then I need to work on strengthening myself from the inside out so that I can be more rock-like and not always feel ready to crumble to ash at the slightest touch or breeze. [Yes, I do love extended metaphors. How did you know?] Food, sleep, exercise, and personal reflection all need to be added and/or regulated in my life this year.

And fun! I plan on having fun this year!! My cousin is turning 30 this year, and I plan on being there to surprise her (hopefully, I can get some of her local friends/family on board with planning a party). I also plan on taking a family vaca over FOJ and spending 4 or 5 days on a lake somewhere in Tennessee with either my cousin and her BF or DH's brother's family. I love to travel so much and didn't do a lick of it this year, and that makes me so sad.

DH has been promoted to a better position, but it is a quasi-internship, so it still pays zippo. He will be promoted (finally!) to FT in the next 6, 9, 12 months; it's just holding on until that point that is the kicker. I am determined that after 2 years of unemployment that I will find SOMETHING this year to do that makes money. I'm so sick of living paycheck to paycheck.

I want to be more intentional with my time with DD. We spend 24/7 together, and a lot of it is just 'hanging out' that doesn't do a whole lot for me or her. She's finally old enough to do crafts and things like that, and I want to start doing those type of activities on a regular basis and really engaging her mind and imagination.

Out of everything, I feel like my scrapping is getting better at least! Not every page is a 'wow,' but I like a lot more of my pages than I ever have before. I'm also embarrassingly proud that I finished my DD 2011 album and will be sending it off to be printed in the next couple weeks. I plan on finishing up my DD 2009 and 2010 albums as well as my AWITL 2010 and AWITL 2011 albums, so even if I don't get any other pages printed this year, I'll still have 5 mini-albums printed off that encapsulate a good chunk of the last few years (and doing AWITL 2012 in October and DD 2012, of course).
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Old 01-01-2012, 03:42 AM
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I am hoping that this year will bring me

an acceptance into my Bachelor of Nursing for 2013 - for that to happen I need to pass the next 4 courses during this year which I am doing part time. If this does not happen I will have to rethink my career options

many kilograms lighter by joining the gym

and generally a happier healthier me me

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Old 01-01-2012, 07:43 AM
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I'm not a goal-oriented person. I've mentioned it several times, but I have a deadline-heavy work, and I'm fine with it, but I hate deadlines, goals and anything performance-based in my free time. It screams self-imposed pressure to me - but as I said, that's just ME.

No goals then, not even scrappy ones. There are things I'd like to do, but there are no deadlines, and no "must-haves" connected with them. So you could say the only goal I have is to be more relaxed about things. The "enjoy, take your time and don't worry too much" kind of relaxed. :-)

I also don't view years separately - time doesn't really have limits, even though I can see why it's convenient to use 1 January as a symbol of a new start. Sometimes I do it, too, but mostly I try not to.

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Old 01-01-2012, 07:53 AM
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2012 is going to bring on some big changes for us.
- DH got a disability increase (yay for more money)
- Hopefully will be buying a house before 2013
- Rachel shouldn't have to have any MRI's this year (YAY she had 4 last year)
- We are moving out of this crappy apartment (now that we finally can - what was only suppose to be for 6 months turned into 2 years)
- This is Troy's last year home full time. Next school year (2013-2014) he starts Kindergarten. So we want to do more day/weekend trips together as a family while we can.

I'm also going to take the year to work on my layouts and then hopefully get accept to a CT either this year or next year.
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Old 01-01-2012, 07:54 AM
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I don't do resolutions and I don't do a word... life happens and you can't control a lot of it so I just live life day to day and enjoy every minute of it that I can.

I do turn 49 this year and that's kinda freaking me out a bit (first time any age has freaked me out ).

I think being older I have learned to do things the way I want to do them - I simplified years ago and I love my life the way it is these days. The things I would like to change are not possible, so life goes on and I've adjusted
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Old 01-01-2012, 07:54 AM
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I have only one goal for this year...delivery a healthy baby. And enjoy every minute of my pregnancy and our little one.

Three more days to my first ultrasound...I am so excited.
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Old 01-01-2012, 08:00 AM
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Originally Posted by mariewilcox View Post
I don't do resolutions and I don't do a word... life happens and you can't control a lot of it so I just live life day to day and enjoy every minute of it that I can.

I do turn 49 this year and that's kinda freaking me out a bit (first time any age has freaked me out ).

I think being older I have learned to do things the way I want to do them - I simplified years ago and I love my life the way it is these days. The things I would like to change are not possible, so life goes on and I've adjusted
I totally love what you wrote, Marie. :-)

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Old 01-01-2012, 08:07 AM
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Originally Posted by mariewilcox View Post
I don't do resolutions and I don't do a word... life happens and you can't control a lot of it so I just live life day to day and enjoy every minute of it that I can.
I totally am with you. We pcs this year, and with that it leaves lots and lots of unknowns. Like where we will live, where the kids will go to school, what the future holds. I don't want to think of resolutions I can't keep. My 1 goal is P365 again. Last year I made it through July. Hoping to make it the whole year this time.
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Old 01-01-2012, 08:20 AM
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Thanks Adrianka and Brittney! A lot of people I know don't agree with me - LOL.

Brittney - having spent many years moving around with the Marines I know what you are going through! I think the military shaped my life mentality to where it is today - if you can't control it then you have to work through it and make it the best you can type of attitude. I wish you luck and peace with your move!
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Old 01-01-2012, 10:09 AM
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2011 was such an eye opener for me--found out limits I surpassed and I feel like I let go of a lot of emotional junk. My OLW is MOVE--as in, move forward, move on, and move my @ss, lol. I do have some projects in the pipeline (scrappy and non-scrappy) but I'm also taking it easy on myself and keeping things flexible and loose
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Old 01-01-2012, 10:51 AM
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Originally Posted by mrshobbes View Post
2011 was such an eye opener for me--found out limits I surpassed and I feel like I let go of a lot of emotional junk. My OLW is MOVE--as in, move forward, move on, and move my @ss, lol. I do have some projects in the pipeline (scrappy and non-scrappy) but I'm also taking it easy on myself and keeping things flexible and loose
LOVE love love that word!!!

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Old 01-01-2012, 10:52 AM
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Originally Posted by Milmomma View Post
I totally am with you. We pcs this year, and with that it leaves lots and lots of unknowns. Like where we will live, where the kids will go to school, what the future holds. I don't want to think of resolutions I can't keep. My 1 goal is P365 again. Last year I made it through July. Hoping to make it the whole year this time.
WHAT Britt!!! You are moving!!!! Come to Italy!!! I know you can't but I can always dream!!! Where do you think you are headed???? -

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Old 01-01-2012, 02:00 PM
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I just want to CAPTURE more of my life. I want to CAPTURE my time and be a better manager of it. I want to learn how to CAPTURE a better picture and practice my photography skills. I want to CAPTURE more moments - big or small - with my family. Capture is obviously my word for the year but I just really want to get in the middle of my life and enjoy it. I tend to get caught up in my to do list or computer time and miss so much life going on around me. I want to be present and enjoy it.
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Old 01-01-2012, 02:06 PM
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2011 wasn't too bad for me, there's a few things I want to do in 2012 and I'm going to write a list of them tomorrow but they are mainly lose weight, get fit and start running, organize the house and spend less time on the laptop and more time with the kids!
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Old 01-01-2012, 03:04 PM
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I don't really do resolutions. I have things that I always see as important, and I try to work on those as needed. I was really thinking about having a word this year...but so far there are too many I'm thinking of!

2011 was turning out to be a good year. I turned 50, but didn't get to do anything since my dh was up in Alaska working. I was just happy there was work for him there, money to pay bills, money to put aside for a trip, because in February we celebrate 30 years.

That all took a turn when Rick started feeling sick and finally had to come home in early December. So far the neurologist thinks it's GBS, but it could be something else. He will finally have a lumbar puncture on Tuesday, so hopefully we'll have answers soon. Needless to say, we won't be taking our trip to Italy for our anniversary now. Money set aside will have to pay for medical bills...even with insurance, the treatment (if needed) is extremely expensive.

We put my mom into a nursing home too in 2011. She has Alzheimers. It's been very hard on my dad and I usually try to fly up once a month to see them and make sure everything is ok. I'm not sure how often I'll be able to get up there this year, but I'll be trying at least every other month.

I have some home projects that seem to be on the list for every year and don't get done. Rick promised me they'd be done this year (obviously not knowing that he'd be getting sick). I'm trying to hold him to them though! LOL!!
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Old 01-01-2012, 04:00 PM
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Originally Posted by 4noisyboys View Post
I don't really do resolutions. I have things that I always see as important, and I try to work on those as needed. I was really thinking about having a word this year...but so far there are too many I'm thinking of!

2011 was turning out to be a good year. I turned 50, but didn't get to do anything since my dh was up in Alaska working. I was just happy there was work for him there, money to pay bills, money to put aside for a trip, because in February we celebrate 30 years.

That all took a turn when Rick started feeling sick and finally had to come home in early December. So far the neurologist thinks it's GBS, but it could be something else. He will finally have a lumbar puncture on Tuesday, so hopefully we'll have answers soon. Needless to say, we won't be taking our trip to Italy for our anniversary now. Money set aside will have to pay for medical bills...even with insurance, the treatment (if needed) is extremely expensive.

We put my mom into a nursing home too in 2011. She has Alzheimers. It's been very hard on my dad and I usually try to fly up once a month to see them and make sure everything is ok. I'm not sure how often I'll be able to get up there this year, but I'll be trying at least every other month.

I have some home projects that seem to be on the list for every year and don't get done. Rick promised me they'd be done this year (obviously not knowing that he'd be getting sick). I'm trying to hold him to them though! LOL!!
HUGS! Been thinking about you Debra!

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Old 01-01-2012, 04:55 PM
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i've been thinking about you and your family as well, debra.

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Old 01-01-2012, 05:30 PM
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For me, I hope that 2012 is all about change. I have been afraid of change for so long, that I have allowed myself to settle for things I shouldn't have.

I've been a widow for almost 21 years. My husband died while I was pregnant with our son and I devoted all my energy to him, trying to be both parents and make up for all he would not have because of his father's death. He is now pretty much grown, and totally wonderful, and I think it is time for me to concentrate on me.

I'm way too heavy, but I signed up for Weight Watchers today and I am determined to change my body for the better. I have thyroid cancer and have told myself that I can not lose weight because of it, when the truth is I haven't tried. I can not change if I don't at least try.

I am not a highly social person and have let a lot of my friendships slide because I am busy at work and at home, but I need to change that. I need to reach out to people and open my heart to new and renewed relationships. I'm only 45, so finding love again is not out of the question, right?

Becoming more involved in this community is also a change I want to make this year. I love to scrap and I love what I see here, so I want to participate instead of just watch. I tend to sit on the sidelines and observe things, but I am determined to change that as well. And not just in scrapping, but in the other aspect of my life.

I haven't really written down all my goals for 2012, because frankly the weight loss one is very intimidating, but I'm determined that this is going to be my year to change for the better.
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Old 01-01-2012, 05:36 PM
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2011 was a really crappy year for our family. I'm hoping 2012 will be much better. I know with military life, I can't make too many plans, so what plans I do have are very flexible.

my OLW is FAMILY. I want to spend more time focusing on our family, making memories as we are.

I too am doing 12 for 12.

1. Read 26 books(a-z challenge)
2. Complete project life
3. Cook 24 new meals
4. Bake 26 types of bread
5. Spend one night a week unplugged
6. Take at least one photo per week for the year
7. Menu plan and STICK to the menu
8. Cross 2 more states off my map
9. Blog more
10. Complete 12 craft projects
11. Organize our home in preparation of a move
12. Budget my time better so I can focus on the family
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